10 Minutes to Change Your Life!
Hello Beautiful Blossom!!!

Many of the changes I made last year (read this awesome post), came in 10 minute blocks.
Putting ideas into your head (lol, but it’s for your own good, lol, but with big loves):
- mindfulness
- positude
- reaffirmations
- gratitude
- movement wellness
- nutrition wellness
- paced breathing
- mini mind-cations (putting your tech down and living in and enjoying your moment)
- dedication to self-care, even if starting with determining what self-care you need
- connecting with a friend or loved one
- learning about nutrition or movement wellness
- laughing until your tummy and cheeks ache
- journaling
- self-love
- btw: this list could go on and on … feel free to add your own ideas
Like maybe you want to grow some kind of movement wellness into your life (for me, yoga, dance/walking, and rebounding).
Well, each of these started off as 10 minute blocks (actually, I’m still growing rebounding into my life, and am currently up to 3 minutes … and happily growing myself!). I didn’t grow each thing all at the same time. I grew as I was ready to grow. Lil steps.
But my lil steps and each 10 minute block has made a huge difference in my life … I’m so much healthier and stronger than I used to be … I am healing!
So the first thing I did was this … I told myself the absolute truth:

Excellent! Dance/walking it is!!! My first wellness change, coming right on up.
So the first thing I did was tell myself … okay, no matter what, today, I’m gonna walk/dance around my house for 10 minutes.

I ended up finding that for me, my dance/walk time was best in the evening. So … as my night rounds down, I tell Siri to set my timer for 10 minutes, and I put on some happy music I like to move and groove to.
Now you might be thinking, but MK, 10 minutes? That hardly seems worth doing.
Are you kidding me???????
It’s 10 minutes you weren’t giving to yourself before now. And quite honestly … you seriously are worth your 10 minutes. And even more so, studies show that if you can walk 20 minutes a day, you will be making a HUGE difference in your life … and you don’t have to do the whole 20 minutes at once. Two 10 minute blocks of move and groove time will do the trick. So start small … get used to getting in your 10 minutes … and grow from there.
- You are worth 10 minutes of your time!
- Every little bit you do for yourself is better than not doing anything at all!

And so … that my delightful blossom is it.
- Love yourself enough to commit to 10 minutes.
- Start small. (See, the secret trick is … everybody has 10 minutes … 10 minutes is easy … it’s the bigger amounts of time that get harder to carve out … and next thing you know, you stopped giving yourself your time. So screw the big blocks! Little blocks. 10 minute blocks. You’ve got 10 minutes. You are worth 10 minutes of time!!!!)
- Grow as you are ready.
- On days, when time is tight … even if you’ve grown up to more minutes … but today is all like … you don’t have time … 10 minutes. Find that 10 minutes and make it your own. Even if it isn’t your new bigger block of time you love, 10 minutes is better than no minutes.
- When you feel you are loving your new thing enough to grow in more time, it won’t be hard … you’ll be all like … Ohmigod, this thing I’m doing for me feels so freaking awesome I need more! … and you’ll give yourself more!
- If the thing you are trying to grow isn’t resonating with you … you ain’t loving it???? … then it is not serving you … trade in and trade up … find a new thing!
Before you know it, you’ll be able to grow in lots of little things as you need and want them … cuz, seriously, everybody’s got 10 minutes! … Yep, even you. You just have to love yourself enough to give yourself your 10 minutes.

What beautiful, awesome, happiness, healthiness, wellness, goodness will you pick to start with????
I’m so excited for you!!!!
ps: If you are game for a gentle challenge … I challenge you to start today … just 10 little, itty bitty minutes for you. And if you can’t do, 10, then 5, and if not 5, then 3, … even on this short notice … seriously, you’ve got 3 minutes for yourself.