Magical Manifesting

Magical Manifesting. Bring your life to life! Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

Hello Love Birds!!!

Have you ever invited change into your life … like you’ll exercise more or you’ll eat better or whatever it is you’ve wanted or needed to change … but somehow, some way, your invitation gets lost in the mail?




Mindful change.

Making our lives an even better place to be.

Becoming who we want to be.

All very worthwhile and worthy of you and your life, so I got to thinking, how can I help my precious-hearted peeps actually do something meaningful?  Create lasting, positive change?  Make something good of those intentionsBecome the blossoming love bird they want to be?

You had an idea.  A motivation.  A need.

But then, that want/need/motivation, … it goes by the wayside.

Let’s see if we can change that.  Let’s get you that change!  Let’s help you make a positive difference in your life!

Rest to manifest. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

Making Change!

How Mary Kate?  How do I make this change?  I want to grow this new thing into my life, but I seem to lose to my way.  Ya know.  Life is hard.  I’m busy.  I realized my change was taking too much time. … I got distracted … etc, etc, etc.

Well, Sweet Pea … most change does take time.  A bit of effort.  But what if I could give you a concrete, straight-forward, no-frills, step-wise plan to ensure your success?

Let’s help you take your intention from “nice idea” to real, positive change in your life?

Oh, and BTW … this is not a sales pitch, lol.  But seriously.

I’m for realz gonna share my magical, change-making goodness with you right here and right now.

Manifest your fresh start. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

How to Manifest

Ze Steps!

(said with a French accent, to be cute and fancy and fun)

  1. What do you want/need?  What change are you looking for?  Define it.  Visualize it.  Write it out.  Doodle it on a piece of paper.  Scribble it on your phone/tablet/digital device of choice.  What? Do? You? Want?  … See it.  Know it.  Be clear and detailed.
  2. ASK for it.  Ask the universe.  The universe is filled with ebbing and flowing energy.  It is filled with everything we need and want.  So let the universe in on what you want/need.  This way the universe knows and can feel your desires and can get on your side to help you!  (Additional ways to ask: meditation, prayer, focused thoughts, lighting a candle and sending your wish into the stars with the flame, etc.)
  3. Dig in.  Help the universe help you!  The universe is a place of energy and abundance, and it gives to you in the form of energy.  So you – with your arms, legs, body, and mind – are going to have to show the universe you are serious and help make this dream/want/need come true (Yep, I just sneakily upgraded to potential dream status stuff, too!) … (I mean, hey? Why not?  The universe has it all, so why not think as big or as small as we want? … But remember … the universe is energy … youz gotsta use that energy to make your ASK happen.)
  4. Trust. Faith. Patience.  Trust that what you ASK is there and coming to you.  Trust.  Believe.  See it.  Know it.  Feel it.  And be ready.
  5. See/note the signs.  Pay attention to your progress.  The little/big steps that come your way.  See the signs.  Note them, and realize you are getting closer and closer to receiving your ASK.
  6. Give gratitude for every step you get closer and closer.  You are making progress!
  7. “Increase your vibration.”  (I love this step … and it, along with the foundations of this list, comes from a HuffPost article I read … worth the read.)  I hear “increase your vibration,” and I hear … “GO FULL ON PINK!!!”  Oh, yaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!  :0)
  8. Overcome your “blocks.”  Overcome doubt.  Overcome negativity.  Overcome the behaviors, thoughts, actions, … the “whatever” … that is keeping you from reaching your ASK.
  9. Receive your ASK with GRATITUDE!!!!

Now, maybe I should’ve started at the top of my chat with this next bit I’m about to mention.  I kinda buried the lead.  But there’s a foundation, a fabric, a backdrop from which you need to operate on in this step-wise ASK-rewarding approach …

Remember … the universe is energy.  So.  Positive energy in, gets you positive energy out.  And vice versa.

So … if you vibrate smiles, love, can-do, will-do, gratituding-goodnesss … that’s gonna come back to you.  Triumph!  (Feel free to say it with a French accent for fun!) And squee!

But if you boo-face it.  Nay say it.  Doubt it.  Or sabotage yourself willingly or unwillingly … Well.  Le sigh.

What we are talking about here is called “manifesting.”

Manifesting is a process.  A concept.  A way of approaching life.  A way of channeling your goodness and energy into creating the life you want to live!  … And if I’ve just walked you into a “woo woo” territory that makes you fidgety in your seat … hang on for a few … I’ll make it worth your read and time! :0)

Magical Manifesting: How To

Bringing your life to life!!!!

How to Manifest: The steps. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

Manifesting steps summarized for you in a handy-dandy, reference digi-art!

I’ve been interviewing blossoms who practice the art of manifesting in their lives, and the upcoming Positudes are summaries of their gained insight and wisdom from their practice. They share this with you for encouragement and support!

Manifesting Musts. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

Skeptic?  It’s okay … I was, too.

A PINK-hearted, health & wellness promoting, life coaching, educating, mentoring, previous life and pharmaceutical scientist like me … I came open to the idea of manifesting (having been hearing the word dropped into a zillion conversations by blossoms I know over the last 2 years and wanting to share concrete helpful goodness with you) … but I also came with a bit of skepticism on the woo-woo sounding concept.  “Unh-huh, sure … I’m sure you manifested that money right on into your account.”

I wasn’t sure or convinced … at first.

One of the things I have found as I’ve been researching the practice of manifesting, is that like many other practices, it is open to interpretation.  And from interviewing the above blossoms, I can affirm my finding.  Each blossom I spoke with has a different approach, different way of thinking about her practice, and different motivations for her manifestation practice.

However, I also readily recognized core patterns and essential elements practiced by each of these beautiful souls!  (My research, these interviews, and my own experimentation with my new found manifesting practice helped me create the list of steps I provided above.  Those steps are the core of manifesting success!)

When I think of manifesting, I think of it as a form of project management:

  • goal setting with activated actions steps and progress assessment along the way
  • with your life and intentions being your project
  • buuuut project management high on the fumes of PINK POSITIVITY, a will-do attitude, trust, patience, and the universe as an energy-granting, gotch-yo-back teammate!

Manifesting is some seriously life-altering awesomeness!

I’m a newby.  Just getting started.  And I’ve already been manifesting wellness and goodness into my life that I didn’t have before.  And I’m so PINK, I’m giddy over the moon!

This isn’t to say I didn’t hit snags in my efforts.  It is a PRACTICE after all.  When I tried and failed, I saw where I “stood in my own way.”  When I succeeded, I saw great satisfaction in overcoming my own blocks and self-defeating behavior.

Because manifesting is often misunderstood or discounted … met with doubt … I have been on a scientific/investigatory journey over the last month.  Reading, researching, learning, growing, interviewing peeps who manifest to hear their thoughts and experiences, and ultimately, trying it out for myself!

There’s so much I’ve learned and experienced and now have to offer; I’ll blog about it for those who want a deeper dive.

But for here, in our Love Letter, know this (from an original skeptic): IT WORKS!!!

Manifesting Works! Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

Manifesting Works!  Bring your life to life!


If you want it.  If you want positive change.  If you are willing to live it.  Manifesting will change your life … how you live … how you think … how you approach your needs and wants.

Manifesting is a practice.  Something you grow.

For instance … one does not run a marathon on their first ever attempt at running.  It takes practice.  Time.  effort.

So … don’t be all like: Hey, Universe! I want a million dollars!

Remember, you’ve got to come at your ASK with clarity, will-do, trusting, and go gettem positivity.

Don’t expect the universe to just drop a million dollars on your lap if all you do is throw the thought out.  There’s more to it than that.

Buuuuutttt … if you follow those steps listed above … with the universe on your side, being for you all the way, … you will manifest this goodness in your life!

Manifesting is life-changing!  It’s powerful!  It’s empowering!

Getting rid of negative thoughts. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

Manifesting is founded in positive thinking.  Here’s what you can do to get rid of those pesky negative thoughts.

As I mentioned, for manifesting to work, you have to get positive!  You have to channel your PINK, your love, your positivity, and you have to let go of your hesitations, negativity, doubt.

And sometimes that can be hard.

Since I’ve been on my deeper wellness journey (started at the beginning of 2020 with my onset of scary, hard health challenges), I’ve come to embrace the words:

Let it go.

However, sometimes, it’s not as easy as letting it go.  I try, but “it” is still there.  Especially when my anxiety screams or I get a panic attack.

While interviewing my beautiful blossoms, one interviewee – Cheri Roberts – said to me something along the lines of:

Let it go? (In reference to negative thoughts) … Where they gonna go?  You let them go, and they just hang around.  Sometimes you gotta push that negative thought into a corner and tell it to eat a sandwich.

O! M! G!

First, I laughed at the image.  But.  It resonated with me so BIG!  And honest to the heavens … it freaking works!  I’ve been shoving my negative, nay-saying, doubting thoughts and words into a corner, telling them to eat a sandwich, and it’s working!

I’m laughing right now thinking that I’ve shoved so many thoughts into a corner now that there’s a Cafe Noir where my negative thoughts go to die, after first being fed a nutrient-dense, wellness sandwich.  They either eat the sandwich and turn positive, or they die.

And good riddance.

Just in this part of the manifesting practice alone, I’ve been feeling such a weight lifted off of my shoulders.  I’ve been feeling SO MUCH MORE POSITIVE!!!  (And you might be thinking, “As if that could be possible, MK … How in the world could you get any PINKer???”)


… But remember, I’m human … with scary health challenges … living in a world gone amuckHappiness During the Pandemic? … and I have stellar anxiety!

The negative thoughts … they come.

And they suck.  They try to tell me the worst, most terrible things.

But now I am getting pretty good at pushing those self-defeating beasties aside.  And I will continue to grow this strength in me … as it comes with such relief from the mental darkness.

And let’s be real … negative thoughts are in fact self-defeat attacking you.  Fight back!  … I am!

Get your positivity on, and get your life back!

Word Choice Matters for Manifesting. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

Word Choice Matters for Manifesting

Word choice is powerful!

Lastly for our Manifesting Woo Woo Awesomeness: Let’s talk Can Do versus Am Doing!

In positive reaffirmations and oracles and posituding, you’ll see encouraging words like:

You can do this!

And by the way, yes, you can do this!  So I don’t want to minimize the impact of the messaging … sometimes, it’s exactly what we need to hear.

But here.  Listen to these words:

I AM doing “it.”

Can we get through this pandemicYes.

But better.

We ARE getting through it!

Can Do is EmpoweringAm Doing is POWER!

Every time you do something good for yourself … acknowledge your accomplishment.  Acknowledge your success.  Acknowledge the goodness you have activated in you and your life!

I can lose weight.  I AM losing weight.

I can get healthy.  I AM getting healthy.

I can be happy.  I AM happy.

BE.  BEcome.

Update from Can-Do to Am-Doing!

BEcome the you you want to BE!  Live the life you want to live!

Grow the goodness you want to embody into you and your life!

And if you want, use the PINK-powered, Universe-Assisted, Dream-Achieving, Magical Manifesting steps given to you here to help you!

When bad things happen to good people with good intentions …

Honestly, I can’t in good conscience share manifesting with you … as what is ostensibly a philosophical way of living and being without addressing the objection – the hard question.  Because in truth, I asked the same question.

How do you explain horrid things?  Are you trying to tell me that good people who have horrid things happen to them manifest the horrid thing … like you’re blaming them for their own tragedy?

Just to be clear, my answer is a HARD NO.  I don’t believe people purposely manifest a tragedy.  I believe people manifest a goodness, a something they want … like going to Ariana Grande’s concert in Manchester, England.  The tragedy is their manifestation aligned with the terrorizing manifestation of a suicide-bomber.

Manifesting is a directing of energies … not all people are channeling loving energy.

When bad things happen = The confluence of 2 opposing manifestations.

The concert-going intention had NO WAY of knowing about the terrorizing intention.  It’s terrible.  It’s shitty.  And in cases like these, we may want to scream at the universe.  We may want to know WTH it’s thinking.  We may want to challenge the universe.  It is the way of tragedy, loss, and grief.  But … and just to be clear – I’m NO physicist. I’m just working with my understanding of the science … overall the universe is energetically neutral with a balance of both positively and negatively flowing energy.  There is positive energy, and there is negative energy.  And sometimes positive and negative intentions collide to tragic outcomes.  Other times, positive intentions overpower the negative.

What I’m left with is … honestly … a core guiding principle: live in love, do my best, share my best, and carry on.  Live with hope.  Live with positive intention and goodness.  And ask for light and love to surround me and protect me.  Hope.  Love.  Kindness.  … There are no guarantees, but we can be the good in life, if we choose.

Be Love. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

Where did Manifesting come from anyway?

One last note on Manifesting.  Who thought this up?  How did it become a thing?

Manifesting is based on the law of attraction from New Thought spirituality … law of attraction … that’s the whole channel positive energy to get positive energy back thing.  Cheri Roberts from above has read the book(s) and is a lifelong practitioner of Manifesting.  She walks the walk and talks the talk.  She is truly amazing, and honestly the most lit-up, incredibly positive person I know.  She brings amazing light into the world!  She and her life are an inspiration and a testimonial in manifesting.  She’s a real life case study.  I found her conviction encouraging, and she is truly the Cheri (cherry on top) to get me to try this ‘woo woo’ magic.  I give immense gratitude for her time and share, as even in my ever beginning manifesting practice, I am seeing so much goodness come from my efforts and evolving mindset.  POSITIVE POWER, peeps.  Positive Power!  :0)

Well Love Birds, I hope I’ve helped you gain a deeper understanding of Manifesting … along with some powerful, actionable know-how to make positive change in your life!

You are beautiful!  You are loved!  Thank you for sharing this growing, loving time with me!

Be safe!  Feel my ginormous hug!  Know that I love you SO BIG!


MK  :0)

Tower Garden by Juice Plus+. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Let’s Make a Positive Difference!

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs. Let's make a positive difference!

Let’s make a positive difference!

Hello Precious Heart!

There’s no one like me.

There’s no one else like me in the whole wide world.  (Never has been, and never will be again.)

No one who thinks the way I do.

Sees life the way I do.

Talks the way I do.

Shares the way I do.

Loves the way I do.

There’s no one else in the whole wide world who problem solves like me.  Who helps the way I do.  Who gives of her heart the way I do.

There’s no one in the whole wide world who will make the same kind of positive difference I can make.

Am I special?  Unique?

You bet your PINK-loving heart I am!  And guess what???

The same is true of you!

You are special!  You are unique! You are beautiful and perfect and growing and blossoming!  You are shining brightly!

You are the only one who can bring your amazing, special, unique light into this world … and we need you!  You need you!

Wake up sweet, precious, gorgeous soul!  The world is hurting.  We need you!  We need your light!

Shine brightly my love!  Shine your brightest and know you are not alone!  I am here with you!

We are voices of love!

We are voices of kindness!

We are voices of compassion, helpfulness, & change!

Together, we can make a positive difference!  Together, we can change the world!  Together, we can save the world!

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Happiness During the Pandemic?

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs. Happiness during a pandemic.

Happiness during the pandemic?

Hello Beautiful Blossom!  Is happiness during the pandemic possible?

The question at hand:  Can you have happiness during the pandemic?  Is it possible?  Or happiness during any difficult life change for that matter … is it possible?

I think so.


It’s not always easy … at first, especially … but it’s possible!

And I’m going to share with you how I found happiness during the pandemic and other difficult times in my life in hopes my experiences can help you find new joys and feel better … super soon!

Right up front, I want to reassure you, I’m not talking oversimplified, fluffed-up B.S. here.  I’m not going to tell you some overly positive, unrealistic, useless crap.

I’m going to give you concrete, reality-based, helpful insight to help you!

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs. Happiness during a pandemic.

Concrete, Reality-based, Helpful Insight

Let’s start with acknowledging how hard living can be in unusual times.  Be it a pandemic.  Leaving behind all that you know to have to start over in a new place.  Unexpected career change.  Or how about a change in relationship status?

When we’ve been living life as we see it, happily, and to suddenly get uprooted and lose the familiar, the comfort, the safety, the security, or whatever was making us happy … when we lose what we are used to … it can be very unsettling … and very upsetting.

Yet …

There’s something to be said for breaking routine … getting out of your comfort zone … trying something new.  … Hang with me here … give me a second to show you where I’m going with this.

When we do the same things over and over, day after day, our chances to face new challenges diminish.

We can stunt our own growth.  Our readiness to adapt can fade.

Think of it as Use It or Lose It.

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs. Happiness during a pandemic.

Personal MK Short Story Time with Big Time Enlightening Insight

About five years ago, I was at the peak of my chronic fatigue/lethargy/muscle weakness challenges.  I spent most of every day and every night in bed.  Sometimes sleeping for up to 21 hours at a time, to wake up for 3 hours, and then find myself fully spent and going right back to bed.

Adding to this, my honeybun and I were living in Philly for Honeybun’s work … far away from home … and very different from our nature-y, Midwest life in Michigan.

It was a depressing and difficult time.

We lived for my “good days/moments!” But when we got them, all the things we would normally do for fun and happiness weren’t there.  The life we loved was left back in Michigan, and we felt stuck.

There came a day when I was Skyping (old school to today’s Zoom) with a friend, and I was telling her about my woeful concerns and challenges, and she replied with the most amazing, supportive, but assertive words ever!

“Well, if you can’t rebuild your Michigan life in Philly, then find new Philly things.  Try that and see if you can build new happiness.”

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs. Happiness during a pandemic.

How Did I NOT See that?


How simple.  And so obvious.

How had I not been able to just see it?  How I had not been able to just ask myself that question?

It was being stuck IN the moment, not being able to see such a straightforward solution.

 It’s like when you can’t see forest for the trees.

Sometimes you just need a fresh perspective.  An outside eye. Someone else independent of your view … the look of someone on the outside looking in to see what you can’t or don’t.

It was one of those conversational lightbulb moments that comes with the opportunity to heal and grow!

Since honeybun and I both had latent loves for photography and nature, we chatted and did some research, and before you know it, we were both geared up with digital cameras and a list of nearby gardens to visit.  And next good day, we bolted out the door with excitement!  This has led to new, cool friends and sustained life goodness!

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs. Happiness during a pandemic.

Applying what I learned … turned into pandemic readiness!

So fast-forward to the early days of the pandemic and all the shutdowns and isolations.

I was ready.

I knew the drill.

Instead of getting lost in the depression of losing life as we knew it or our way of living … we just created new pandemic-life things to do for us.

Even as the pandemic has dragged on ruthlessly and unkindly … we have continued to grow new ideas and activities into our days.

I still have debilitating health challenges.  It’s a dangerous world out there for me.  So isolation is really our best plan.

But isolation is so … lonely … and potentially disconnected.


But with the pandemic came Zoom.  I immediately sought out connectivity via Zoom.  I rethought my plans and grew in happy activities I could do in the safety of our space.  And when our little spot in the universe (Starry Cottage was finally built and ready for living), we dug in and have created happy spaces throughout our home to support a healthy, active, engaging, fun life … even in the pandemic.

Now, I’m not gonna sit here and tell you pandemic living is awesome.  Pandemic living has a big ol’ SUCKS!!!!!!! attached to it.

Do we miss getting out and playing in nature not just in our backyard?  Hells yes.

Do we miss seeing our peeps in person?  Yessssssssssssssss.

Do we miss the living freedoms we had before the pandemic hit?  Hells to the yes a million times over and over.

We even miss the simplicity of going shopping without being afraid for my life.  As such, I’ve not been inside a store, grocery or otherwise, in nearly 2 years.

But like living in Philly.  It wasn’t about rebuilding the life we had in MI.  That was impossible.  (The places, people, nature, and opportunities are all different … plus, our friends and family were all back home, plus, Philly is WAY more expensive!!!)

It was about building a new life filled with happiness in a space we had to be in – Philly.

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs. Happiness during a pandemic.

What we’re really talking about here …

And that’s where we are today.  It’s not about building a permanent pandemic life – hopefully (and if so, we’ll cross that bridge when it gets here)It’s about adapting and coping and growing.

And the truth of it is … with these challenges, when you seek to find the happinesses that will help you manage the challenge you face … you can grow new goodnesses into your life.

Philly forever gave us photography (and new friendships)!  And I also learned how to digi-doodle and art!  And how to video call. 

All of these have been amazing helps during the pandemic!

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs. Happiness during a pandemic.

Like Philly, the pandemic has given me gifts of happy growth as well!

I am a better, happier person!

  • I’ve met some amazing people in faraway places like Australia and the UK, and even way up in Canada … people, that sans pandemic, there would never have been a need, an impetus, to reach out to and grow into my life.
  • I have substantially grown my digi-doodling and digi-arting capabilities! I lose myself in my creating space … and my creative expression flows out of me with silly happiness!
  • I enjoy watching Bog TV (we have about an acre of nature behind our backyard to just sit and watch the trees, furry and flying and crawling creatures, the cattails flourishing in the bog, the ever changing sky, the stars … all of it) – being mindful and present, and sharing time with my honeybun.
  • I have found a bit of me that I never knew was there, and I’m getting to know this new me … and loving her! I’m way PINKer than I ever knew.  I’ve always been a lover and a helper, but I’ve found my light amongst the stars and here on earth.  I’m feeling a bubbling excitement that’s new and fun.  It’s making me smile bigger and brighter.  I LOVE this feeling!!!

So does living in pandemic times have a tremendous suck factor?  Sure.

But does that have to be all it is?  NO!

Can it be better than missing the way life used to be?  OHMIGOSH, YEEEEEESSSSS!

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs. Happiness during a pandemic.

It’s Your Turn!!!

So let’s get you up outta that stuck rut!  Let’s get you finding your new happy things!

Let’s get you past waiting for happiness to come back to you in “life as it was” returned.

Honestly … there’s real truth in the statement, “There’s no going back.”  Or “you can’t go back.”  There’s no going back and you can’t go back, because that moment is gone forever.  You are in a new moment.  You are in a new time.  With new things. 

Life will never be the same as it was before.

  • It’s basic logic.
  • Basic fact.
  • We’ve seen too many new things and experienced too many new experiences.
  • Life and its gifts and challenges continue to roll at us.

We grow.  We change.  We evolve.

Or we stay stuck, lamenting.  Disappointed.  Unhappy.

Let’s grow you, blossom!

You are beautiful!  You have so much happiness and goodness inside of you!  What is that thing?  Or things you’ve always wanted to try?  Or do?  Which one or ones will work for you in this moment of time?

Let’s help you let go of a life gone and blossom in your new life!

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs. Happiness during a pandemic.

Your Happiness During Hard Times (the pandemic) Checklist!

I hope sharing my experience has given you insight into possibilities for your life.  Sparked ideas for you that will help you grow happiness into your days, no matter where you are or what big shiz is happening out in the world.

In summary:

  • Don’t wait around for the “the way it was” … it’s not coming back. It can’t.  You’re a different person now than you were then … life changes us … so even if you could go back, it still wouldn’t be the same, cuz you’re not the same.
    • Accept that your life and life around you is moving forward.
  • Ask yourself, “What new thing or things can you grow into your life that work for you now?”
  • Find and create ways to grow these things into your life.
  • Grow forward.
    • Let go of the past.
    • Love the parts of the past that were wonderful.
    • Appreciate the parts of your past that helped you grow and be a better you … a more defined you … a you with interests and ideas and abilities.
    • Give gratitude for all the parts of the past … even the hard ones.
      • They have helped shaped you into the person you are today with your current strengths and gifts and love to share!
    • Give gratitude for having a today to live and find and grow a happier, healthier you!

Well, Blossom, I give gratitude for any and all the help this sharing gifts you with!  (I’m hoping it’s lots and lots!!!!)

You are beautiful!  You are precious!  You are loved!

Give yourself the time you need to love you!!!

Thank you for sharing this time with me!!!  Hugging you so big!

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs. Happiness during a pandemic.

Journal for You!

Journaling. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

Journaling for You!

Dear Sweet Blossoms!

Today, let’s talk journaling!!!  And before you potentially click outta here, like journaling ain’t yo’ thang … hang tight for just a sec.

Lemme share with you some awesomeness I’ve experienced from journaling … along with the things that didn’t work for me and the why’s of that.

Because, honestly, journaling – when you do you – can be SO HELPFUL, and SO HEALTHY!

For me, my journal is what I make of it, and I make it what I need and want:

  • Reaffirmation
  • Positivity
  • Support
  • Reflection
  • Goal creation
  • Action planning
  • A place to think
  • A place get “it” out and let “it” go
  • Loving, gentle reminders
  • Bright, colorful, happiness to greet me
  • An opportunity to create
  • Wisdom I’ve gained
  • Information I need
  • Dreamboarding
  • Anything and everything that serves me in growing my wellness and happiness

Here are some of the actual pages from my journal:

Journaling. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

Journaling Don’ts

Many, many, many moons ago, I used to journal – like a diary.  And then my boyfriend at the time “just happened to glance over and accidentally read some it.”

Uncool, dude.  Uncool.

Also, back then, I tried writing every day.  Cuz that’s what you do in a diary, right?  You’re faithful with your self-reporting, and you …, and NO, this did not work for me.  I’d get busy and forget a day, then feel guilty.  A week would go by, and I would sit down and try to remember each day and write it out.

Uh.  I’m not gonna be a slave to my own good intention.  That defeats the purpose.

So lessons learned of what NOT to do:

  • Don’t write down anything you don’t want other people “accidentally” reading, or keep your journal locked up.  Personally, I still write down anything and everything I need to get out of my system.  I am, thankfully, now in a relationship filled with openness and trust.  I share everything with my honeybun.  But what about all those other pesky people living in the world?  You never know when one of them might just be snooping around your room … lol.  In short, anything I feel should be just between me and the universe gets a flame ride into the heavens after I’ve given “it” the time I need to process it, learn from it, and let it go.
  • Don’t make your journal anything other than what serves you … what fuels you … what helps you feel well, healthy, and whatever other goodness you seek.  In short, don’t journal like other people tell you to journal.
Journaling. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

Journaling Do’s

It’s taken me time … learning what works for me, and then giving that to myself, to be able to create a journal space that nourishes and nurtures me – mind, body, soul, light, love, & spirit.

One of the things I’ve done in recent years is to go paperless.  I hope to reduce my footprint and consumption.  So I’ve become a digi-doodler, digi-everything.  And my journal is no exception.

In fact, until the pandemic started and my health took a super nosedive into the unknown, I hadn’t been journaling for a while.  But with everything going haywire (my health, and the health of the world around me), I needed a healing space … BIG TIME.  A resource of positivity to guide me and lift me up especially on my dark days.

I found creating a digi-journal to be incredibly exactly what I needed.  And the cool thing is, I have it downloaded into my Books on my phone, so I can have it with me whenever and wherever I need it.  (Being on my phone, and being digital, I simply update it when I have things I need/want to add/process/share, and then I download the updated version … easy and saaaweeeet!)

My suggestions for what To Do when creating your journal:

  • Be kind to yourself
  • Be patient with yourself
  • Give yourself the space you need to be authentic, honest, open, and there for you
  • Journal when it serves you – when you feel called to your pages, not when an external expectation/definition would have you journal
  • When you need to get “it” out, write freely, without thought to grammar, punctuation, “correctness,” etc … just let it rip!  Then process it.  And then, the ultimate – Let it go!
  • When you feel the “harsh-ies” toward yourself … you know, you’re telling yourself how much you suck in whatever special way only you can bring yourself down (we all do it) … well, go ahead and write down how much you suck (btw: you don’t suck!  not even a little!) … but so, write it down, and then my invitation to you … turn that negative self-talk into a positive in whatever way serves you:
    • maybe you give yourself a goal with an action list to accomplish your goal
    • maybe you reframe your negative thought into a positive thought
    • maybe you see the words for the hurt they cause you, and find a way to love yourself more instead of taking yourself out at the kneecaps with a word/thought bat).
  • Let your pages heal you, guide you, inform you, light up your day … let your pages bring positivity and wellness into your life
  • Remember always: Progress, not perfection. (quote: Jill Stante)
  • Remember always: Nourish to flourish!
  • Remember always: What can you do to help you and your body cope and heal right now?
  • Be as creative or uncreative as you want … it’s your journal … it’s your toolkit of healing, love, light … or whatever you need it to be!
  • Remember: Your journal is your space to be what you need/want it to be.
  • What inspires you?  Do you like to color, write, take photos, etc … how do you like to express yourself and document/witness your life?
Journaling. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

Journaling for Reflective, Guiding Purpose!

Before we wrap up the idea of journaling, I want to share with you a specific page outta my journal I recently created.

The other day, I was feeling badly – health-wise – but I wanted to create something positive (for the goodness I could feel in the moment creating something positive, and for the positive of having created something I wanted to share with myself in my journal).

Recently, I’d been looking at scrapbook ideas for I can’t remember what reason, but I came across an image that inspired me.  And I thought, I gotta PINK that up in my own doodle-delicious way!

So there I was, feeling badly, wanting to create something positive, wanting to create a journal page, and having a scrapbook inspiration page.  So I created this:

Journaling. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

Isn’t it just the PINKest, happiest scrapbook page, ever???  LOL.

Everything you see I created.  I used doodles and art I’d already created.  And I made some new.  And I PINKed up my Life Goals list of how I want to live my life/what’s important to me.

And now, it’s in my journal!  I can review it whenever I want/need to.   I can get high off of the delightful PINK eye-fumes.  I smile just looking at it!  It serves me.

And so, I share with you an example of what even a single page in your journal can do for you!

Even in the creation of this page, I gifted myself the positive, creative, soothing activity of assembling and playing in my doodle-tastic world.  I made a squee page for reflection and guidance, for healing and happiness.

The process was happy healing, and the product nourishes me so I can flourish!

A scrapbook journal page may not be your cup of tea.  That’s totally cool.  I’m not trying to convince you to scrapbook journal.  I’m inviting you to Journal for You!  You do you!  I just hope my share inspires you with your own ideas of helpful possibilities!

Hugging you the biggest and loving you even more!  Hope this writing brings a smile to your face and a hug to your heart … and happy new ideas for making your journal the coolest place ever!!!

Tower Garden by Juice Plus+. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

MK’s Reflections: Love Is a Choice!

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

MK’s Reflections: Love Is a Choice!

Love is a Choice.

“Love is a Choice.  Life is beautiful – don’t waste a moment of it.”  Mrs. McInerney, “Signed, Sealed, Delivered: The Vows We Have Made”

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeessssss.  This!

These words are foundational to my existence.  My living.  My approach to my relationship with myself, others, my wellness, and the world.

Today, Sweet Blossom, I want to share this life changing goodness with you from the pinkest depths of my heart!  I hope this share will brighten your life, enlighten you, and help you grow this goodness deeper into you and your days.

Love is a choice.

I once lived a life not loving myself.

Trauma, angry/hateful drama, stress: the trifecta of unwellness in growing up in a seriously dysfunctional home additionally challenged by a significantly mentally ill parent.

My young adult years were characterized by low self-esteem, low self-confidence, … essentially low everything.  I was easy to manipulate, take advantage of, and abuse … all for seeking love that wasn’t there … that wasn’t able to be given … that was chosen not to give.

Imagine me young.  A little pink-hearted, spritely, effervescent, openly loving little kid … all I wanted was friends.  People to like and love me.

You would think that kind of inherent happy spirit would attract good people to me to love and like me.  Instead, it was more like I was the light, and the darkness flocked to me to feel my brightness, but instead drained me of it.

By the time I was an adult, I was wary.  Cautious.  Damaged.  Cynical.  Sarcastic.  I’d built a protective wall around me so high, no one would ever get over it.  No one would ever hurt me again.

The thing is, when you build a wall that high, it blocks out the light.  The chance at love.  The chance at growing beyond your own boundaries.  You’re trapped inside a protective, self-limiting vessel of your own making.

In reflection, the way I overcame this …

I’d grow to the limits of my wall, and with that new confidence, that new self-goodness, I would chip away at my own wall … allowing new light in … allowing for new growth.

Bit by bit, day by day, year by year, I grew.  My confidence.  My self-esteem.  My understanding of who I am … what I need … what brightens my lights and what dims it.  I learned what I liked about myself and what I needed to grow.  I learned to love myself.

I learned that for all the years that people hurt me, it had a lot to do with my inability to protect myself by not having the internal strength, will, skill, and self-care toolkit to love myself, respect myself, and care for myself.

Lemme see if I can explain this … It wasn’t that all the people in my life were malicious, horrid people spending their days trying to figure out how to destroy me.  No.  I learned that these people suffered with their own insecurities.  Their own self-doubts.  Their own feelings of self-negativity.

And the secret trick … the essential life lesson revealed:  You cannot give that which you do not have.

You cannot give that which you do not have.

Meaning, you can’t give love to others, when you don’t love yourself first.  Not fully, not with self-empowered/self-knowing authenticity.  It’s like wispy cloud love instead of sunny, warm, fluffy, cotton-ball, guess-the-shape kind of cloud love.

Likewise, if you surround yourself with people who don’t love themselves … guess what they can’t give you …

Yep.  You’ll be getting wispy cloud love, if any.

But here’s the thing.

Love is a choice.

We can choose love.

Sure.  It’s not always easy.  It took me YEARS to find my way to myself.

It. Was. So. Worth. It.

And it’s not like my days leading up to where I am now were filled with darkness.  No.  In fact, the more I realized I was important to myself.  The more I realized I was worthy of my time, love, kindness, patience … The more I realized I wanted happiness, goodness, and love in my life … the more I grew in.

So each and every day just got brighter and brighter!

Positive, functional relationships, anti-inflammation, health. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

Choose you.  Choose love.  You are worth it!

Choose you.

Choose love.

Choose to surround yourself with people who love themselves, so they can share their love with you and love you back.  (Or at least choose people who are learning to love themselves … aka … on a similar path and growing love into their lives.).

Love is a choice.

And the truth is … You are precious!  There is something so uniquely precious about you, that only you can bring this light into the world!

And I promise you, WE NEED YOU!

We need our beautiful, bright light shining in the world, making positive difference.

We need to combine all of our uniquenesses and all of our differing bright lights to create a tremendously thriving, complementary, beautiful rainbow of light, love, and life.

Positive, functional relationships, anti-inflammation, health. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

Love is a choice.  Life is beautiful – don’t waste a moment.

Love is a choice.

Life is beautiful – don’t waste a moment.

Growing yourself toward the light to live brightly in it … never a moment wasted … with every day getting brighter and brighter, filled with more and more love.  For yourself.  And to share.

Loving You!

Thank you Sweet Beautiful Blossom for sharing your time with me!  For growing love into your life!  For being the bright light only you can be!  For making our world a more delightful, loving, happy place to be!

Hugging you so big, and SO PINK!

Tower Garden by Juice Plus+. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Mary Kate’s Awesome Salad Shooter
Tower Garden by Juice Plus+

Tower Garden by Juice Plus+. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Mary Kate’s Awesome Salad Shooter  (Tower Garden by Juice Plus+)

Dear Beautiful Blossom!

“What is this glorious salad shooting thing I speak of?” you ask.


Let me introduce you to my affectionately dubbed “Salad Shooter”!  (I name everything: my trees, my computer, my phone, … it just makes life more fun being surrounded by friendlies!)

My Salad Shooter is delicious green growing goodness!

It’s year round yummy nummies for my hungry tummy!

It’s ease.  Convenience.  Independence.  Self-sufficiency.

My Salad Shooter is the answer to many questions.  The solution to problems.  My Salad Shooter is easy, happiness, yummy convenience in my kitchen.  My Salad Shooter is LOVE!

Why do I have a Salad Shooter (aka Tower Garden by Juice Plus+)?

So just over a year ago, this thing happened.  It’s still happening.  You may recall and be aware … the pandemic.  (BTW: pandemics kinda super suck, … right?!!!!)

Well, so … last year 2 inciting things happened that made me stop and re-evaluate our food supply.

The first was the food shortages and dangers we saw everywhere.  Grocery store shelves were empty.  Access to food was immediately a health-jeopardizing outing … going to the grocery store could get you sick … and you could die … wuuuuuuuuuut????  (Remember how we were all once washing off all the packaging groceries come in?  Well, I was all like, how do you safely wash produce that you don’t cook, like salad and greens?)

The relative safety of normal, everyday outings was gone.  And that impacted so many aspects of our lives.

I wanted to be able to eat green without being worried about getting sick from a “community source” of food.

The second thing is that the pandemic made me look at how I live life and my interdependence on others.  My reliance on outside factors.  My consumption of goods.  My impact on the world around me.  … And it made me think I needed to use this pandemic time to create a better way of living for me and for my honeybun.

So, when my awesome chiropractor from New Hampshire, Dr. Bryan Natusch (a rep for Tower Garden by Juice Plus+) put a video up on his FB wall of this “new”*** fangled salad growing device he was growing green goodness on, I was all like … What is this glorious salad creator?  And we talked and talked.  He shared more videos.  And I was IN!!!

I hollered out:  Send me my Salad Shooter ASAP!  And I’ve been growing goodness in my kitchen ever since!!!


*** Tower Garden by Juice Plus+ have actually been around for a while.  So when I say “new,” I mean new to me knowing about them.

How Does a Tower Garden (my Salad Shooter) Work?

When I show snaps of my Salad Shooter to peeps, they goggle-eye with a dropped jaw and utter, “That’s. So. COOL.”

I know, right?!!!

And then they ask … how does it work?

The short of it is: water + nutrient solution + air + Tower Garden + seeds + light = Yummy Nummies for your Tummy Tummy.

It’s an incredibly water and energy conserving way to grow your own produce!  And the peeps at Juice Plus + made a cool, short but helpful info video which shows you Green Growing AMAZINGNESS!

After the video, I’m gonna share my growing goodness from my most recent starting point with snaps and chat, so you can get an idea of what Green Loving Yummy Goodness I’m talking about. (Inside note: You can replant and start afresh every number of months depending on which plants you’ve grown and their needs.)

The video you are about to see shows you the Flex Tower Garden, and I’ll be showing snaps and chat with my Home Tower Garden.  They both work the same.  They are different sizes of Tower Gardens: Home (for salads, greens, and herbs) and Flex (for salads, greens, herbs, and many other biggerish plants like tomatoes, watermelon, broccoli, zucchini, celery, and more).

I love my Home (Salad Shooter) so much I recently expanded with a Flex (not named yet).  We are finishing our basement with a year round growing area for our Towers and other plants … so I’ll have even more to share as I grow my growing capabilities and experience!!!!!

For now, let’s show you a quick video so you can see how Tower Gardens grow plants.  No dirt.  Aeroponics = water + nutrient solution + air = yummy nummies for your tummy tummy!

Mary Kate’s Current Growing Cycle Snaps and Chat

Getting Started!

Snaps tell a thousand words … or for us … make us hungry!  LOL.

My first snap at first glance looks maybe a little lack luster … cuz it’s just baby plants … seedlings.  Buuuuuuuut … a cool thing is that most of my seedlings were ready to transplant onto my Salad Shooter within 2 days.  The few remainder seedlings were able to be transplanted 2 days later.

I transplant to my Salad Shooter when the seedlings are about 1 – 2 inches tall.  And I use a cool trick I learned while in grad school for growing seedlings up fast.  (I did cell biology research in a lab that used pumpkin seedlings as model plants.)

What is this trick?  Well, after you put the seeds and water in the seedling tray, you close up the tray and cover it with a towel for a couple of days.  The seedlings, desperate to find light quickly will “shoot up” fast.

The faster you get your seedlings onto your Tower, the faster you get to eat yummy nummies!!!

Tower Garden by Juice Plus+. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Mary Kate’s Current Growing Cycle Snaps and Chat

The WOW Factor!

Having my Salad Shooter is delight on so many levels!

One:  Look how fast salad, greens, and herbs grow!

Two:  Getting to eat mouth-watering, super healthy, free-from-pesticides-yucky-chemicals, super green diverse (kale, chard, arugula, leafy greens, herbs … you can grow a tasty, beautiful variety) salads within 3 weeks is AWESOMENESS!!!!

Three:  It’s in my kitchen.  We harvest practically every day!!!  It’s RIGHT THERE!  Clean, ready to eat right off of the Tower, and deeeeelicious!  (No grocery story.  No other human hands, or coughing mouths, sneezing noses, or germy hands touching your delicious food!)  Self-sufficiency and independence!!!!  I love it!!!!

So … check out real time growing!

A little kale plant baby … growing up so nice and bright and green … for me to devour!
Tower Garden by Juice Plus+. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Mary Kate’s Current Growing Cycle Snaps and Chat

Let’s Eat!

After about 2 1/2 weeks we were able to harvest our first salads.  We each got a medium-ish bowl of salad (bigger than restaurant sized side salads).  By a couple of days later, we were eating BIG bowls of salad … like cake mixing size bowl for me and serving dish size for honeybun … every day!!!

To put our salad eating sizes in context to “normal” human salad eating, our daily harvest is enough for a family of four, easily.  There’s lots to gobble, and it’s so good for you!!!

Here’s one of my early salads.  I go pretty simple … lots of greens, some dried strawberries, walnuts (gotta have those helpful essential fatty acids to help absorb all of the chlorophyll and pigments and phytonutrients in those green leafies!!!)

Isn’t the color gobble-worthy?  All that green yumminess!

Tower Garden by Juice Plus+. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs! Tower Garden by Juice Plus+. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

One of my favorite things to eat is Zasta (pasta with zucchini noodles), or in a pinch, gluten-free pasta with marina sauce, Italian seasoning, mozzarella cheese, HANDFULS of fresh basil (grown on my Salad Shooter), and a sprinkle of parm.

I love how I can green up every meal.  Smoothies.  Salads.  Green on top of pasta … Green, green, green, green, green!

It’s healthy goodness made as easy as walking over to my Salad Shooter and harvesting right onto my plate or into my bowl!

If that doesn’t make you hungry … how can that be???  LOL

Tower Garden by Juice Plus+. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

So yeah.  You may have guessed by now.  But I love my Salad Shooter so much I bought the next bigger up Tower to gain variety in my growing power.  And I even became a rep for the Tower Gardens!

Growing is so easy, so healthy, so good for you, and it helps create food independence!  I love that, and I want to help you have it, too!


Tower Garden by Juice Plus+. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Future Growing Plans!

I will keep on growing salad greens and herbs on my HOME (Salad Shooter)!

Once our basement growing room is completed, I plan on planting watermelon, cantaloupe, broccoli, zucchini, and cucumbers to get started on my new FLEX (name TBD)!!!

It will be my first ever time trying to grow a diversified indoor garden year round.  Can’t wait for our basement growing room to be complete!  I’ll blog about it when we get there!  I have plans to grow on my Tower Gardens, plus additionally, I plan on having a root veggie bag garden, and some dwarf blueberry shrubs and lemon trees.  I’ll have to phase it all in, and adapt and grow with my own learning and experience … but I am excited!  I am excited about being able to grow my own clean, healthy food!

I am excited to be able to grow more energy efficiently, conserving water, and having easy independence!

I am excited to eat these delicious yummy nummies … and right in the convenience, ease, and safe-cleanliness of my own home!

Thank you for being here with me as I grow my food independence and share my yummy nummy snaps with you!  I hope you wanted to gobble your screen!

Big Loving and Big Hugging YOU … PINK & GREEEN!!!

Tower Garden by Juice Plus+. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Overcoming Negativity Pep Talk

Overcoming Negativity Pep Talk. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Overcoming Negativity Pep Talk

Ever notice how loudly negativity talks?

Whether it’s the voice in your head sprinkling, or worse, showering you with toxic thoughts, the voice is loud.  It resonates.  You hear it.  It confirms your fears and fuels your anxieties.

In the world around us, mean people, bullies, hate speech, intolerance … it’s all so loud!  Amplified beyond any reasonable value.

We hear about the hateful things someone did, or said.  We hear about the angst and discontent.  We hear negativity ringing through with volume that can be deafening.

Yet, when we say positive things, give compliments, gush about the goodness, and do good things, it’s acoustic without the amp.  It’s like a whisper, barely floating on the sound waves.

Why is that?

Why do we gravitate toward the negativity so easily?

Why do we focus on horrible people with only garbage to spew?

Why do we listen so intently to the toxic thoughts … and with such convinced belief?

Why not honor ourselves and our accomplishments with glorious, resounding, megaphone penetration????

Have you ever said, “I’m my own worst critic?”

If so, perhaps this is the time to stop saying it.

You are so much more than the negativity in your life – in our world.  Be the first to stand up for you … overcoming the negativity starts with you!

Be Loud!  Be Love!

Overcoming Negativity Pep Talk. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

If we don’t show ourselves self-love and self-respect, why on earth would anyone else do it?  We should be the example for how we want to be treated.

We should show others our gentleness, our kindness towards ourselves … we should show them how we treat ourselves and how we treat others.  And then this becomes the standard by which we invite others into our lives.

If they can’t treat you as well as you treat yourself, then why would you keep them?

The world seems to have taken a bit of messy spill out there in aisle 4 of the universe.

We hear the anger.  We hear the self-serving entitlement.  We hear the intolerance.   We hear the unsettled, uprising volatility of a world needing/wanting/restlessly jostling to vent.

Anger.  Negativity.  Argument.  Loud and noisy.  And unsettling.

Our world is feeling uncertain.

And the truth of it is, most of that is beyond our control.  And time spent on things beyond our control is arguably wasted and unhealthy time.


Overcoming negativity can be done!  It starts in your heart.  In your mind.  In your thoughts.  In your words.  In your actions.  In how you treat yourself and others.  In how you perceive the world.  In how you grow your life.

Overcoming Negativity Pep Talk. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

I invite you to pick up the megaphone to your positivity and be heard!

Don’t let negativity be the voice that guides you.  You are bright, beautiful, and loved!

You have goodness to share!

You have goodness to live and be!

You are made of stardust and starlight brightened by your amazing uniqueness!  Grow what you feel needs to be grown.  And shine with all you’ve got!

The only way to make positivity be heard and be loud is for us to value it, live it, and shine it so bright we drown out the negativity darkness.

Together, you and me … we got this!

I love you so much!!!  Thank you for sharing this Positivity Pep Talking time with me!

I hope you feel inspired!  Lit up and ready to be loud!

Let’s be LOUD!  Let’s be LOVE!  Let’s be POSITIVE!

Love and Big Hugs Mary Kate

Be the Change

Be the change! Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

“Be the Change you wish to see in the world!”  Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi got it right!

If I’ve learned anything in this life (and I’ve learned lots), it’s that you can’t control others.  You can’t make them be anything.  For instance, you can’t make someone else be happy.  You can’t make someone care.  You can’t make someone be anything they don’t want to be.

We are impressionable beings.  We are social.  We hang out in groups, and we listen.  We can be influenced.

We can be change!

We can be goodness!  We can be love!  We can be light!

Today I have a singular light brightening my brain.  This light has been calling to me for months.  It’s a light I need to shine brightly and to share, because it’s a light of making a positive difference.  It’s a light that shows just how good we can be!  It shows the change we can make!

Be the change! Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Be a BEST PERSON in peoples lives!

A little while back I learned that a dear friend had passed.  She was young.  … Cancer.  Taken before her time, and a devastating loss to all those who were fortunate to share life with her.

She liked ice cold cokey colas.  Just about everything she ate needed “a lil salt” after a first tiny bite.  Her laugh was mirthful and hearty.  No one could decorate a Christmas tree like her, but pilots could use the lights as a landing beacon.  And her heart was pure gold!

She was hard work, determination, grit, and a lickity split brain!  She was reliable, authentic, and she liked flying under the radar.  Meghan wasn’t looking for other people to make her feel important with ribbons and awards.  But she was special; she was perfect (in only a way Meghan could be)!

Meghan was a Best Person in my life! (which is why I’m sharing with you!)  :0)

Do you have a Meghan (Best Person) in your life?

I think we all have Meghans in our lives.  The people who authentically shine and make us look inward to be our best selves!

I think to all the people who have come into my life.  Beautiful souls!  Bright lights!  Angels on earth!  Even spritely little fairies of goodness!

I can strive to always be my best, give my best, and help my best for others!

I feel that even if I only get five seconds in passing, I can smile!  I feel deep gratitude for you and this time we share!  And I strive to always be a light in your days!

I can be the change for goodness!  I can be the change for love!  I can be the change for authenticity!  I can be the change for happiness and wellness!

Be the change! Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

I invite you to be a Best Person for others!  (Be the change!)

Being a best person (the change) isn’t about being perfect.  It’s not about always being something uber, impossibly positive.

  • A smile.
  • A hug.
  • Words of kindness, or love, or support, … or all of these!
  • Maybe it’s a gift of your time to help them tackle something challenging they are facing.
  • Maybe it’s just time shared laughing together and having a fun chit chat.

“Be the change …”, as Gandhi has said.  I call it Being the Ripple!

You are precious!

You are light!  We need you!!!!

Our world is faced with many struggles!  And one thing is for sure, Our Love and Light can help!!!  (It certainly won’t hurt … so … sweet blossom … Let’s be the change!  Let’s be the ripple!)

Love and Big Hugging you big … and I’m smiling at you so bright my cheeks are practically in my ears!!!!

Love and Big Hugs Mary Kate

Living an Inspired Life
Making It Happen!

Living a Happy Life. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

Living Your Inspired Life: Making It Happen!

Living an Inspired Life: Welcome! Let’s Get You Started!  (Introduction all about who, why, what, when, where, and how for Living an Inspired Life and the steps to get you started envisioning yours!)

Living an Inspired Life: Time to Reflect and Imagine! (In this post, we take all the doodle-thinking pages you created in the first post, and we dig in with with reflection and imagination to see what your Inspired Life looks like!)

Okay, Beautiful Blossoms!

Let’s get you living your inspired life!  Let’s make it happen!

You’re gonna want to have all your original doodle-thinking pages from our first meeting, and all of your notes and vision/dream boarding from our second meeting …

Living a Happy Life. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

Make a List!

What is different between the “current you” and the “living your inspired life you”?

  • What new things do you need to grow into your life?
  • What old things no longer serve you and must be let go of?

Make a list!  It doesn’t have to be a big list.  It doesn’t have to be organized in any form (not quite yet).  You just need to get all down in front of you, so you can see what you want to grow and let go of as you live your inspired life!

For me, my list is based on my values of happiness, healthiness, wellness, gratitude, kindness, love, and positude (If you’ve been reading my posts and enjoying my positudes and watching my videos, this sounds like me, right, … big hearts and big smiles to you!).

For me, I want to live a happy life.  A healthy life.  A life of light, love, gratitude, and goodness.  I want to be light and love in this world and to help spread smiles and big hugs!

  • Have a beautiful, happy, supportive, loving, wonderful life with my honeybun
  • Create happiness, light, love, joy, positivity
  • Live in gratitude & wellness
  • Grow and nurture beautiful relationships
  • For my body, mind, soul, efforts, and energies, nurture, nourish, live, learn, and grow with sustainability, conservation, goodness, wellness, healthiness
  • Movement in my life through yoga, walking, bouncing, and outdoor adventures
  • Be authentic and genuine and my best possible self
  • See and experience the beauty of nature
  • Live and die painlessly
  • Have a positive, kind, loving impact on all those I encounter … and if possible improve the earth’s wellness through my actions and helping others in need, like seniors, homeless, and abused and neglected animals

When you make your list, let your values guide you!  This is your inspired life, and only you can know what you want and need!  This is personal!  This is all about you and for you!  So be brave!  Be honest with yourself!  And give yourself your best, … because you deserve your best!

Living a Happy Life. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

You + You Living Your List = You Living Your Inspired Life!

Once you have your list, you have your ideals, growth goals, letting-go goals, … you have the foundation you need to get started living your inspired life!

Some of your list items might be easy to simply start living.  Others may require planning and effort.  Some of your list items are comprised of many smaller growth steps (my list is like this, as I wrote mine in overarching ideals).

So before we go any further, let’s help you create a “Living an Inspired Life Action Plan”!

You have a list – let’s organize it into a path of sorts!  Mind you, this isn’t a permanent path, or inflexible path.  Your life is always changing.  You are always changing.  You are always growing.  This path is simply meant to be a vision of growing-you-forward progress in an form that feels ideal to you right now.

As you look at your list:

  • Is it a path of individual steps growing one forward into the next?
  • Is it a path of multiple steps happening at once?
  • Is it a combination of multiple steps and single steps?
  • Is there a visible logic in forward progression … to do this next ideal, you must first accomplish this ideal?
  • Are there “easy” and “quick” steps/ideals you can start living immediately or grow pretty quickly?  (This can give empower you with an immediate boost of growth that can make you feel really good about your new path.)

Doodle-think out what your path looks and feels like?  Where would you like to start?  Do you need to accomplish one thing before you can do another?

Living a Happy Life. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

Ways to Live Your Inspired Life … Envisioning, Creating, and Living Your Do-able Path!

Know that how you grow – what you tackle first, second, and next for always – is up to you what feels good and right for you … when you are ready!

I encourage you to grab your dream/vision board and have it for constant reflection and reminder as you think about your path and laying out your steps.  Let your Inspired Vision guide you as you lay out your path!  One step, multi-steps, or a combination as you go and grow … you live your do-able Inspired Life!

Know you (and learn you as you go):

  • What helps you?
  • What will empower you?
  • What do you need to grow forward?
  • What obstacles do you foresee, and how can you face them and overcome them?
  • What support do you need?
  • Allow yourself to grow and adapt!
  • Allow yourself to let go of ideals that no longer serve you!
  • Allow yourself to amend ideals to better meet your ever growing self!
  • Allow yourself to immerse yourself in the joy of living and growing in your Inspired Life Vision!
Living a Happy Life. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

Then you can use the smaller do-able sized steps to grow your success into achieving your ideal and goal.

Living a Happy Life. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

Here’s one of my rather large list ideals:

  • For my body, mind, soul, efforts, and energies, nurture, nourish, live, learn, and grow with sustainability, conservation, goodness, wellness, healthiness

I’ve broken this down into MANY, MANY, MANY smaller do-able steps.  And even some of those steps have been broken down into smaller do-able steps.

For instance, the part about nourishing my healthiness, I needed to start living an anti-inflammatory life.  This includes ALL KINDS OF THINGS (growths and letting go’s):

  • reducing stress
  • getting movement into my body
  • cutting out added sugars
  • cutting out gluten
  • getting regular, restful, rejuvenating sleep
  • and lots more

So let’s take a look at the cutting out gluten … I’ll blog about this someday … as it’s been quite the growth adventure … but it started with doing the obvious: stop eating wheat.

Then I had to learn more about where gluten is … it’s not just in wheat, it also in rye, for instance.  And it’s hidden in so many unsuspecting places … like any food packaged in a facility that processes wheat.  It turned into a spiral of “ohmigosh, wheat is everywhere!!!”

So … baby steps.  I didn’t suddenly cut out gluten, and it was completely gone.  It’s taken learning, growing, adapting.  Finding new ways to eat.  Find new recipes.

I once was a person who could justify eating cake with a glass of milk for breakfast … lol.  And now, cake?  Cookies?  Yes, but differently.  And I’ve grown into them, and I love them.  But had I tried to do it all in the beginning, I would have been overwhelmed.  And I would’ve hated the food.

Slow and steady.  Growing.  Living it!

Empower your new Inspired Life with happy accomplishments and growth!

Feel good about you and what you are living and growing into your life!

Mind you … you may not be ready in this moment to do “it” … you may need to baby step it with those smaller do-able sized steps.  So you’ll have to differentiate between “willing to” and “ready to.”  If you’re not willing to do it … don’t bother putting it into your path.  But if you’re willing, just not ready … well, then, sweet beautiful blossom … all you have to do is figure out the smaller do-able step path to empower your successful achievement of the growth you want to live!

Living a Happy Life. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

Living an Inspired Life is NOT a Destination … It’s Now!

If I may …

We have been programmed in life to set goals and achieve them.  And that until we achieve them, the goal isn’t complete.

The problem with this thinking is that life is ongoing … it’s not a Do-It Done sort of thing.  Well, sure.  In the long run, one could look at it in restrospect and reflection like that.

But while we’re living it … we’re hopefully going to be here for a while … so thinking that you can’t live your inspired life until you get all your steps done is not the right kind of thinking.  In that, it’s not empowering or helpful or guiding or loving or kind … or patient to think that way.


Living a Happy Life. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

Your Life Is Happening NOW!

You are living it, breathing it, being it … right now!

Your inspired life is yours to have and create!  To live and grow!  To rejoice in and be free to be your bright, beautiful self!!!

I think of that quote from Allen Saunders: Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans.

So …

Your List

Your Ideals

Your Path of Do-Able Steps of Growing-You’s and Letting-Go’s

It’s flexible … it grows with you, changes with you.  It’s a vision of how you can activate your Inspired Life … how you can start living it.

But don’t get mired down in waiting for it to happen.

Once you begin … You ARE Living Your Inspired Life … how many ever steps at a time that work for you!

Living a Happy Life. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

Jim Rohn has famously stated, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

If you want to empower your success, you will generally do better when the folks around you support you instead of challenging your every ideal.

Living a Happy Life. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs. Personal Share: MK’s Empowering Her Success

In cutting gluten out of my life, I have not been joined by my friends or my family.  For them, it’s not something they want or need.

However, my honeybun has been all about my success!  Even though, it’s not something he is seeking to do, he supports my wellness, my healthiness, and my efforts to live my inspired life.

So, he helps me watch for gluten in foods.  He helps me cook/bake gluten-free foods.  And when I eat gluten-free foods he enjoys, he’ll eat them, too.  And when I don’t, he simply makes something different for himself, or I do.  We work it as a supportive team!

My point is … your peeps … your blossoms … they don’t have to be on the same exact page as you (it can help if they are, but who really is ever on the “same exact page” [we’re all so very different]).

Your peeps don’t have to be on the same ideal page … but empowerment is improved when they are on the “supporting your success” page!

I hope all of this insight and experience helps you envision, create, and live your Inspired Life!

This is the insight and experience I use to help me and my coachees envision, create, and live our Inspired Lives!

Thank you so much for sharing this Living an Inspired Life blog mini-series time with me!  Thank you so much for this opportunity to help you feel love, light, and big hugs in your life!

I am loving you with all the PINK in my heart and hugging you so big!!!

PS: If you have any questions or comments about Living Your Inspired Life, feel free to reach out to me!

PPS: If you feel this blog mini-series can help others you know, please feel free to share this post with them (all the blog post links for this series are provided in the opening paragraph for ease and convenient access.)



Love and Big Hugs Mary Kate

Living an Inspired Life
Time to Reflect and Imagine!

Living an Inspired Life! Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Time to Reflect and Imagine!!!

For those of you who missed the first post in this blog mini-series: Living an Inspired Life, click here to see the post and get more details!

I love this part!  … Okay, I love all the parts, cuz they’re the steps to growth and being me … but so, this part is cool, too, because we get to really pull all the bits and pieces together to see what our life puzzle is starting to look like.

For some of you, tho, you might be thinking, … oh, gah!  Reflection?!!!  Like, is this meditation or something???  Lol.  It’s something, but it’s not meditation.

But it could be.  Feel free to find a happy spot to meditate on your Inspired Life, if you feel called.  That’s awesome, too!

When I’m coaching a blossom, I help big time with this part.  I take a look at all my blossom’s categorized doodle-thinkings, and I look for connections.  I apply my many years of depth and breadth experience and see things maybe they can’t see, and often don’t.  And we talk our way through to some exciting imagining!

But since, you and me, here in this moment, we are connected via the interwebs and my blog of love and big hugs to you … I’m going to do my best to guide you through this next step with some thoughtful insight from me, so you can do it for yourself!  We’ll see how we do!

Okay, so … spread your pages out in front of you … I like to see them in the following type order: likes, dislikes, strengths, challenges, motivations, knocks me flat, & values.  For me, this is a progressive insight into how my blossom sees herself.  So try this, and if you like a different order, go for it!

Living an Inspired Life. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs! Example of Doodle-Thinking

Next, it’s analysis and reflection time.  It’s putting the pieces together.  And doing it in a manner that uses your imagination to what you think your Inspired Life looks like.

Like, for the blossom who says, in my Inspired Life I see myself healthy, happy, and working at XYZ Inc.  Or whatever she thinks she sees.

Like a blossom who wants to be healthy, but is stuck in the dieting trap, getting nowhere.

So, look at your doodle-thinking pages and compare away.  Look for the solid and supported “truths” of you.  Look for what seems wonky, and ask why?

Ask yourself what works for this idea of what you see in your Inspired Life.  Ask yourself what is holding you back.  Ask yourself with all that you are seeing about yourself … in line with your values … what does your Inspired Life look like in more detail?

You want to flesh out your vision.  See it in color.  See yourself today, and ask yourself …

  • Am I looking to make big changes?
  • Little changes?
  • Middle-sized changes?

What are you focusing on?

  • Health?
  • Wellness?
  • Happiness?
  • Career?
  • Relationships?
  • Family?
  • The whole kit and caboodle?
Living an Inspired Life. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

10 Life Must Haves + Must Do’s

OK … so there’s a next helpful step.  It will help clarify or reinforce what you are thinking.  Time to grab another sheet of paper and your colorful pens/pencils/markers …

Life List time!!!

And now look at your life again … here’s that reflection time, big time:

  • What are you looking to keep?
  • What are you looking to change?
  • What in your life (friends, work, family) is working for you?
  • What in your life is bringing you down?
  • What things can you change?
  • What things must you adapt to/can’t change (like a pandemic)?
  • What is serving you?
  • What is holding you back?
  • How does your 10 Life List things match up with what you want to keep and what you want to change?

What can you do to make the change?  What actions do you need to take? (like eat nutrient dense food, get up and move around every hour, move to a new place) … I mean, these actions can be big and small and in between …

Living an Inspired Life. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

I love to dream/vision board what I’m seeing and feeling.  If you like that idea, give it a try.  Outta your head on paper in front of you … it’s the big trick and key.  In your head is a jumble … on paper, you can’t hide.  It’s right in front of you!

And next time, we’ll wrap up with growing you from here to there.  Laying a path for you to travel.  Determining the steps you need to take and empowering you to take them!

This is the good stuff, sweet beautiful blossom and bright star!!!


Love and Big Hugs Mary Kate