Spicy Orange Anti-Inflammatory Dream Crackers
- ½ c butter (good fat of your choice, but butter tastes so good)
- 3 eggs
- 1 Tbsp blackstrap molasses
- 1 Tbsp turmeric
- 1Tbsp ground ginger
- 1 Tbsp ground black pepper
- 2 tsp cinnamon
- ½ tsp orange extract
- ½ tsp salt
- ½ tsp baking soda
- 1 ½ c cassava flour
- 4 small splashes of milk (it’s what I needed to help my dough stick together better, can try without and add at the end if you need/like)
In mixing bowl, add butter, eggs, molasses, orange extract, and milk. Mixy blend well.
In another small bowl, combine and mix well: turmeric, ginger, pepper, cinnamon, salt, and baking soda. Add to wet, and mixy blend well.
Finally add in cassava flour and mixy blend well. You should have a big ol’ clump of wetter than dry batter that you can roll out easily.
Roll dough flat (1/8″ – ¼” inch thick).
MK thoughts and notes:
This recipe actually comes from my holiday search for cookies. I found this Paleo Anti Inflammatory Spice Cookie recipe at All the Nourishing Things website, and as I read the recipe, I thought …. Hmm, this could make a tasty cracker to go along with bone broths, soups, green drinks, etc. A quick scan of the ingredients and the decision to delete the sugar (except keep the molasses) and add a pinch of salt for baking, and I was off and running.
I followed Lindsey’s instructions, except that I found the dough to be a bit dry toward the end for me, so I added some splashes of milk to get it to hold together more (you could use water instead if you need to, or perhaps a bit more egg). I didn’t roll mine out so much as smoosh them flat with a spatula, and then cut with a pizza cutter. But they tasted SOMIGOSH GOOD, that I’ve already made a few batches and will keep making them. I’ve changed up the mixy directions a lil bit for ease and convenience to me, but pretty much, Lindsey is on point.
The short of it is this … if you want the cookie for a healthier alternative, keep the sugar … I’m certain you won’t be disappointed. And if you want an excellent tasting cracker (that sounds delicious with some cream cheese … next up on my list to try), then this Spicy Orange Anti-Inflammatory Dream Cracker is just the cracker you are looking for!
My very happy tastebuds give tremendous gratitude to All the Nourishing Things for making my dream cracker dreams comes true! Be sure to check out Lindsey Dietz’s website for more delicious goodies … she’s on this healthy thing SO GOOD!!!! And she gives great guidance and helpful healthy info along with her recipes!!!! I’m absoloodily thrilled to have found her!!!!

I sincerely hope you enjoy these as much as I do!
Living an anti-inflammatory life is the way to go for happiness and healthiness, and these crackers (or cookies, if you prefer) are a great addition to your wellness living!
Hugging you so big today!