Happiness During the Pandemic?

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs. Happiness during a pandemic.

Happiness during the pandemic?

Hello Beautiful Blossom!  Is happiness during the pandemic possible?

The question at hand:  Can you have happiness during the pandemic?  Is it possible?  Or happiness during any difficult life change for that matter … is it possible?

I think so.


It’s not always easy … at first, especially … but it’s possible!

And I’m going to share with you how I found happiness during the pandemic and other difficult times in my life in hopes my experiences can help you find new joys and feel better … super soon!

Right up front, I want to reassure you, I’m not talking oversimplified, fluffed-up B.S. here.  I’m not going to tell you some overly positive, unrealistic, useless crap.

I’m going to give you concrete, reality-based, helpful insight to help you!

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs. Happiness during a pandemic.

Concrete, Reality-based, Helpful Insight

Let’s start with acknowledging how hard living can be in unusual times.  Be it a pandemic.  Leaving behind all that you know to have to start over in a new place.  Unexpected career change.  Or how about a change in relationship status?

When we’ve been living life as we see it, happily, and to suddenly get uprooted and lose the familiar, the comfort, the safety, the security, or whatever was making us happy … when we lose what we are used to … it can be very unsettling … and very upsetting.

Yet …

There’s something to be said for breaking routine … getting out of your comfort zone … trying something new.  … Hang with me here … give me a second to show you where I’m going with this.

When we do the same things over and over, day after day, our chances to face new challenges diminish.

We can stunt our own growth.  Our readiness to adapt can fade.

Think of it as Use It or Lose It.

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs. Happiness during a pandemic.

Personal MK Short Story Time with Big Time Enlightening Insight

About five years ago, I was at the peak of my chronic fatigue/lethargy/muscle weakness challenges.  I spent most of every day and every night in bed.  Sometimes sleeping for up to 21 hours at a time, to wake up for 3 hours, and then find myself fully spent and going right back to bed.

Adding to this, my honeybun and I were living in Philly for Honeybun’s work … far away from home … and very different from our nature-y, Midwest life in Michigan.

It was a depressing and difficult time.

We lived for my “good days/moments!” But when we got them, all the things we would normally do for fun and happiness weren’t there.  The life we loved was left back in Michigan, and we felt stuck.

There came a day when I was Skyping (old school to today’s Zoom) with a friend, and I was telling her about my woeful concerns and challenges, and she replied with the most amazing, supportive, but assertive words ever!

“Well, if you can’t rebuild your Michigan life in Philly, then find new Philly things.  Try that and see if you can build new happiness.”

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs. Happiness during a pandemic.

How Did I NOT See that?


How simple.  And so obvious.

How had I not been able to just see it?  How I had not been able to just ask myself that question?

It was being stuck IN the moment, not being able to see such a straightforward solution.

 It’s like when you can’t see forest for the trees.

Sometimes you just need a fresh perspective.  An outside eye. Someone else independent of your view … the look of someone on the outside looking in to see what you can’t or don’t.

It was one of those conversational lightbulb moments that comes with the opportunity to heal and grow!

Since honeybun and I both had latent loves for photography and nature, we chatted and did some research, and before you know it, we were both geared up with digital cameras and a list of nearby gardens to visit.  And next good day, we bolted out the door with excitement!  This has led to new, cool friends and sustained life goodness!

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs. Happiness during a pandemic.

Applying what I learned … turned into pandemic readiness!

So fast-forward to the early days of the pandemic and all the shutdowns and isolations.

I was ready.

I knew the drill.

Instead of getting lost in the depression of losing life as we knew it or our way of living … we just created new pandemic-life things to do for us.

Even as the pandemic has dragged on ruthlessly and unkindly … we have continued to grow new ideas and activities into our days.

I still have debilitating health challenges.  It’s a dangerous world out there for me.  So isolation is really our best plan.

But isolation is so … lonely … and potentially disconnected.


But with the pandemic came Zoom.  I immediately sought out connectivity via Zoom.  I rethought my plans and grew in happy activities I could do in the safety of our space.  And when our little spot in the universe (Starry Cottage was finally built and ready for living), we dug in and have created happy spaces throughout our home to support a healthy, active, engaging, fun life … even in the pandemic.

Now, I’m not gonna sit here and tell you pandemic living is awesome.  Pandemic living has a big ol’ SUCKS!!!!!!! attached to it.

Do we miss getting out and playing in nature not just in our backyard?  Hells yes.

Do we miss seeing our peeps in person?  Yessssssssssssssss.

Do we miss the living freedoms we had before the pandemic hit?  Hells to the yes a million times over and over.

We even miss the simplicity of going shopping without being afraid for my life.  As such, I’ve not been inside a store, grocery or otherwise, in nearly 2 years.

But like living in Philly.  It wasn’t about rebuilding the life we had in MI.  That was impossible.  (The places, people, nature, and opportunities are all different … plus, our friends and family were all back home, plus, Philly is WAY more expensive!!!)

It was about building a new life filled with happiness in a space we had to be in – Philly.

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs. Happiness during a pandemic.

What we’re really talking about here …

And that’s where we are today.  It’s not about building a permanent pandemic life – hopefully (and if so, we’ll cross that bridge when it gets here)It’s about adapting and coping and growing.

And the truth of it is … with these challenges, when you seek to find the happinesses that will help you manage the challenge you face … you can grow new goodnesses into your life.

Philly forever gave us photography (and new friendships)!  And I also learned how to digi-doodle and art!  And how to video call. 

All of these have been amazing helps during the pandemic!

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs. Happiness during a pandemic.

Like Philly, the pandemic has given me gifts of happy growth as well!

I am a better, happier person!

  • I’ve met some amazing people in faraway places like Australia and the UK, and even way up in Canada … people, that sans pandemic, there would never have been a need, an impetus, to reach out to and grow into my life.
  • I have substantially grown my digi-doodling and digi-arting capabilities! I lose myself in my creating space … and my creative expression flows out of me with silly happiness!
  • I enjoy watching Bog TV (we have about an acre of nature behind our backyard to just sit and watch the trees, furry and flying and crawling creatures, the cattails flourishing in the bog, the ever changing sky, the stars … all of it) – being mindful and present, and sharing time with my honeybun.
  • I have found a bit of me that I never knew was there, and I’m getting to know this new me … and loving her! I’m way PINKer than I ever knew.  I’ve always been a lover and a helper, but I’ve found my light amongst the stars and here on earth.  I’m feeling a bubbling excitement that’s new and fun.  It’s making me smile bigger and brighter.  I LOVE this feeling!!!

So does living in pandemic times have a tremendous suck factor?  Sure.

But does that have to be all it is?  NO!

Can it be better than missing the way life used to be?  OHMIGOSH, YEEEEEESSSSS!

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs. Happiness during a pandemic.

It’s Your Turn!!!

So let’s get you up outta that stuck rut!  Let’s get you finding your new happy things!

Let’s get you past waiting for happiness to come back to you in “life as it was” returned.

Honestly … there’s real truth in the statement, “There’s no going back.”  Or “you can’t go back.”  There’s no going back and you can’t go back, because that moment is gone forever.  You are in a new moment.  You are in a new time.  With new things. 

Life will never be the same as it was before.

  • It’s basic logic.
  • Basic fact.
  • We’ve seen too many new things and experienced too many new experiences.
  • Life and its gifts and challenges continue to roll at us.

We grow.  We change.  We evolve.

Or we stay stuck, lamenting.  Disappointed.  Unhappy.

Let’s grow you, blossom!

You are beautiful!  You have so much happiness and goodness inside of you!  What is that thing?  Or things you’ve always wanted to try?  Or do?  Which one or ones will work for you in this moment of time?

Let’s help you let go of a life gone and blossom in your new life!

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs. Happiness during a pandemic.

Your Happiness During Hard Times (the pandemic) Checklist!

I hope sharing my experience has given you insight into possibilities for your life.  Sparked ideas for you that will help you grow happiness into your days, no matter where you are or what big shiz is happening out in the world.

In summary:

  • Don’t wait around for the “the way it was” … it’s not coming back. It can’t.  You’re a different person now than you were then … life changes us … so even if you could go back, it still wouldn’t be the same, cuz you’re not the same.
    • Accept that your life and life around you is moving forward.
  • Ask yourself, “What new thing or things can you grow into your life that work for you now?”
  • Find and create ways to grow these things into your life.
  • Grow forward.
    • Let go of the past.
    • Love the parts of the past that were wonderful.
    • Appreciate the parts of your past that helped you grow and be a better you … a more defined you … a you with interests and ideas and abilities.
    • Give gratitude for all the parts of the past … even the hard ones.
      • They have helped shaped you into the person you are today with your current strengths and gifts and love to share!
    • Give gratitude for having a today to live and find and grow a happier, healthier you!

Well, Blossom, I give gratitude for any and all the help this sharing gifts you with!  (I’m hoping it’s lots and lots!!!!)

You are beautiful!  You are precious!  You are loved!

Give yourself the time you need to love you!!!

Thank you for sharing this time with me!!!  Hugging you so big!

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs. Happiness during a pandemic.

Journal for You!

Journaling. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

Journaling for You!

Dear Sweet Blossoms!

Today, let’s talk journaling!!!  And before you potentially click outta here, like journaling ain’t yo’ thang … hang tight for just a sec.

Lemme share with you some awesomeness I’ve experienced from journaling … along with the things that didn’t work for me and the why’s of that.

Because, honestly, journaling – when you do you – can be SO HELPFUL, and SO HEALTHY!

For me, my journal is what I make of it, and I make it what I need and want:

  • Reaffirmation
  • Positivity
  • Support
  • Reflection
  • Goal creation
  • Action planning
  • A place to think
  • A place get “it” out and let “it” go
  • Loving, gentle reminders
  • Bright, colorful, happiness to greet me
  • An opportunity to create
  • Wisdom I’ve gained
  • Information I need
  • Dreamboarding
  • Anything and everything that serves me in growing my wellness and happiness

Here are some of the actual pages from my journal:

Journaling. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

Journaling Don’ts

Many, many, many moons ago, I used to journal – like a diary.  And then my boyfriend at the time “just happened to glance over and accidentally read some it.”

Uncool, dude.  Uncool.

Also, back then, I tried writing every day.  Cuz that’s what you do in a diary, right?  You’re faithful with your self-reporting, and you …, and NO, this did not work for me.  I’d get busy and forget a day, then feel guilty.  A week would go by, and I would sit down and try to remember each day and write it out.

Uh.  I’m not gonna be a slave to my own good intention.  That defeats the purpose.

So lessons learned of what NOT to do:

  • Don’t write down anything you don’t want other people “accidentally” reading, or keep your journal locked up.  Personally, I still write down anything and everything I need to get out of my system.  I am, thankfully, now in a relationship filled with openness and trust.  I share everything with my honeybun.  But what about all those other pesky people living in the world?  You never know when one of them might just be snooping around your room … lol.  In short, anything I feel should be just between me and the universe gets a flame ride into the heavens after I’ve given “it” the time I need to process it, learn from it, and let it go.
  • Don’t make your journal anything other than what serves you … what fuels you … what helps you feel well, healthy, and whatever other goodness you seek.  In short, don’t journal like other people tell you to journal.
Journaling. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

Journaling Do’s

It’s taken me time … learning what works for me, and then giving that to myself, to be able to create a journal space that nourishes and nurtures me – mind, body, soul, light, love, & spirit.

One of the things I’ve done in recent years is to go paperless.  I hope to reduce my footprint and consumption.  So I’ve become a digi-doodler, digi-everything.  And my journal is no exception.

In fact, until the pandemic started and my health took a super nosedive into the unknown, I hadn’t been journaling for a while.  But with everything going haywire (my health, and the health of the world around me), I needed a healing space … BIG TIME.  A resource of positivity to guide me and lift me up especially on my dark days.

I found creating a digi-journal to be incredibly exactly what I needed.  And the cool thing is, I have it downloaded into my Books on my phone, so I can have it with me whenever and wherever I need it.  (Being on my phone, and being digital, I simply update it when I have things I need/want to add/process/share, and then I download the updated version … easy and saaaweeeet!)

My suggestions for what To Do when creating your journal:

  • Be kind to yourself
  • Be patient with yourself
  • Give yourself the space you need to be authentic, honest, open, and there for you
  • Journal when it serves you – when you feel called to your pages, not when an external expectation/definition would have you journal
  • When you need to get “it” out, write freely, without thought to grammar, punctuation, “correctness,” etc … just let it rip!  Then process it.  And then, the ultimate – Let it go!
  • When you feel the “harsh-ies” toward yourself … you know, you’re telling yourself how much you suck in whatever special way only you can bring yourself down (we all do it) … well, go ahead and write down how much you suck (btw: you don’t suck!  not even a little!) … but so, write it down, and then my invitation to you … turn that negative self-talk into a positive in whatever way serves you:
    • maybe you give yourself a goal with an action list to accomplish your goal
    • maybe you reframe your negative thought into a positive thought
    • maybe you see the words for the hurt they cause you, and find a way to love yourself more instead of taking yourself out at the kneecaps with a word/thought bat).
  • Let your pages heal you, guide you, inform you, light up your day … let your pages bring positivity and wellness into your life
  • Remember always: Progress, not perfection. (quote: Jill Stante)
  • Remember always: Nourish to flourish!
  • Remember always: What can you do to help you and your body cope and heal right now?
  • Be as creative or uncreative as you want … it’s your journal … it’s your toolkit of healing, love, light … or whatever you need it to be!
  • Remember: Your journal is your space to be what you need/want it to be.
  • What inspires you?  Do you like to color, write, take photos, etc … how do you like to express yourself and document/witness your life?
Journaling. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

Journaling for Reflective, Guiding Purpose!

Before we wrap up the idea of journaling, I want to share with you a specific page outta my journal I recently created.

The other day, I was feeling badly – health-wise – but I wanted to create something positive (for the goodness I could feel in the moment creating something positive, and for the positive of having created something I wanted to share with myself in my journal).

Recently, I’d been looking at scrapbook ideas for I can’t remember what reason, but I came across an image that inspired me.  And I thought, I gotta PINK that up in my own doodle-delicious way!

So there I was, feeling badly, wanting to create something positive, wanting to create a journal page, and having a scrapbook inspiration page.  So I created this:

Journaling. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

Isn’t it just the PINKest, happiest scrapbook page, ever???  LOL.

Everything you see I created.  I used doodles and art I’d already created.  And I made some new.  And I PINKed up my Life Goals list of how I want to live my life/what’s important to me.

And now, it’s in my journal!  I can review it whenever I want/need to.   I can get high off of the delightful PINK eye-fumes.  I smile just looking at it!  It serves me.

And so, I share with you an example of what even a single page in your journal can do for you!

Even in the creation of this page, I gifted myself the positive, creative, soothing activity of assembling and playing in my doodle-tastic world.  I made a squee page for reflection and guidance, for healing and happiness.

The process was happy healing, and the product nourishes me so I can flourish!

A scrapbook journal page may not be your cup of tea.  That’s totally cool.  I’m not trying to convince you to scrapbook journal.  I’m inviting you to Journal for You!  You do you!  I just hope my share inspires you with your own ideas of helpful possibilities!

Hugging you the biggest and loving you even more!  Hope this writing brings a smile to your face and a hug to your heart … and happy new ideas for making your journal the coolest place ever!!!

Tower Garden by Juice Plus+. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

MK’s Reflections: What life do you want to live?

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

What life do you want to live?

Hello Bright Star!

When I was a young adult, the life I wanted to live was survival.  Pay rent.  Get food.  Afford electricity.  The basics.

I joined the US Air Force to get stability and ended up in the Gulf War … not the most stable of life events.  And then I got lucky.  I was offered the GI Bill.  It wasn’t a lot of money, but it was help to go to college, and so I did.

In college, I knew I wanted 2 things: to be the absolute best student I could be (on the ideal this would provide me more options), and to get get a degree in science.  I nailed both.

This whole time, I never stopped to ask myself what life I wanted to live.  I was just simply living and surviving.  It was instinctual.  Habit, sort of.  I was just digging into life like what I saw other people doing.  Go to work, pay bills.  You know the drill.  But with college, the closest I got to asking myself what life I wanted to live was to simply keeping living and trying to build a better life than “survive.”

Jump forward a few decades of endless work ethic and hours, followed by chronic illness most likely brought on by all the work and surviving, and I’m in a new place.

A place with reflective and insightful perspective.  I’ve learned to ask the question: What life do you want to live?

Of course, this is a value based life query.

What life do you want to live?

I invite you to make some time for yourself and answer this question.  Grow your idea of life.  Grow your hopes and dreams.  Give your life meaningful direction by understanding what is important to you!

I’m going to share my answer to this question by rephrasing the question as: What are the TOP 10 things you want to do in your life?  (Asked this way by the ever wonderful Leonie Dawson!)

  • Have a beautiful, happy, supportive, loving, wonderful life with my honeybun
  • Create happiness, light, love, joy, positivity
  • Live in gratitude & wellness
  • Grow and nurture beautiful relationships
  • For my body, mind, soul, efforts, and energies, nurture, nourish, live, learn, and grow with sustainability, conservation, goodness, wellness, healthiness
  • Movement in my life through yoga, walking, bouncing, and outdoor adventures
  • Be authentic and genuine and be my best possible self
  • See and experience the beauty of nature
  • Live and die painlessly
  • Have a positive, kind, loving impact on all those I encounter … and if possible improve the earth’s wellness through my actions and helping others in need, like seniors, homeless, and abused and neglected animals

I hope sharing my list helps encourage you to create your list!

I use my list to guide my daily endeavors … I am living this life!  I love it!!!

I hope to help you grow a life you love living, too!

Big Hugging you with my loving PINK heart!

Tower Garden by Juice Plus+. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

MK’s Reflections: Patience

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

MK’s Reflections: Patience

Beautiful Blossom,

Maybe you can relate.

My honeybun tells me, “You have to have patience.”

But, … but.  I want it now!

Sometimes we’re talking little stuff, like landscaping and wanting to get my flowers in to see the beauty … but it’s too late in the season.  Or I want to go find some pretty rocks to decorate with, but that would mean being around people.

Sometimes we’re talking big stuff, like I keep trying so hard to wellness myself into feeling well again … but it’s taking fooooooooooooorrrrrreeeeeevvvvvvvver!  Being a girl is way harder than it looks!  Hormones – gah!

Something I’m learning in pandemic times is patience. 

With my health compromised and the risk of being around people who may not be vaccinated or willing to wear a mask has made my life one of contact-free, stay-at-home … and all the limitations that come with it.

Prepandemic, going to grocery store was easy.  Going anywhere was easy.

Now, I go almost nowhere.  To the doctors for medically necessary appointments, and that’s about it.  And even then, I’m putting things off that don’t outweigh the possibility of getting sick.

Prepandemic, the world was nicer.  It’s not so nice these days.  Which, when you are building a house, needing landscaping, needing skilled laborers to help and assist … comes with intimidation, frustration, and a desire to DIY as much as possible.

Prepandemic, we didn’t have supply chain challenges and supply shortages.  Now we stock up and wait when there’s no stock.


Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!


I’ve learned patience.

Where once I would simply run out and get that “thing,” now, if I can’t order it, I don’t get it.  And even if I can order it, I wait for it to arrive.

The gift of this is I’ve learned the value of need vs wantI’ve learned the difference between immediacy, and that which can wait.  I’ve gained independence and self-sufficiency through home growing food to reduce my reliance on grocery store supplies, among many other new ways of living, like simply learning to consume less – need vs want. 

It’s the great silver lining to facing challenges.  With open eyes, thought, and reflection, we can learn a lot and adapt.  We grow.  We get better.

I’d gotten used to the convenience and ease of “just running out to get ‘it.'”  Our culture focuses on making our lives easier, more convenient.  But those are only two values in a very complex equation of living life.

  • Patience.
  • Kindness.
  • Understanding the difference between need vs want.
  • Accepting we cannot control the world around us, but we can adapt and grow and find what works best for us.

May we all find the patience we need to get through this pandemic well, healthy, and safe.  May we remember kindness helps foster community and positive connectivity, and engage kindness as our MO.  May we come to see that need is more important than want and change our focus to what we need.  May we accept the challenge before us and use this time to grow and adapt.  May the love in our hearts shine through brightly!

I wish you a wonderful day filled with love, big hugs, laughter, and goodness in your belly and your heart!

Tower Garden by Juice Plus+. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

The Power of a Smile!

The Power of a smile. Van Gogh Starry Night. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

The power of a smile!

Okay Beautiful Blossoms … let’s not complicate this one.  A smile is POWERFUL!  It is an instant pick-me-up!  Even if you fake it, a smile will do good things to your body!!!

It’s chemical, people!  We have Happy Hormones!

You smile; your facial muscles move; your brain gets triggered; feel good chemicals get released; and voila … instant mood lifter!!!!

So what are you waiting for?

Are you smiling right now?  Why not?  … You could be … !!!

The Power of a smile. Van Gogh Starry Night. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

You’ll note the upturned corners of my mouth … my teeth beaming … my cheeks rounded and up … it’s as though my lips are stretching to meet my ears.

You smile, you feel better!  Easy peasy!

What’s not to love?

The Power of a smile. Van Gogh Starry Night. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

A heartfelt moment to be seriously serious.

I’m actually totally serious above, even if a bit silly.  But as a blossom challenged by perimenopausal hormone shifts, fluctuating hormone turbulence, and a state of ever depleting estrogen and progesterone levels, I get these horrible, terrible, life-crashing, grief-striking bouts of sobbing tears accompanied by incomprehensible bereft feelings that clench my stomach and make eyes leak like rivers.

These moments totally suck!!!

So … for my beautiful blossom who suffer depression, anxiety (I have that, too, and I know how bad anxiety bites the biggy, too.), etc, … if you’ve got a regular case of the “sads” or “scaredy cats,” I just want you to know … I’ve tried with every PINK molecule and energy light in my body to smile in these sobbing moments, and I’m usually NOT successful.

In these acute moments, sometimes we have to give ourselves the necessary time to process the moment.

THEN, as soon as we can, we can smile to help continue our upward journey take us upward faster and happier!

And might I also just add … if you are a blossom with clinical depression and/or anxiety, please keep seeing your therapist, doing your therapy in all its many forms, and please keep healing!  Smile when you can, cuz it really does help!  And know we are here for you in the biggest loving, hugging way possible!!!  Holding you on your journey and helping you get to the other side of your challenge!

Know that you are always welcome here!  Know that I am hugging you so big!  And with so much love!

I really hope my smiles, hugs, and loves, in all their forms can bring joy into your day and life, and help to brighten your spirits!

The Power of a smile. Van Gogh Starry Night. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Quick Highlights Benefits of Smiling

  • Studies have shown the simple act of smiling is the fastest way to perk you up and brighten your day. Even if you “make yourself” smile … it still releases your brainz happy juices!
  • Stress reducer
  • Immune system booster (makes you healthier)
  • Pain reducer
  • Lowers your BP
  • In short … a true kindness to you!!!!
  • And … it’s a kindness that can be shared for free!!!!

What can you do right now to help you smile?

As you likely know, I’ve got lots of Smile Tools in my tool kit!

  • I doodle!
  • I host Create and Share Parties (more on this to come!)!
  • I chat with friends and loved ones!
  • I give gratitude for the goodness in my life!
  • I spend mindful moments just breathing and taking in the nature around me!
  • I yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, and more yoga!
  • I slurp (yep, I actually slurp as necessary!) on fruit smoothies!
  • I watch the creatures being all creature-y in Bog-landia behind my Starry Cottage lil home!
  • I hug my honeybun!
  • I watch funny/happy/uplifting movies/videos!
  • I tell jokes!
  • I write funny stuff!
  • I read funny stuff!
  • Uh, I’ll just up and start smiling … just to be smiling!
  • I silly dance around in my Starry Cottage!
  • … just to name a few …

I encourage you to make tool kit of smile-inducers!  And you can start right now by listing off 3 things you can do to smile!  (Like go back up and see me smiling at you!  Or check out my awesomely fun “doodle Gogh!”)

The Power of a smile. Van Gogh Starry Night. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Be the smile in your day!  Be the smile in someone else’s day, too!

Well, Beautiful Blossoms!   I have loved spending this happy, loving time with you and creating these very special “doodle Gogh” arts for you!  I hope I have brought fun, silliness, smiles, and love and big hugs into your day today!

You are so very precious!

Thank you for sharing this time with me!

Super Muah!

The Power of a smile. Van Gogh Starry Night. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Art as Self-Care:
Lights Digi-Painting

Art as Self-Care. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Art as Self-Care: Lights Digi-Painting

About a week ago, I had a really scary experience.  A something that triggered my anxiety/panic-button in this COVID pandemic time.  Irresponsible, disrespectful, self-righteous behaviors of others that put my improving-but-still-fragile health at risk.  I never saw the danger coming.  I was in a supposedly trustworthy medical environment for a very necessary yearly appointment.  Yet, there I was, surrounded by unsafety.

The day it happened, I almost held up throughout.  My therapy techniques held me until the night … which is when I’m most vulnerable (cuz like, I’m tired, ya know?).

Well, so, I made it through the day; then, I cried that night.  The fear caught up with me.  I woke up the next day almost numb.  Or rather, I simply felt so depleted I was barely there.  I retreated into myself to try to cope and to allow the post-experience healing process to continue.  I was quiet.  I felt a dark, cloudy bubble surrounding me.

It wasn’t fun.

I didn’t feel well.  I felt low and vulnerable.

I didn’t want to talk with friends.  I just wanted to be very, very, very quiet.

But, slowly, throughout the week, I gained ground.  Bit by bit.

A few days “post-event,” I found myself sitting in front of my computer, staring at my project planner.  I knew I needed to do something to get out of my shell.  But as I stared at my screen, I didn’t engage.

I wasn’t ready “to work” (like blogging or story writing).

I needed something less structured.  With no expectations beyond creating a healing experience for myself.

I scrolled the pages of my digi-planner until a little gem caught my eye.

I have a variety of projects: small, medium, and big, with different purposes, involving different skills sets and interests.  This variety helps me stay active for almost any energy/ability/mental level.  And  when I run into “down” time that requires some extra self-loving and self-caring … I’ve made sure I have lots of choices to pick from.

The Little Gem That Caught My Eye

In any given moment, I create to let my heart and mind express whatever they need to express.  I don’t force myself to create anything.  I just let my energy flow.  Sometimes I doodle.  Sometimes I I write.  Sometimes I digi-paint using snaps of nature as canvases.  Sometimes I use an inspiration snap to guide me wherever I need to go.

That’s what happened here.

Art as Self-Care. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs! Original snap found somewhere in the interwebs universe.

Inspiration and Healing

When I saw this little image I came across somewhere in the interwebbin werld, I felt it again … the peaceful joy this image induces in me.  I’m not sure why it makes me feel so calm and happy.  It’s just a blurry snap of a city street and crosswalk somewhere in the world at night with lights.  But I suspect it’s the colors and the lights and how the pinks pop out against the darkened teals and blues.  The lights and colors remind me of Christmas lights, and Christmas lights have been one of my favorite things on earth since I was old enough to crawl under the Christmas tree and fall asleep.

So with a bit of peacful joy guiding my heart, I kept studying the snap (the colors and the feel) and digi-painted, starting with a blank white canvas and some digital watercolors.  I didn’t do anything fancy.  I simply “moused” color onto my digital canvas, seeking the experience of color.  Of quiet.  Of peaceful time to savor and feel safe in.

Art as Self-Care. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

In case you are interested, anyone with a computer + mouse or touchscreen + pen can do what I did here (and beyond those already purchased items, you can do it for free).  I used the FREE Adobe Fresco App and my mouse for the entire painting.  Adobe provides an quick start-up tutorial that will have you painting in about 5 easy minutes … SERIOUSLY!

My one creative splurge for my final outcome was to add a PhotoShop Elements “Paint Daubs” filter to my image to help my lights pop a lil bit more.

You can either paint something in your heart/mind’s eye, or you can find a snap/IRL-setting of something that inspires you … and start painting!

While painting, I used a coupla different watercolor brushes (Watercolor Wash Soft + Basic Watercolor).

My goal wasn’t to recreate the image.  I just wanted the colors and feeling the snap gave me to guide my color choices and placement in a manner consistent with giving my painting the happy visual punch of lights against darkness in a way that makes me feel happy.

I’d just been through an experience that darkened my days, and I know that the way back to healing is to focus on the light – and I love Pink light, especially.

This painting took me about 2 hours to complete – it was a relatively quick painting (many of my creations take much longer).

In my 2 hours, I came away from my digital canvas smiling and feeling brighter than I had the whole week.  I was excited to share my creation with close friends and my honeybun (which got me outta my troubled and introvert shell).

My creation time was self-caring time that allowed me to focus on something different than the fear, the scary moment in time.  My anxiety quieted.  My mind calmed down and found peace.  This self-caring time allowed me to rest and heal in a positive and supportive manner.  It was soul-soothing delicious time well spent!  It gave me strong steps to letting go and moving forward!!!

So … lemme show you what I created!  As I am quite excited!!!

The first image is of my original watercolor painting, and the second one has the “splashy/flashy” filter added for a popping-of-the-lights effect.

I love both!

Art as Self-Care. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs! Art as Self-Care. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

So now that I shared my experience, let’s talk about the health benefits of art-ing, painting, writing, crafting, … creating.

Creating is focused, mindful, and calming (it actually produces dopamine, an antidepressant).  Art as self-care checks off a lot of boxes.  It helps you de-stress.  Add to all of these just stated, creating will help you feel happy and smile.  It can get you connecting with loved ones again.  It can help break through the dark haze holding you down.

And the good news is, evening creating (say, for instance, coloring) for 5 minutes a day can make a difference in your daily life … it’s excellent daily self-care!

Art as self-care, my beautiful blossoms and bright stars, is a happy, healthy, fun, healing way to process life’s challenges!

Love yourself with some create time!

  • paint
  • write
  • color
  • doodle
  • draw
  • crochet
  • knit
  • quilt
  • write a short story
  • journal
  • make a collage of snaps you collect from online or IRL
  • mold and shape clay
  • paint ceramics
  • build fused glass gloriousness!
  • create tile mosaics
  • … uh, this list goes on and on!

Whatever you do, enjoy it!  Let it free your mind.  Give yourself a much needed rest and break!  Let your tensions chill da hellz out for a while!  (lol).  Heal.  Find peace and calm.  Be well again, my amazing sweet pea!

You are worthy of this time and your art-ing to self-care!

Art as Self-Care. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Thank you so much for sharing this growing, healing time with me!

Take a deep breath in, and know you are loved!  Cuz, I loves you SO BIG!!!

Eat something nourishing today!  And know I am hugging you GIGANTIC!

Love and Big Hugs Mary Kate

Invasion of the Frogs?!
On the Bog (with Kat, Bear, & Wogs)

On the Bog! Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Invasion of the Frogs?!

Early summer rains brought cool winds and dark skies.  Kat, Bear, and Wogs were nestled warmly near the toasty fire in their Starry Cottage On the Bog!

Inside, Kat, Bear, and Wogs cozied up on their comfy couch and listened with giddy glee to the happy, froggy harmony coming in from the Bog.  You almost couldn’t hear the steady pour of rain for the loudness of the frogs.

Kat (giggling at the delightful sound):  They’re SO LOUD.  The rain is making them very happy!

Wogs (turning to look at Kat with big, wondering, playful eyes):  What if it’s not lots of frogs?  What if it’s just one REALLY BIG frog!

hearts. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Kindness and Caring.  These go a long way and make a big difference in the world around us.  And for ourselves.

Dear Sweet Blossoms,

I find myself vibrating with the stress of an unkind, uncaring interaction today.  We had trees planted here at our Starry Cottage On the Bog (we are so grateful for our new trees, the life and light they are, and the life they will support)!

The trees are a delight!

The planters of the trees were unkind and uncaring, and their actions and attitudes have been a challenge to process.  I mention this, not to be a bummer, but to highlight our actions have impact.  Whether for good or for bad.  We can be bright lights and love and bring ourselves and the world up, or not.  It is our choice.

I feel our times are changing us.  I’m feeling harshness where once their was, at minimum, social civility.

It does not have to be this way.

We can be kind.  We can care.  We can love.  And we be bright lights!

For me, I find it feels wonderful sharing and smiling and hugging and being there for others!

Being here with you is AMAZING!!!  Being here with you is SQUEE!!!  Being here with you is HEALING!!!  Being here with you is LOVE and BIG HUGS!!!

Be well, my sweet peas!  May you find yourself surrounded by kindness and caring today, and everyday (and for when you don’t, know I am hugging you tighter and brighter, all day long!)!!!

Love and Big Hugs Mary Kate

10 Minutes to Change Your Life!

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

10 Minutes to Change Your Life!

Hello Beautiful Blossom!!!

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Many of the changes I made last year (read this awesome post), came in 10 minute blocks.

Putting ideas into your head (lol, but it’s for your own good, lol, but with big loves):

  • mindfulness
  • positude
  • reaffirmations
  • gratitude
  • movement wellness
  • nutrition wellness
  • paced breathing
  • mini mind-cations (putting your tech down and living in and enjoying your moment)
  • dedication to self-care, even if starting with determining what self-care you need
  • connecting with a friend or loved one
  • learning about nutrition or movement wellness
  • laughing until your tummy and cheeks ache
  • journaling
  • self-love
  • btw: this list could go on and on … feel free to add your own ideas

Like maybe you want to grow some kind of movement wellness into your life (for me, yoga, dance/walking, and rebounding).

Well, each of these started off as 10 minute blocks (actually, I’m still growing rebounding into my life, and am currently up to 3 minutes … and happily growing myself!).  I didn’t grow each thing all at the same time.  I grew as I was ready to grow.  Lil steps.

But my lil steps and each 10 minute block has made a huge difference in my life … I’m so much healthier and stronger than I used to be … I am healing!

So the first thing I did was this … I told myself the absolute truth:

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Excellent!  Dance/walking it is!!!  My first wellness change, coming right on up.

So the first thing I did was tell myself … okay, no matter what, today, I’m gonna walk/dance around my house for 10 minutes.


Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

I ended up finding that for me, my dance/walk time was best in the evening.  So … as my night rounds down, I tell Siri to set my timer for 10 minutes, and I put on some happy music I like to move and groove to.

Now you might be thinking, but MK, 10 minutes?  That hardly seems worth doing.

Are you kidding me???????

It’s 10 minutes you weren’t giving to yourself before now.  And quite honestly … you seriously are worth your 10 minutes.  And even more so, studies show that if you can walk 20 minutes a day, you will be making a HUGE difference in your life … and you don’t have to do the whole 20 minutes at once.  Two 10 minute blocks of move and groove time will do the trick.  So start small … get used to getting in your 10 minutes … and grow from there.

  • You are worth 10 minutes of your time!
  • Every little bit you do for yourself is better than not doing anything at all!
Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!


And so … that my delightful blossom is it.

  • Love yourself enough to commit to 10 minutes.
  • Start small. (See, the secret trick is … everybody has 10 minutes … 10 minutes is easy … it’s the bigger amounts of time that get harder to carve out … and next thing you know, you stopped giving yourself your time.  So screw the big blocks!  Little blocks.  10 minute blocks.  You’ve got 10 minutes.  You are worth 10 minutes of time!!!!)
  • Grow as you are ready.
  • On days, when time is tight … even if you’ve grown up to more minutes … but today is all like … you don’t have time … 10 minutes. Find that 10 minutes and make it your own.  Even if it isn’t your new bigger block of time you love, 10 minutes is better than no minutes.
  • When you feel you are loving your new thing enough to grow in more time, it won’t be hard … you’ll be all like … Ohmigod, this thing I’m doing for me feels so freaking awesome I need more! … and you’ll give yourself more!
  • If the thing you are trying to grow isn’t resonating with you … you ain’t loving it???? … then it is not serving you … trade in and trade up … find a new thing!

Before you know it, you’ll be able to grow in lots of little things as you need and want them … cuz, seriously, everybody’s got 10 minutes! … Yep, even you.  You just have to love yourself enough to give yourself your 10 minutes.

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

What beautiful, awesome, happiness, healthiness, wellness, goodness will you pick to start with????

I’m so excited for you!!!!

ps: If you are game for a gentle challenge … I challenge you to start today … just 10 little, itty bitty minutes for you.  And if you can’t do, 10, then 5, and if not 5, then 3, … even on this short notice … seriously, you’ve got 3 minutes for yourself.

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs! Love and Big Hugs Mary Kate

Frogs On the Bog!
On the Bog (with Kat, Bear, & Wogs)

On the Bog! Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Frogs On the Bog!

Spring rains had come and gone throughout the night.  With the new day, the nearly clear, blue sky was brightened by the happy, warm sun and dotted by only the occasional fluffy white cloud.

The air smelled fresh and renewed, and the gentle breeze invited exploration and adventure!  Everything on the Bog was beginning to look and sound more vibrant and alive!

Kat, Bear, and Wogs had woken up to their favorite delightful Bog sounds: birds chirping, singing, and trilling, … and frogs!  Chatterbox frogs carrying on the most animated and chipper conversations!

Excited to spy a glance of froggy delight, Bear hopped in his wagon to go for a Bog stroll.  Kat and Wogs, gleefully agreed and out they went to find some exuberant, chitter chattering frogs!  Even Belle followed along behind, swooshing and swooping through the air in springy delight.

As they blissfully sauntered along, listening to the frog talk getting louder and louder, and keeping their eyes peeled for the amphibious fun, they came upon a small Bog pond … and there they were … the frogs!

Kat (giddily bouncing and pointing):  Look!  There they are!!!!

Wogs (happily halting the pull on Bear’s wagon, he turned to see):  I see them!  And look, there’s Squeech, too!

Bear (having been keeping his ears pert and alert, he turned his head and happily flicker-waved his tail, feeling adventurous success!):  Mrow!

“Spatial Awareness” … lol … fancy talk for finding your happy place!

Find a place you love.  A place that makes your heart sing.  Where you feel at peace, with calm and happiness.  Live there, go there, walk there, spend time there … whatever … be there.

Learn this goodness info about you … learn what makes you feel bliss-filled peace and calm.  And when you feel the pressures of life, the world, your relationships, work, health, … whatever is being a challenge … spend time in your happy place.

Breathe.  And just be.  Let go.  Give yourself a break.  Time to rest and rejuve.  Heal.  And be squee again.

For me, hands down, this place is in the nature of my backyard.  Pauli and I specifically chose our little, tiny corner of the world to be on a bog with a river and woods nearby … and delightful woodland creatures!  It brings our hearts so much delight!

We open the windows and just listen to the sounds of the birds and the frogs and the buzz and hum of bog life.

We firepit under the stars and listen to the frogs go wild in nightly delight (and the crickets, too!)  And owls … sometimes we hear the owls.

I could spend hours just being in this space, and it does my body good.

When we built our house, I was still very much in the depths of chronic fatigue and spent many, many, many long hours too weak to move out of bed.  So we made sure I would have a happy view and delightful sounds to encourage me, even from bed.  Living on the bog is healing balm for my soul.  We wanted to empower delight in me to help me heal, or at least enjoy what I could of life being stuck in bed.

If I’ve learned anything, having your spot … the space that makes your heart sing … it makes a truly positive difference!  It will help you feel light and airy.  It will put a smile on your face and pink in your heart!  It’s easy self-care!

So wherever your spot is … whether you live there or visit, or even imagine it … May it bring you healing, loving light and grow the smile on your face, ever so BIG!!!

Love and Big Hugs Mary Kate

Recipe Revamp (Low Sugar) Spicy Orange Anti-Inflammatory Dream Crackers

Recipe Revamp (low sugar) Spicy Orange Anti-Inflammatory Dream Crackers. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

Spicy Orange Anti-Inflammatory Dream Crackers

  • ½ c butter (good fat of your choice, but butter tastes so good)
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 Tbsp blackstrap molasses
  • 1 Tbsp turmeric
  • 1Tbsp ground ginger
  • 1 Tbsp ground black pepper
  • 2 tsp cinnamon
  • ½ tsp orange extract
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ½ tsp baking soda
  • 1 ½ c cassava flour
  • 4 small splashes of milk (it’s what I needed to help my dough stick together better, can try without and add at the end if you need/like)

In mixing bowl, add butter, eggs, molasses, orange extract, and milk. Mixy blend well.

In another small bowl, combine and mix well: turmeric, ginger, pepper, cinnamon, salt, and baking soda.  Add to wet, and mixy blend well.

Finally add in cassava flour and mixy blend well.  You should have a big ol’ clump of wetter than dry batter that you can roll out easily.

Roll dough flat (1/8″ – ¼” inch thick).


MK thoughts and notes:

This recipe actually comes from my holiday search for cookies.  I found this Paleo Anti Inflammatory Spice Cookie recipe at All the Nourishing Things website, and as I read the recipe, I thought …. Hmm, this could make a tasty cracker to go along with bone broths, soups, green drinks, etc.  A quick scan of the ingredients and the decision to delete the sugar (except keep the molasses) and add a pinch of salt for baking, and I was off and running.

I followed Lindsey’s instructions, except that I found the dough to be a bit dry toward the end for me, so I added some splashes of milk to get it to hold together more (you could use water instead if you need to, or perhaps a bit more egg).  I didn’t roll mine out so much as smoosh them flat with a spatula, and then cut with a pizza cutter.  But they tasted SOMIGOSH GOOD, that I’ve already made a few batches and will keep making them.  I’ve changed up the mixy directions a lil bit for ease and convenience to me, but pretty much, Lindsey is on point.

The short of it is this … if you want the cookie for a healthier alternative, keep the sugar … I’m certain you won’t be disappointed.  And if you want an excellent tasting cracker (that sounds delicious with some cream cheese … next up on my list to try), then this Spicy Orange Anti-Inflammatory Dream Cracker is just the cracker you are looking for!

My very happy tastebuds give tremendous gratitude to All the Nourishing Things for making my dream cracker dreams comes true!  Be sure to check out Lindsey Dietz’s website for more delicious goodies … she’s on this healthy thing SO GOOD!!!!  And she gives great guidance and helpful healthy info along with her recipes!!!!  I’m absoloodily thrilled to have found her!!!!

Recipe Revamp (low sugar) Spicy Orange Anti-Inflammatory Dream Crackers. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs. My plate of dream crackers with my green drink!

I sincerely hope you enjoy these as much as I do!

Living an anti-inflammatory life is the way to go for happiness and healthiness, and these crackers (or cookies, if you prefer) are a great addition to your wellness living!

Hugging you so big today!

Love and Big Hugs Mary Kate