When you realize you are worth your every effort, you realize all of the things you do for yourself mean something to you … and you realize the things that mean something to you, … those are the things that are important in your life. They are your life!
Self-care is how we define our self-worth. What we are willing to do for ourselves let’s us know how important we are to ourselves.
I hear so many beautiful blossoms say things like, “I’m so busy; I just can’t ever seem to find time to self-care.”
The demands of life can be so heavy we are driven away from our efforts. But when this happens, we allow the demands of our lives to be more important to us than us.
This begs the question: What’s more important in your life, you or the busy?
We can start small. We can allow “Progress, not perfection,” (Jill Stante) to guide us.
We can make time for that phone/zoom call to a friend.
We can eat something nutritious.
We can prioritize quality sleep.
We can squeeze in 10 minutes of yoga before lunch.
We can reflect on our days and see what good things we are already doing for ourselves and acknowledge and give gratitude (Because sometimes, I find in my friends who say they are too busy to self-care, that they are already doing things, but they just don’t see it. And in not seeing it, they often feel they are lacking. So see yourself & hug yourself for all that you are already doing!)
We can do the little things.
Because you are worth your every effort, big and small!
It all comes down to some simple questions with answers that only you can give:
What life do you want to live?
Do you want to live the life that actually lives you instead of the other way around?
Will you value yourself, defining your self-worth through your self-care?
What choices will you make in your life? (These choices are your life.)
What life do you want to live? Will it be a life for you or against you? Will you choose you? Or will you choose to always be too busy?
You are worth SO MUCH!
You are worth nutritious food. You are worth good sleep. You are worth your love, hugs, kindness, and patience. You are worth 10 minutes to stop, soak up some sun, breathe mindfully, and be present in your life … thinking only of you and the moment you are in!
You are worth your life!!!
Choose you! Every time. It’s in the small things. The big things. It’s in all the things!
Hope our chat today hugs you and your heart SO BIG!
Whether it’s the voice in your head sprinkling, or worse, showering you with toxic thoughts, the voice is loud. It resonates. You hear it. It confirms your fears and fuels your anxieties.
In the world around us, mean people, bullies, hate speech, intolerance … it’s all so loud! Amplified beyond any reasonable value.
We hear about the hateful things someone did, or said. We hear about the angst and discontent. We hear negativity ringing through with volume that can be deafening.
Yet, when we say positive things, give compliments, gush about the goodness, and do good things, it’s acoustic without the amp. It’s like a whisper, barely floating on the sound waves.
Why is that?
Why do we gravitate toward the negativity so easily?
Why do we focus on horrible people with only garbage to spew?
Why do we listen so intently to the toxic thoughts … and with such convinced belief?
Why not honor ourselves and our accomplishments with glorious, resounding, megaphone penetration????
Have you ever said, “I’m my own worst critic?”
If so, perhaps this is the time to stop saying it.
You are so much more than the negativity in your life – in our world. Be the first to stand up for you … overcoming the negativity starts with you!
Be Loud! Be Love!
If we don’t show ourselves self-love and self-respect, why on earth would anyone else do it? We should be the example for how we want to be treated.
We should show others our gentleness, our kindness towards ourselves … we should show them how we treat ourselves and how we treat others. And then this becomes the standard by which we invite others into our lives.
If they can’t treat you as well as you treat yourself, then why would you keep them?
The world seems to have taken a bit of messy spill out there in aisle 4 of the universe.
We hear the anger. We hear the self-serving entitlement. We hear the intolerance. We hear the unsettled, uprising volatility of a world needing/wanting/restlessly jostling to vent.
Anger. Negativity. Argument. Loud and noisy. And unsettling.
Our world is feeling uncertain.
And the truth of it is, most of that is beyond our control. And time spent on things beyond our control is arguably wasted and unhealthy time.
Overcoming negativity can be done! It starts in your heart. In your mind. In your thoughts. In your words. In your actions. In how you treat yourself and others. In how you perceive the world. In how you grow your life.
I invite you to pick up the megaphone to your positivity and be heard!
Don’t let negativity be the voice that guides you. You are bright, beautiful, and loved!
You have goodness to share!
You have goodness to live and be!
You are made of stardust and starlight brightened by your amazing uniqueness! Grow what you feel needs to be grown. And shine with all you’ve got!
The only way to make positivity be heard and be loud is for us to value it, live it, and shine it so bright we drown out the negativity darkness.
Together, you and me … we got this!
I love you so much!!! Thank you for sharing this Positivity Pep Talking time with me!
I hope you feel inspired! Lit up and ready to be loud!
Living an inspired life fulfills your heart, mind, body, and soul! You starburst with your own brightness! Your goodness gushes out of you with the mirth of authenticity! You feel real! You glow with happiness! Your unique beauty and gifts light up the world, making us a better place to be!
Living an inspired life is knowing yourself in this moment, recognizing and valuing your ideas, self-worth, hopes, and potential!
Living an inspired life is seeing that you are a Beautiful Blossom and wanting to flourish!
It’s your 90 year ticket (plus/minus a few years). You can live the life YOU want to live. Not the life other people are telling you to live. Not the life media shows you and compels you to live ( … let’s be honest, that life – the life media wants you live – it’s the life that lines the pockets of the already rich and few … but that’s a story for another day.).
So this life of yours?
What does it look like?
What does your life look like when you are being true to you? When you think about what you like, and dislike, how you feel, what your internal strengths are, what inspires you, what motivates you, what challenges you, . . . when you look at you and are honest with yourself, what do you see?
I think some people are content to live the regular life. The life that has already been lived. The life of others. The life that doesn’t require thought. The life that simply bumbles along and lets others have the control.
If that’s for you, and it makes you happy, hugging you big and loving you, too! That’s ok. For some, taking a look around and following suit – staying inside the box – is what keeps them doing just fine.
In this new blog mini-series of mine, I’m going to help you, just like I help all of my coach-ees.
It’s a step-forward process and requires thought. It requires you to look inside yourself, do some reflection, and it requires you to be brave enough to know that no matter where you are today – in case that scares you – in case you aren’t sure you like who you are right now – or if you don’t feel “perfect” … just know, that’s ok. It’s a baseline. Your baseline is just that, a baseline. The foundation. The ground from which you will grow!
And this, my sweet beautiful blossom and bright star with so much love in your heart, this is just the beginning!
So … if you’re game … get out some blank paper, colored pens, pencils, markers, crayons (whatever makes you giggle) and title up some starter pages:
My likes
My dislike
My values
My strengths
My challenges (some might call them weaknesses)
What inspires me?
What motivates me?
What knocks me flat?
My vision (when you close your eyes and look at you and your life, what do you see?)
Now, using your blank pages and your colorful pens, draw, write, doodle, depict, list, … see yourself for who you are and who you want to be!
Until our next Living an Inspired Life! post, give yourself some love. Take some time for yourself. Know you are important! Know you are loved!
Hugging you so big! Loving you ginormous!
Thank you for sharing this wonderful time with me! You, beautiful blossom and bright star with big love in your heart, are an absolute delight!
I needed positivity. Reaffirmation. Self-care. Connection. Happiness. And I got it!
What we did …
She, along with a one of her inspirations and guiding lights, Deb Namara, were offering a 4 week Zoom-mediated Soul Circle. We’d meet once a week for 4 weeks, and during the 90 minutes of wellness and positivity, Leonie and Deb talked about coping and healing – finding a way to do more than just survive the pandemic, but to come out the other side, better, more improved. With self-care and positivity and light and love!
In a time, when everyone was talking about “can’t wait for things to go back to the way they were,” Leonie and Deb introduced the notion that perhaps things weren’t so great before. Maybe instead of trying so hard to get back, maybe we could use this time to create and grow a better place, a better future. … And I bit onto that bit of inspiration with all my might … I definitely wanted to create a better, brighter, more hope-filled future!
Each week, we’d come together to listen to the beautiful, uplifting, positive, reaffirming, encouraging words of Leonie and Deb. Then Deb would guide us through an amazing meditation – another thing that until this experience, I’d never done – and then we’d be given the opportunity to creatively reflect on our medication through art or journaling (On my goodness, I can’t even tell you how much I loved this, but ever since, I’ve been using art and journaling to grow my wellness!). Before closing, we would be given thought provoking questions to help guide us toward our brighter lights.
Every moment was bright. Light. Positive. Caring. Empowering. I felt refreshed and renewed! I felt hope!
So, when the month came to an end, and Deb offered the opportunity to continue our Soul Circle meetings, I was in! Hooked. Enthusiastic. Jubilant! Waiting with giddiness and wanting for more goodness in my life! Happy to be a part of something so gorgeous and healthy feeling!
Where we’re at … (the true beauty, beyond anything I could have imagined!)
So it’s been a year! For those of us who have continued our time with Deb, we’ve taken life changing to a whole new level!
There’s about 20 of us now. We’re smaller. We still use Zoom. We come from the US, Canada, UK, and Australia, … I think we might even have a New Zealander in there. And every month, we are so excited to see each other and be in each other’s light!
Every month is different. We always have Share and Support time. Sometimes we have a guided meditation. Sometimes we art/journal. We have our opening and closing prayer.
Every month we listen with open hearts and live and grow in each others’ goodness and individual gifts and uniqueness!
It’s amazing!
It’s a no judgement, share zone. We feel love and acceptance. We hear and grow. We connect. We come together to feel each other’s brightness and to share and support each other!
It’s amazing! I know I just said that … but seriously. We are the embodiment of those little memes that tell us to be the woman who supports other women.
We ARE beautiful, bright souls supporting other beautiful, bright souls! Sharing times with these incredible women is growing me, helping me, loving me, and for the first time in my life, truly accepting me for who I am with love and respect. And it feels AMAZING!
So amazing in fact, that I feel compelled to write to you about it. To encourage to join or start your own women’s circle. To invite goodness into your life! To brighten your days with love and support! To feel the positive, reaffirming wellness of organic, juicy, healthy relationships!!!
And for this reason, I am including this post as a link back to “My Body Is an Alien” (a women’s hormone health blog series) … because on the list of things you can do to grow wellness into your life and your body is to join a women’s circle!
It’s what you make of it!
Think of the possibilities! You can talk about your painful periods. The challenges you are facing in your life and relationships. Loss. Work challenges. Trying to combat toxic, negative thoughts. Being peri-menopausal/menopausal and the challenges and health difficulties you are coping with. The truly delightful nature walk you went on, and how you feel inspired. The stars. Crystals. Art. You can talk about whatever you and your beautiful group of women are called to talk about!
No judgment. Only kind support. Shared ideas. Shared lessons learned. Shared light and love. Acceptance. Connection. Gentleness. No longer feeling alone … like you are the only one in the world with this crazy shiz happening to you.
Hell, in our most recent Soul Circle, one of our gorgeous blossoms talked about how she gets so angry at the TV – all the shiz coming out of it – that she finds herself yelling at her TV. Another beautiful soul is suffering the loss of a dear family member and trying to find ways to cope and move forward. Another bright light talked about how her hormonal body is such a debilitating challenge it makes her feel abnormal, like a freak of nature, and it impacts her self-confidence. I suspect we all feel these ways, at least sometimes. It’s amazing be there for each other, and knowing we are not alone!
Each of share what we are called to share. Each of compassionately listen and support. Each of feel the love of our circle of bright lights shining!
And you, too, can have this. You can join or start your own group. Give it time. Nourish and nurture each other. Your relationships will grow in goodness! You will feel better. More light and wellness in your life!
I am compelled with a full and bright heart to share this goodness with you!
Also … I want to say … as part of my contribution to our group … I started giving a big, virtual hug (you know me and my hugging!), and now … before we end our monthly meetings, there are always big, loving hugs!
I wish this goodness for you! And I hope you can grow, nourish, and nurture this positivity, reaffirming happiness, self-caring wellness into your life in a way that is absolutely positive and life changing for you!
For me, February is the month of love!!! I know I’m not joined in this sentiment by all, and I remember my younger days of singleness, lacking a date for “the big day.” And I remember the sad, aloneness I felt.
I hated feeling that way, and so many, many, many, many years back, I decided to change my focus. To reframe the day. To value it for something more than just a date holiday. To see it for the goodness buried within, super deep, and super AWESOME!
So now, I use the month of February to celebrate love of every kind … to celebrate the brightness we can bring into our own lives and the lives of others! And I invite you to join me! … In doing so, we can make the world a better place!!!
We have the power to be love, for ourselves, and for those around us!
And so, I made this itty bitty short video with a BIG, Heart-Pinking message in … just for you!
But for all the world, you wouldn’t know it. Not with how media, culture, our employment, and even our friendships pit us against one another.
I find myself having this conversation with every single one of my beautiful coaching souls. My friends. And I’ve had this conversation with my therapist. All of us are women … chicks of big hearts, open minds, … and feeling the negativity waged against us.
Seems like we’re never quite pretty enough, smart enough, do enough, help enough, give enough, go go go enough.
In the media we are told we need to drink more coffee, work out more, squeeze in more time to be better moms, wives, girlfriends, friends … cook more, clean more, get to work faster. It seems like our clothes are never nice enough. Our houses are never big enough. Our kids will only be happy if we get and buy them everything they want. So … of course, we’re going to need more money …
If only we would buy that cologne we could all smell sexy and be as beautiful as Charlize Theron, cuz without it, we’re just not as good.
You get the idea … the judgement negativity is everywhere, with the bottom line being, we’re never quite good enough if we don’t … do whatever it is they want us to do.
We lose our self-esteem, self-respect, self-love, self-worth. We learn to hate ourselves and the other lovely ladies around us, especially the ones who seem to be doing a better job at being Perfect.
Maybe she’s thinner. Maybe her hair is more lustrous. Maybe she seems to be able to do it all. And we loathe her for it.
You are glorious!!! You are beautiful!!! You have gifts, the likes we’ll never see again on this earth!!! You are unique and special!!! You are amazing!!!
You bring to us magic! And delight! And wisdom! Lessons learned. Experiences. Strength. Even in your moments of unstrength, your gifts are there, shining through, helping you cope in ways best suited to you. And we learn from you. We grow and flourish in your light. In your unique perspective. In how you see the world and brighten it. And for all that you do for us, we do it for you, too!
For we are strong and beautiful, and together, with our love shining so very brightly, our gifts complement each other making our lives and this world a brighter, more beautiful place to be!
Together, no longer judging … no longer criticizing, no longer stuck in the negativity structures forced upon us, together in love, kindness, compassion, caring, gratitude-giving … we see the goodness, the beauty in each other, and we know the truth:
Your beauty does not diminish my beauty, as my beauty doesn’t not diminish your beauty. Together, with love, our gifts complement each other making our lives and this world a brighter, more beautiful place to be!
PS: If you and your heart are moved by the loveliness of this digi-painting and you would love a copy for yourself, click here.
If repetition is key, then tell yourself how much you love you. Tell yourself kind things. Tell yourself supportive things. Give yourself positive reaffirmation every day. Self-Love and Self-Care with Positive Reaffirmation is POWERFUL!!!
We are constantly bombarded with so much negativity and drama, every single day. It’s in our news, our social media, and our entertainment. It’s in our daily lives. Depression and anxiety rates are up. And for anyone who has ever been in an abusive relationship, one of the first truths that holds is “if you hear it long enough, you begin to believe it.”
This is a form of reaffirmation. And reaffirmation is POWERFUL. When subjected to it negatively, it diminishes and disempowers us. It brings our lives and our mental and emotional well-being down, which in turn impact our physical well-being negatively.
BUT, when practiced POSITIVELY, reaffirmation can powerfully change your life for the better. So MUCH BETTER!
So let’s use this POSITIVE REAFFIRMATION POWER for AWESOME Transformation in our lives!!!
Repetition Is Key! Repeat goodness to yourself every day!
Self-Love and Self-Care yourself with Positive Reaffirmation to transform you and put that smile on your face and the glow in your heart!
I talk about my POSitudes … a POSitude to me is a positive statement of love, reaffirmation, support, self-care, kindness, gratitude, and giant PINK & LOVE filled hugs! POSitudes are gentle reminders and guidance I use daily to support myself and that I share with you to help you live a happier and healthier life.
For me, my POSitudes and POSitude cards are vital and amazing and wonderful! I keep my cards on my desk and near me all the times. And for today, I want to focus on some of the positive reaffirmations that are incredibly meaningful to me. I encourage you, please, if repetition is key, then tell yourself how much you love you. Be kind to you. Tell yourself supportive and nice things. Tell yourself these things:
I am loved!
I am irreplaceable!
I am wonderfully unique with a light that only shines when I am in the room … the world needs my light!
I am enough!
I am needed!
My heart is big and beautiful!
I can do this!
Every little bit I do is better than not doing anything at all!
It’s Valentine’s, and I love any day dedicated to love. Especially now more than ever when there seems to be so much negativity in the world. So for this month of love, take that first step … self-love and self-care yourself with positive reaffirmations. Use the POWERFUL tool of transformation to enlighten and empower you! Be kind to you. Say nice things to yourself. Think of something you like about yourself and remind yourself of it daily. Tell yourself supporting things. Hug yourself! Big Time!!! Put the smile on your face and the glow in your heart for your happiness and healthiness! Love you!
Until next week …
Keep telling yourself positive, happy things about you! Self-love and self-care yourself with POSitive Reaffirmations!!! Give yourself the power you need to transform you and your life into the happiness and healthiness you want for you!
Be my Valentine! I love you with my big, happy, PINK heart, and I’m hugging you so SQUEEtastically tight!
Love and Big Hugs,
More Happiness from Mary Kate
Find more happiness, love, big hugs, support, gratitude, POSitude, and Self-Care in these POSitude cards!
Needing some self-care, love and support? Wanting hugs? Treat yourself or someone you love to these Big Loving, Big Hugging daily inspirational, motivational, and empowering POSitude cards! They really can make a big difference in your day!!!
Get Your POSitude On!
Feel happier! Supported! Loved! Hugged!
Bring brightness and goodness into your day, and into your life!
What beautiful souls like you think about their POSitude cards!
These cards are colorful and cheerful! They stay on my desk at work and have made for great conversation with colleagues. I look forward to choosing my daily pick me up. I reflect on my current mood or what inspiration I need for the day. I do have a few favorites that I’ve used more than once or have displayed longer than just a day.
These cards remind me to stay positive and believe in myself!
Stephanie Shay, 4th grade teacher
I love my POSitude cards! I pick one to display on my refrigerator for the week. Reading the card makes me happy and gives me a variety of ways to stay positive in my daily life. It has also become a conversation piece for all who enter my kitchen.
Karen Henry, Retired 4th Grade Teacher, Personal Assistant
The Positude
cards have
made a difference for setting the
tone during meetings. I have set them in the middle of
the meeting table and while we are settling in, people pick them up and read
them. This small gesture makes a huge difference in the
quality of the conversations we have during our 1:1 meetings.
Mary Freer, University Research Department Administrator
I love my POSitude cards! They are so cute, and the messages are very uplifting and inspiring!
Mary McMurtry, Retired Bookkeeper, Mom, Grandmom
Get inspired every day with a deck of my new POSitude cards! Each deck has 35 different full-color, fun, happy POSitudes (36 cards total, with one card sharing suggestions on how to get the most out your POSitudes.) Available in my Etsy shop. Check them out and learn more, now!
You can find these POSitude cards in my new ETSY shop!!!
Looking for self-care to share love and big hugs for all ages?
Lub’s Very Happy Day! is filled with delightful brightness and big huggy smiles!
Lub is the happiest, PINKest, most love-filled monster, Ever! Her big, PINK heart is always with her, and it beams brightly in everything she does!
Lub loves you!
Join Lub as she shares with you her love and very happy, monster-ifically delightful day! Feel playful and bright, smile big, and be happy! Have fun and be cheerful!
You can find copies of Lub’s Very Happy Day! to adopt at Amazon!
Focus on what you can do, and you will feel a happier and healthier difference in your life!
Here’s you walking along in all your sunshiny potential …
…when suddenly, DRAMA!
It could be you caught a news clip. Or you got some bad news. Or someone is mean to you. … This list can unfortunately go on and on, as I’m sure you know. Life can be like that. But drama happens with you willingly engaging in it, or with it [drama] trying to force itself on you.
Either way … drama is not good. It’s a downward spiral that can lead to stress, which leads to inflammation, which leads illness, disease, and even for some, death. Wuuuuut????
The bottom line: Unhappiness hurts you!
But there is a solution here. It’s easily said, but if you are a drama junkie, it’s not so easily done. Drama is eye catching. It incites the senses. It irks you. Compels you to engage and respond. You’ve got experiences. Opinions. Facts. Feelings. And the energy drama can stir up inside you can’t stay in there. It needs to get out of you. You need to express yourself. Be heard. Be important.
The problems is that a lot of the time, how we express ourselves in the midst of drama isn’t always helpful. It doesn’t fix the problem. It doesn’t resolve the issue. And we end up going around and around with our drama and the stress it creates, and the downward spiral goes even deeper.
Thank goodness we have the power of choice in our own lives! And the “simple” solution that we can choose:
Focus On What YOU CAN DO!
If it’s a situation, relationship, a moment in time, or an experience happening around you, near you, or with you stuck in the middle, ask yourself: Is this something I can personally fix? Is there something I can do to help resolve this situation or make it better?Do I really need to be around this person? Do I really need to do this thing?
If the answer is NO,get out of there! If you can’t help, but you are engaging anyway, you are putting yourself into a moment that will make you feel helpless or inert or some other negative something … but if there’s nothing you can do, except be in the middle of whatever it is, you are taking on an unnecessary stress burden. And the negativity you gain from it is something that you will then have to deal with for yourself. Why do that to yourself?
If the answer is yes – FANTASTIC! You can make a difference, and that can make you feel really good! You can have a positive impact and feel useful! So then:
figure out what you can do
make an action plan
do your action plan
then get out of there!!!
Be effective! Make a difference! Then move on!!! And heal yourself from any lingering stress that came from the efforts of helping resolve or fix the drama!
If it’s informational, ask yourself this: Is this something I need to learn or know? What do I need to learn from it or know about it?
If the answer is NO,get out of there! If you don’t need to know it; if it won’t grow you, help you become a better person, etc; if it isn’t something that will help you become more informed so you can make better choices, then … honestly … you don’t need to know it. It’s information that will only burden you unnecessarily.
But if the answer is yes – FANTASTIC! It’s an opportunity to grow you, become a more informed person … all you have to do is handle the difficulty of whatever the dramatic informational moment is. So:
learn it
know it
then get out of there!!!
So let’s take a quick moment to talk about how to activate your choice. How can you focus on what you can do? Well, start by asking yourself the questions above, and then, if you find yourself having to engage in the drama – set limits and establish boundaries. And if you don’t have to engage in the drama, then eliminate it from your life entirely.
Setting limits and boundaries comes in handy for negative or toxic people or situations in your life you are not prepared to stop engaging in yet, or that you don’t know yet how to stop engaging in.
When you have to engage in the drama:
set your limits and boundaries
stick to them (Value yourself. Love yourself. And be strong for you!)
get in, get done, get out
then self-care and TLC yourself back into wellness!
Eliminating the drama entirely from your life comes in handy for easier, less complicated dramas … like when the media jerks us around like string puppets, playing on our emotions, over sensationalizing the mundane or insignificant, etc. We really don’t need that in our lives, so tuning out, turning it off, and ignoring it is a great step to protecting ourselves: emotionally, mentally, physically … the whole of us.
doing whatever positive, self-loving thing you can to help you heal!
As a general intention to help you be happy and healthy, separate yourself from all of the drama you can. And whatever you have to deal with, find positive ways to manage, cope, heal, and recover. Here’s the important thing about drama. It’s drama. It’s a conflict of intentions that creates an emotional response. If it is not drama that you need to or want to experience, then get it out of your life.Because drama creates stress, which causes inflammation, which leads to illness and disease. And you are an important person. You are valuable and irreplaceable. When you are happy and healthy you function better for yourself and for those around you. You are worth your love and self-care. And you are far more important than so much of the drama we experience every single day. So focus on what you can do, and you will feel the happy, healthy difference it makes in your life!
Until next week …
Loving you so big and brightly!!! I’m sending you light and love to hug you the biggest!!! May your days be drama-free, and when they can’t, surround yourself with people who will love you, support you, help you, and be the best with you!
Love and Big Hugs,
More Happiness from Mary Kate
Find more happiness, love, big hugs, support, gratitude, POSitude, and Self-Care in these POSitude cards!
Needing some self-care, love and support? Wanting hugs? Treat yourself or someone you love to these Big Loving, Big Hugging daily inspirational, motivational, and empowering POSitude cards! They really can make a big difference in your day!!!
Get Your POSitude On!
Feel happier! Supported! Loved! Hugged!
Bring brightness and goodness into your day, and into your life!
What beautiful souls like you think about their POSitude cards!
These cards are colorful and cheerful! They stay on my desk at work and have made for great conversation with colleagues. I look forward to choosing my daily pick me up. I reflect on my current mood or what inspiration I need for the day. I do have a few favorites that I’ve used more than once or have displayed longer than just a day.
These cards remind me to stay positive and believe in myself!
Stephanie Shay, 4th grade teacher
I love my POSitude cards! I pick one to display on my refrigerator for the week. Reading the card makes me happy and gives me a variety of ways to stay positive in my daily life. It has also become a conversation piece for all who enter my kitchen.
Karen Henry, Retired 4th Grade Teacher, Personal Assistant
The Positude
cards have
made a difference for setting the
tone during meetings. I have set them in the middle of
the meeting table and while we are settling in, people pick them up and read
them. This small gesture makes a huge difference in the
quality of the conversations we have during our 1:1 meetings.
Mary Freer, University Research Department Administrator
I love my POSitude cards! They are so cute, and the messages are very uplifting and inspiring!
Mary McMurtry, Retired Bookkeeper, Mom, Grandmom
Get inspired every day with a deck of my new POSitude cards! Each deck has 35 different full-color, fun, happy POSitudes (36 cards total, with one card sharing suggestions on how to get the most out your POSitudes.) Available in my Etsy shop. Check them out and learn more, now!
You can find these POSitude cards in my new ETSY shop!!!
Looking for self-care to share love and big hugs for all ages?
Lub’s Very Happy Day! is filled with delightful brightness and big huggy smiles!
Lub is the happiest, PINKest, most love-filled monster, Ever! Her big, PINK heart is always with her, and it beams brightly in everything she does!
Lub loves you!
Join Lub as she shares with you her love and very happy, monster-ifically delightful day! Feel playful and bright, smile big, and be happy! Have fun and be cheerful!
You can find copies of Lub’s Very Happy Day! to adopt at Amazon!
haven’t always been strong. For a very
long time, I wasn’t very strong at all.
And there are still times when I don’t feel strong.
there’s this thought in my head, this guiding principle I use to grow:
What you give power, has power.
This guiding thought is an offshoot of a quote:
“It all begins in your mind. What you give power to, has power over you.”
Leon Brown
Thank you Mr. Brown! I find his original quote helpful to me when thinking about facing my anxieties, and I am grateful for his words. To me, they tell me my anxiety is in my mind, and I can control it … which I try very hard to work on. This quote is a part of my Happy, Healing Place Toolbox of Goodness!
But today, I want to talk about my offshoot thought … What you give power, has power! To me, this version isn’t about something having control over you. This version is about growing. Taking something important to you and investing in it, so that it will grow and grow and grow.
What you give power, has power.
And I’m talking about you!
Me. You. All of us!
If you grow your love, your love will be powerful!
If you grow your self-confidence, your self-confidence will strengthen and become powerful!
If you grow your ability to self-care, your self-care will be powerful!
If you grow your self-worth, your self-worth will be powerful!
When you invest in you, you invest in your values and what you can do for yourself. You make yourself stronger, more self-reliant, more capable. Better prepared to handle life and its obstacles and challenges. You will be more open to the gifts of life. The goodness for you!
It doesn’t mean you won’t stumble or even fall, ever again. But that’s okay. You keep investing, learning, and growing. What you give power, has power.
When you give yourself power, you will have power!
It doesn’t mean you will always have to stand on your own if you don’t want to. You can surround yourself with people who will love you, care for you, grow with you, support you, and who will bring you up and walk forward with you. That way when life throws the hard curve balls, you don’t have do it all on your own. That’s just you being strong and knowing what you need, when you need it, and doing your best to be prepared for when life happens.
We aren’t born knowing how to be strong, but as we face life and learn the lessons it is teaching us, we can grow our strength. We learn who we are and what we are capable of. We learn what we need and want to grow – what we want to be better at or stronger at. This is all good!
In the process, we’ll fail, make mistakes, and need time to heal and grow. That’s okay. It’s how it works. What’s important is not letting our failures or mistakes bring us down (at least not for too long). Look at them for what they are, life’s learning and growing moments. Learn and grow, and become stronger. Also, it’s vital that we give ourselves the time we need to heal and grow. (No one else gets to determine what that amount of time is. It’s up to each of us. It’s individual. And it happens when it happens.)
bottom line:
What you give power, has power.
So … will you give YOU power, so YOU have power? The power to love, laugh, be happy, be kind, find joy, feel gratitude, be healthy, be strong, be confident, be whatever you value … be your best you. It’s up to you, but for sure, what you give power, has power!
Ready to take my Arting It Up for Happiness and Healthiness: Color Me Happier 7 Day Challenge?
Each day support your healthiness with feeling less stress, less anxiety, more happiness and more positivity!
Easy, fun, happy, silly, adorable, and totally supporting you!
7 days of Love and Big Hugs!
Delightfully cheerful & colorful art will lift & brighten your smile!
11 loving, big hugging, and supporting pages include proven happier and healthier promoting strategies: