MK’s Reflections: Patience

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

MK’s Reflections: Patience

Beautiful Blossom,

Maybe you can relate.

My honeybun tells me, “You have to have patience.”

But, … but.  I want it now!

Sometimes we’re talking little stuff, like landscaping and wanting to get my flowers in to see the beauty … but it’s too late in the season.  Or I want to go find some pretty rocks to decorate with, but that would mean being around people.

Sometimes we’re talking big stuff, like I keep trying so hard to wellness myself into feeling well again … but it’s taking fooooooooooooorrrrrreeeeeevvvvvvvver!  Being a girl is way harder than it looks!  Hormones – gah!

Something I’m learning in pandemic times is patience. 

With my health compromised and the risk of being around people who may not be vaccinated or willing to wear a mask has made my life one of contact-free, stay-at-home … and all the limitations that come with it.

Prepandemic, going to grocery store was easy.  Going anywhere was easy.

Now, I go almost nowhere.  To the doctors for medically necessary appointments, and that’s about it.  And even then, I’m putting things off that don’t outweigh the possibility of getting sick.

Prepandemic, the world was nicer.  It’s not so nice these days.  Which, when you are building a house, needing landscaping, needing skilled laborers to help and assist … comes with intimidation, frustration, and a desire to DIY as much as possible.

Prepandemic, we didn’t have supply chain challenges and supply shortages.  Now we stock up and wait when there’s no stock.


Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!


I’ve learned patience.

Where once I would simply run out and get that “thing,” now, if I can’t order it, I don’t get it.  And even if I can order it, I wait for it to arrive.

The gift of this is I’ve learned the value of need vs wantI’ve learned the difference between immediacy, and that which can wait.  I’ve gained independence and self-sufficiency through home growing food to reduce my reliance on grocery store supplies, among many other new ways of living, like simply learning to consume less – need vs want. 

It’s the great silver lining to facing challenges.  With open eyes, thought, and reflection, we can learn a lot and adapt.  We grow.  We get better.

I’d gotten used to the convenience and ease of “just running out to get ‘it.'”  Our culture focuses on making our lives easier, more convenient.  But those are only two values in a very complex equation of living life.

  • Patience.
  • Kindness.
  • Understanding the difference between need vs want.
  • Accepting we cannot control the world around us, but we can adapt and grow and find what works best for us.

May we all find the patience we need to get through this pandemic well, healthy, and safe.  May we remember kindness helps foster community and positive connectivity, and engage kindness as our MO.  May we come to see that need is more important than want and change our focus to what we need.  May we accept the challenge before us and use this time to grow and adapt.  May the love in our hearts shine through brightly!

I wish you a wonderful day filled with love, big hugs, laughter, and goodness in your belly and your heart!

Tower Garden by Juice Plus+. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

A Hint of Fall Color!
On the Bog (with Kat, Bear, & Wogs)

Fall Color. On the Bog. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

A Hint of Fall Color!

A hot summer sun blazed high in the sky, brightening the day and keeping spirits high.  On the Bog, Kat, Bear, and Wogs were out for an exploration trek and enjoying the incoming fall breeze keeping them cool as they hiked on.  Bear was excited for the wagon ride through the “wild”!

Our adventuring trio found Belle resting on an inviting hammock.  She chirped her happiness when they stopped to say, “HI.” and admire the hint of fall color showing on the two, tall red maples hosting the hammock.

Flop, Fluff, and Squeech all played nearby and were enjoying the gentle turn of weather.

Kat (looking up at the clouds, then back to the hammock and thinking it might be nice to rest a while and watch the clouds float by):  I think we should try out that hammock when Squeech is done!

Wogs (nodded, smiling at the thought):  Definitely!  We can explore for a bit more to give Bear a big ride, then come back.

Bear (loving this plan and looking forward to some wagon nap time after adventuring flicker-swished his tail in happiness):  Mrow!

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Hello Beautiful Sweet Souls!

Our world is becoming ever more challenging.  I’m guessing you feel it, too.  The anger, angst, frustration, and even fear.  It’s been building, bubbling, and boiling.

When times get hard like this, it can get harder to cope and navigate.  I know I’m finding it harder.  Our usual self-care can fall short.  We can feel ourselves melting under the weight of stress of negativity.

Dearest, loveliest, bright blossom, dig your roots deep.  Don’t give up, and know you are loved and not alone, and you are needed!  Shine your petals wide and bright into the sunlight and take in the warmth and positive energy!  Let the goodness wash over you and help preserve you!

This is a time for a deeper dive into what works for us!  Connect and share with your like-minded love muffins.  Breathe deeply, slowly, measured and paced.  Get movement into your body.  Nourish and hydrate.  Hug yourself.  Unplug and disconnect.  Rest and rejuvenate.  Head outside and be present to just watch the clouds float by.

And when you need a release beyond your efforts to quiet and calm the howling winds outside … go for a run, knead some bread (maybe punch it a little, or maybe even a lot! … lol), faceplant into a pillow deep in the recesses of your closet and scream … but find a positive release that will help you get the stress out, let go, and heal.

I know it’s harder for many of us.  Me, too.  But harder isn’t impossible.  It’s just harder, and we’re worth our effort!

Focus on what works for you!  Focus on what empowers you!  Focus on what makes you feel happiness in your heart and heals your soul, mind, and body!

One day, one step, one breath at a time … together with love and goodness as our guiding value … let’s watch the clouds float by and feel peace and calm and love in our hearts!

Thank you for sharing this time and being here with me in love and big hugs!  Squeezing you tight!

Love and Big Hugs Mary Kate

The Power of a Smile!

The Power of a smile. Van Gogh Starry Night. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

The power of a smile!

Okay Beautiful Blossoms … let’s not complicate this one.  A smile is POWERFUL!  It is an instant pick-me-up!  Even if you fake it, a smile will do good things to your body!!!

It’s chemical, people!  We have Happy Hormones!

You smile; your facial muscles move; your brain gets triggered; feel good chemicals get released; and voila … instant mood lifter!!!!

So what are you waiting for?

Are you smiling right now?  Why not?  … You could be … !!!

The Power of a smile. Van Gogh Starry Night. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

You’ll note the upturned corners of my mouth … my teeth beaming … my cheeks rounded and up … it’s as though my lips are stretching to meet my ears.

You smile, you feel better!  Easy peasy!

What’s not to love?

The Power of a smile. Van Gogh Starry Night. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

A heartfelt moment to be seriously serious.

I’m actually totally serious above, even if a bit silly.  But as a blossom challenged by perimenopausal hormone shifts, fluctuating hormone turbulence, and a state of ever depleting estrogen and progesterone levels, I get these horrible, terrible, life-crashing, grief-striking bouts of sobbing tears accompanied by incomprehensible bereft feelings that clench my stomach and make eyes leak like rivers.

These moments totally suck!!!

So … for my beautiful blossom who suffer depression, anxiety (I have that, too, and I know how bad anxiety bites the biggy, too.), etc, … if you’ve got a regular case of the “sads” or “scaredy cats,” I just want you to know … I’ve tried with every PINK molecule and energy light in my body to smile in these sobbing moments, and I’m usually NOT successful.

In these acute moments, sometimes we have to give ourselves the necessary time to process the moment.

THEN, as soon as we can, we can smile to help continue our upward journey take us upward faster and happier!

And might I also just add … if you are a blossom with clinical depression and/or anxiety, please keep seeing your therapist, doing your therapy in all its many forms, and please keep healing!  Smile when you can, cuz it really does help!  And know we are here for you in the biggest loving, hugging way possible!!!  Holding you on your journey and helping you get to the other side of your challenge!

Know that you are always welcome here!  Know that I am hugging you so big!  And with so much love!

I really hope my smiles, hugs, and loves, in all their forms can bring joy into your day and life, and help to brighten your spirits!

The Power of a smile. Van Gogh Starry Night. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Quick Highlights Benefits of Smiling

  • Studies have shown the simple act of smiling is the fastest way to perk you up and brighten your day. Even if you “make yourself” smile … it still releases your brainz happy juices!
  • Stress reducer
  • Immune system booster (makes you healthier)
  • Pain reducer
  • Lowers your BP
  • In short … a true kindness to you!!!!
  • And … it’s a kindness that can be shared for free!!!!

What can you do right now to help you smile?

As you likely know, I’ve got lots of Smile Tools in my tool kit!

  • I doodle!
  • I host Create and Share Parties (more on this to come!)!
  • I chat with friends and loved ones!
  • I give gratitude for the goodness in my life!
  • I spend mindful moments just breathing and taking in the nature around me!
  • I yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, yoga, and more yoga!
  • I slurp (yep, I actually slurp as necessary!) on fruit smoothies!
  • I watch the creatures being all creature-y in Bog-landia behind my Starry Cottage lil home!
  • I hug my honeybun!
  • I watch funny/happy/uplifting movies/videos!
  • I tell jokes!
  • I write funny stuff!
  • I read funny stuff!
  • Uh, I’ll just up and start smiling … just to be smiling!
  • I silly dance around in my Starry Cottage!
  • … just to name a few …

I encourage you to make tool kit of smile-inducers!  And you can start right now by listing off 3 things you can do to smile!  (Like go back up and see me smiling at you!  Or check out my awesomely fun “doodle Gogh!”)

The Power of a smile. Van Gogh Starry Night. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Be the smile in your day!  Be the smile in someone else’s day, too!

Well, Beautiful Blossoms!   I have loved spending this happy, loving time with you and creating these very special “doodle Gogh” arts for you!  I hope I have brought fun, silliness, smiles, and love and big hugs into your day today!

You are so very precious!

Thank you for sharing this time with me!

Super Muah!

The Power of a smile. Van Gogh Starry Night. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Overcoming Negativity Pep Talk

Overcoming Negativity Pep Talk. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Overcoming Negativity Pep Talk

Ever notice how loudly negativity talks?

Whether it’s the voice in your head sprinkling, or worse, showering you with toxic thoughts, the voice is loud.  It resonates.  You hear it.  It confirms your fears and fuels your anxieties.

In the world around us, mean people, bullies, hate speech, intolerance … it’s all so loud!  Amplified beyond any reasonable value.

We hear about the hateful things someone did, or said.  We hear about the angst and discontent.  We hear negativity ringing through with volume that can be deafening.

Yet, when we say positive things, give compliments, gush about the goodness, and do good things, it’s acoustic without the amp.  It’s like a whisper, barely floating on the sound waves.

Why is that?

Why do we gravitate toward the negativity so easily?

Why do we focus on horrible people with only garbage to spew?

Why do we listen so intently to the toxic thoughts … and with such convinced belief?

Why not honor ourselves and our accomplishments with glorious, resounding, megaphone penetration????

Have you ever said, “I’m my own worst critic?”

If so, perhaps this is the time to stop saying it.

You are so much more than the negativity in your life – in our world.  Be the first to stand up for you … overcoming the negativity starts with you!

Be Loud!  Be Love!

Overcoming Negativity Pep Talk. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

If we don’t show ourselves self-love and self-respect, why on earth would anyone else do it?  We should be the example for how we want to be treated.

We should show others our gentleness, our kindness towards ourselves … we should show them how we treat ourselves and how we treat others.  And then this becomes the standard by which we invite others into our lives.

If they can’t treat you as well as you treat yourself, then why would you keep them?

The world seems to have taken a bit of messy spill out there in aisle 4 of the universe.

We hear the anger.  We hear the self-serving entitlement.  We hear the intolerance.   We hear the unsettled, uprising volatility of a world needing/wanting/restlessly jostling to vent.

Anger.  Negativity.  Argument.  Loud and noisy.  And unsettling.

Our world is feeling uncertain.

And the truth of it is, most of that is beyond our control.  And time spent on things beyond our control is arguably wasted and unhealthy time.


Overcoming negativity can be done!  It starts in your heart.  In your mind.  In your thoughts.  In your words.  In your actions.  In how you treat yourself and others.  In how you perceive the world.  In how you grow your life.

Overcoming Negativity Pep Talk. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

I invite you to pick up the megaphone to your positivity and be heard!

Don’t let negativity be the voice that guides you.  You are bright, beautiful, and loved!

You have goodness to share!

You have goodness to live and be!

You are made of stardust and starlight brightened by your amazing uniqueness!  Grow what you feel needs to be grown.  And shine with all you’ve got!

The only way to make positivity be heard and be loud is for us to value it, live it, and shine it so bright we drown out the negativity darkness.

Together, you and me … we got this!

I love you so much!!!  Thank you for sharing this Positivity Pep Talking time with me!

I hope you feel inspired!  Lit up and ready to be loud!

Let’s be LOUD!  Let’s be LOVE!  Let’s be POSITIVE!

Love and Big Hugs Mary Kate

Be the Change

Be the change! Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

“Be the Change you wish to see in the world!”  Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi got it right!

If I’ve learned anything in this life (and I’ve learned lots), it’s that you can’t control others.  You can’t make them be anything.  For instance, you can’t make someone else be happy.  You can’t make someone care.  You can’t make someone be anything they don’t want to be.

We are impressionable beings.  We are social.  We hang out in groups, and we listen.  We can be influenced.

We can be change!

We can be goodness!  We can be love!  We can be light!

Today I have a singular light brightening my brain.  This light has been calling to me for months.  It’s a light I need to shine brightly and to share, because it’s a light of making a positive difference.  It’s a light that shows just how good we can be!  It shows the change we can make!

Be the change! Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Be a BEST PERSON in peoples lives!

A little while back I learned that a dear friend had passed.  She was young.  … Cancer.  Taken before her time, and a devastating loss to all those who were fortunate to share life with her.

She liked ice cold cokey colas.  Just about everything she ate needed “a lil salt” after a first tiny bite.  Her laugh was mirthful and hearty.  No one could decorate a Christmas tree like her, but pilots could use the lights as a landing beacon.  And her heart was pure gold!

She was hard work, determination, grit, and a lickity split brain!  She was reliable, authentic, and she liked flying under the radar.  Meghan wasn’t looking for other people to make her feel important with ribbons and awards.  But she was special; she was perfect (in only a way Meghan could be)!

Meghan was a Best Person in my life! (which is why I’m sharing with you!)  :0)

Do you have a Meghan (Best Person) in your life?

I think we all have Meghans in our lives.  The people who authentically shine and make us look inward to be our best selves!

I think to all the people who have come into my life.  Beautiful souls!  Bright lights!  Angels on earth!  Even spritely little fairies of goodness!

I can strive to always be my best, give my best, and help my best for others!

I feel that even if I only get five seconds in passing, I can smile!  I feel deep gratitude for you and this time we share!  And I strive to always be a light in your days!

I can be the change for goodness!  I can be the change for love!  I can be the change for authenticity!  I can be the change for happiness and wellness!

Be the change! Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

I invite you to be a Best Person for others!  (Be the change!)

Being a best person (the change) isn’t about being perfect.  It’s not about always being something uber, impossibly positive.

  • A smile.
  • A hug.
  • Words of kindness, or love, or support, … or all of these!
  • Maybe it’s a gift of your time to help them tackle something challenging they are facing.
  • Maybe it’s just time shared laughing together and having a fun chit chat.

“Be the change …”, as Gandhi has said.  I call it Being the Ripple!

You are precious!

You are light!  We need you!!!!

Our world is faced with many struggles!  And one thing is for sure, Our Love and Light can help!!!  (It certainly won’t hurt … so … sweet blossom … Let’s be the change!  Let’s be the ripple!)

Love and Big Hugging you big … and I’m smiling at you so bright my cheeks are practically in my ears!!!!

Love and Big Hugs Mary Kate

Comedy Night at Froggy Bog!
On the Bog (with Kat, Bear, & Wogs)

Laughter is medicine! On the Bog! Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Comedy Night at Froggy Bogs!

The darkness of night had fallen On the Bog, lit only by a faint crescent moon tucked behind thick clouds, some gently twinkling stars, and lots of blinking fireflies.

The pleasant summer day had been sunny and warm with a happy, cooling breeze to make their playtime an absolute delight!  Kat, Bear, and Wogs were all tuckered out from their big outside adventuring and silliness.

Nestled inside Starry Cottage On the Bog, they all snuggled together on their big, fluffy couch and listened to the froggy boggy sounds outside.

Kat (smiling and wondering) It sounds like they’re laughing!

Wogs (nodding and smiling back)Yeah, must be stand-up night, and their comedian is hilarious!

Bear (thinking the frogs were probably laughing at them for spending such a good night inside and missing out on all the moonlit fun, wagged the end of his tail with eagerness, but then yawned):  Mrow.

Laughter is medicine! On the Bog! Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Laughter can actually reduce pain and encourage healing!

And let’s be real … we could all use some healing right now … if not physically, then mentally and emotionally.

As we dip into yet another wave of pandemic challenge and hear more about the climate crisis, and …, and …, and …, … … … whatever the world is throwing our way, it can be hard to stay positive.  Upbeat.  Lighthearted.  … Or even, just to be okay and hanging in there.

Our morale can drop, and with it, it can take our overall well-being (including physical).  So it’s important for us to find ways to laugh and lighten up … to be bright and smile!

It’s important for us to connect with our loving, happy peeps!  It’s important for us to be seen and heard.  And it’s important for us to feel loved, smile big, and laugh hard!

So hug yourself or the creature sitting next to you (human or furry), and tell yourself this goodness: I am LOVED!  I am NEEDED!  I am a BRIGHT, BEAUTIFUL LIGHT IN THIS WORLD!

Smile and laugh!  Share your smiles and laughter with others!  (Did you know that even if you have to force a smile or laugh, it still helps??? … It’s true!)

So in these times when it can be easy to see darkness, I offer to you the gentle, loving, hugging reminder to Focus On What You Can Do To Help Your Body Cope And Heal!

And right now, you can smile and laugh!  And know I love you!!!

Love and Big Hugs Mary Kate

A Scary Time!
On the Bog (with Kat, Bear, & Wogs)

scary time. positive relationships. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

A Scary Time!

It was a scary time On the Bog!  Lightening struck, and thunder shook the very walls of Starry Cottage!

Dark skies roiled.  Heavy rain blew and blustered, drenching everything in sight and obscuring the usually chipper sights of the Bog.  All the creatures were silent and still, hiding in their homes and shelters, hoping for the storm to pass quickly.

Inside Starry Cottage with a candle lit in the window for hope and light, Kat, Bear, and Wogs huddled closely together, holding each other tight.

Kat (shuddering in response to a loud, nearby lightening strike) I’m scared.

Wogs (hugging Kat tighter and gently stroking Bear’s head for comfort)Me, too.  But it’s scary outside, so that’s normal.

Kat (cuddling in closer to Wogs and petting Bear with calming love)I’m so grateful we have each other!

Wogs (loving Kat and Bear big time with gentle comforting hugs)Me, too!

Bear (loving Kat and Wogs so big and thankful for their comfort in such a scary time, snuggled deeply into Wogs lap and felt calm with Kat’s gentle touch):  <3

Live an Inspired Life! Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

It would be great if scary times didn’t happen, but they do.  They can throw us off-center and disturb our calm.  They can bring tremendous upset and upheaval.  We can struggle to navigate these difficult times.

But navigate we must.  One step at a time.  One foot in front of the other.  One breath at a time.

They help us be a little braver, be a bit calmer, and help us find the strength we need to get through the scary time with less soul scorching … less fear … an in a way that helps us feel not alone, … and simply better.

Nourishing positive relationships with others, growing love with friends and partners, and investing in meaningful connections all take time to flourish, but these bonds are gifts in our lives!  They brighten our days!  We have goodness to share!  Support to lend!  Hugs to hold us!

Together, we celebrate the good times, and comfort each other in the scary and difficult times!

Together, we make life happier, healthier, PINKer, kinder, more loving, more caring, … simply filled with more goodness!

I am filled with gratitude for this shared time with you!  Thank you for being here with me as we navigate the good days and the bad days!  Thank you for sharing your brightness with the world!

May any scary times you face pass quickly and without lasting debilitating impact.  May you have the love and support you need to hold you, comfort you, and guide you safely back to brighter days!  May you always feel my love holding your heart!

Love and Big Hugs Mary Kate

Living an Inspired Life
Time to Reflect and Imagine!

Living an Inspired Life! Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Time to Reflect and Imagine!!!

For those of you who missed the first post in this blog mini-series: Living an Inspired Life, click here to see the post and get more details!

I love this part!  … Okay, I love all the parts, cuz they’re the steps to growth and being me … but so, this part is cool, too, because we get to really pull all the bits and pieces together to see what our life puzzle is starting to look like.

For some of you, tho, you might be thinking, … oh, gah!  Reflection?!!!  Like, is this meditation or something???  Lol.  It’s something, but it’s not meditation.

But it could be.  Feel free to find a happy spot to meditate on your Inspired Life, if you feel called.  That’s awesome, too!

When I’m coaching a blossom, I help big time with this part.  I take a look at all my blossom’s categorized doodle-thinkings, and I look for connections.  I apply my many years of depth and breadth experience and see things maybe they can’t see, and often don’t.  And we talk our way through to some exciting imagining!

But since, you and me, here in this moment, we are connected via the interwebs and my blog of love and big hugs to you … I’m going to do my best to guide you through this next step with some thoughtful insight from me, so you can do it for yourself!  We’ll see how we do!

Okay, so … spread your pages out in front of you … I like to see them in the following type order: likes, dislikes, strengths, challenges, motivations, knocks me flat, & values.  For me, this is a progressive insight into how my blossom sees herself.  So try this, and if you like a different order, go for it!

Living an Inspired Life. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs! Example of Doodle-Thinking

Next, it’s analysis and reflection time.  It’s putting the pieces together.  And doing it in a manner that uses your imagination to what you think your Inspired Life looks like.

Like, for the blossom who says, in my Inspired Life I see myself healthy, happy, and working at XYZ Inc.  Or whatever she thinks she sees.

Like a blossom who wants to be healthy, but is stuck in the dieting trap, getting nowhere.

So, look at your doodle-thinking pages and compare away.  Look for the solid and supported “truths” of you.  Look for what seems wonky, and ask why?

Ask yourself what works for this idea of what you see in your Inspired Life.  Ask yourself what is holding you back.  Ask yourself with all that you are seeing about yourself … in line with your values … what does your Inspired Life look like in more detail?

You want to flesh out your vision.  See it in color.  See yourself today, and ask yourself …

  • Am I looking to make big changes?
  • Little changes?
  • Middle-sized changes?

What are you focusing on?

  • Health?
  • Wellness?
  • Happiness?
  • Career?
  • Relationships?
  • Family?
  • The whole kit and caboodle?
Living an Inspired Life. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

10 Life Must Haves + Must Do’s

OK … so there’s a next helpful step.  It will help clarify or reinforce what you are thinking.  Time to grab another sheet of paper and your colorful pens/pencils/markers …

Life List time!!!

And now look at your life again … here’s that reflection time, big time:

  • What are you looking to keep?
  • What are you looking to change?
  • What in your life (friends, work, family) is working for you?
  • What in your life is bringing you down?
  • What things can you change?
  • What things must you adapt to/can’t change (like a pandemic)?
  • What is serving you?
  • What is holding you back?
  • How does your 10 Life List things match up with what you want to keep and what you want to change?

What can you do to make the change?  What actions do you need to take? (like eat nutrient dense food, get up and move around every hour, move to a new place) … I mean, these actions can be big and small and in between …

Living an Inspired Life. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

I love to dream/vision board what I’m seeing and feeling.  If you like that idea, give it a try.  Outta your head on paper in front of you … it’s the big trick and key.  In your head is a jumble … on paper, you can’t hide.  It’s right in front of you!

And next time, we’ll wrap up with growing you from here to there.  Laying a path for you to travel.  Determining the steps you need to take and empowering you to take them!

This is the good stuff, sweet beautiful blossom and bright star!!!


Love and Big Hugs Mary Kate

Nighttime Spectacular!
On the Bog (with Kat, Bear, & Wogs)

On the Bog! Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Nighttime Spectacular!

Kat, Bear, and Wogs were all snuggly buggily sound asleep in their happy little Starry Cottage On the Bog.

But outside, nightlife was vibrant and alive in a peaceful nighttime spectacular!  The frogs and crickets chirped and sang in a restful, serenading ambiance. Fireflies twinkled everywhere being delightful little stars on earth.  Stealthy deer sticking to the shadows waded amongst the tall wildflowers, nibbling and munching on yummy nummies.

And the moon!  Oh, the moon!  A dazzling orange sherbet light in the sky, hovered just above the treetops and cast a sherbet glow on the clouds nearby. The moon was making its evening trek toward the horizon, half full but filled with captivating excitement!

Kat (dreaming of their recent Bog Daze fun and smiling in her sleep sends loving thoughts and hugs to you):  … love and big hugs
Wogs (lightly snoring, rolled over onto his side and pulled his blanket a lil higher … he’d hug you, too, but he’s deep in sleep):  … love and big hugs

Bear (catching the twinkle of a firefly, he opened his eyes and peered out his window perch catching a glimpse of the wonder and thought, … wait til I tell Kat and Wogs what they missed! … then, he snuggled back into his curled up ball to dream of being outside catching fireflies and chasing deer … oh, and he sends you hugs, too!):  … love and big hugs

tulip flower. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

Hello Sweet Beautiful Blossom!

Thank you for being here with me today!  Just in case you needed it extra big … today is a big day of hugging and loving you my biggest!!!!

Please remember to give yourself a lil love … hydrate, eat something nourishing, take a moment to rest and breathe, and hug yourself for the brightness you are!!!!

Muah, SO BIG!!!!

Love and Big Hugs Mary Kate

Turtle Time!
On the Bog (with Kat, Bear, & Wogs)

On the Bog (with Kat, Bear, & Wogs). Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Turtle Time!

With summer quickly approaching, activity On the Bog was at an all time high!  And the turtles were getting in on the action!

The blue skies were mostly clear, and the sun was bright and happy.  Bug and bird life fluttered, flittered, and flew all about, buzzing and chirping, humming and tweeting, and making for a most melodious delight!

Tree canopies bubbled with leafy life and gently swayed in the comfortable, warm breeze.  Wildflowers burst with color.  And our adventurous trio, Kat, Bear, and Wogs, out for an afternoon walk, came upon the joyful busy of the Bog.

Tabitha, the snapping turtle, had emerged from the depths of the bog covered in algae, and was nestled into the hole she’d dug, laying her many eggs!  By the middle of summer, baby snappers would be scattering about!

Tomi the Taxi, a painted turtle, was happily ferrying riders from one bog spot to another.  Kat, Bear, and Wogs looked on as Tomi gave Belle a free ride … Belle and Squeech were taking turns and having fun!  Tomi was cheerfully playing along with his feathery friends!

Kat (excited to see turtles, thinking they are SO cute):  Ohmigosh, look! Turtles!!!!

Wogs (thinking turtles are SO cool):  I see them!  And look, Tomi’s playing taxi ride for the day!  We should go grab our picnic gear and camp out for the afternoon!

Bear (cheerfully flicker-waving his tail at all the scurrying and flurrying and enjoying their adventurous find totally agreed with Kat and Wogs):  Mrow!

Hello Beautiful Light of Love and Happiness!

Thinking of you being here with me, I’m bouncing with giddy glee!  You make me smile so big, and you fill my heart to overflowing!  Thank you for our shared time together!!!

Remember to give yourself a big hug and lots of love today!  Drink lots of water.  Nibble on nutritious num nums.  Get up, wiggle/dance/walk around, and give your body some movement love!  And take a moment to look at something you love and just breathe and be!  You got today SO GOOD!!!!

muah! xoxox!

Love and Big Hugs Mary Kate