Empowering You with a Simple Truth!

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Empowering You with a Simple Truth!

Until about a year ago, I’d never uttered these words before.  I could’ve never imagined how powerful they could be.  Then they became life changers … words of empowerment, growth, and positive, healthy, happy change!

Instead of feeling like it wouldn’t be worth it to only walk for 10 minutes, I started telling myself walking for 10 minutes was better than not walking at all.

Instead of feeling like it wouldn’t be enough to take a coupla minutes to stop and just be and breathe, I started giving myself a coupla minutes to stop and just be and breathe … and my body thanks me every time for the calm and peace I invite into my being.

Instead of telling ourselves it’s only worth it if we do “it” BIG or spend “real time” doing it … we should be telling ourselves the truth:

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!
  • Walking/dancing
  • Yoga
  • Paced breathing
  • Eating more nutrient-dense nutritious foods
  • Cutting out sugar (major inflamer and health challenger)
  • Cutting out gluten (major inflamer and health challenger)
  • Giving myself de-stressing time through creativity/doodle-arting
  • Focusing on POSitude and affirmations
  • “Gratituding”
  • Spending time being mindful
  • Taking better care of my oral healthcare
  • Taking better care of my body
  • Getting more movement into my body (improving my strength and wellness)
  • Giving myself more self-love, self-respect, and self-care … prioritizing me and my wellness
  • Spending happy time with people I love and who love me
  • Smiling, laughing, playing
  • Sitting in the sun
  • Listening to sights and sounds of our bog (the amazing nature around us)
  • Growing my wellness knowledge to be able to take better care of myself and my loved ones
  • This list goes on and on …

I didn’t make all of these changes overnight.  But by allowing myself to grow in little bits … giving myself permission to accept progress over perfection … taking it one lil step at a time … I have made a world of positive, healthy, happy difference in my life!

I feel brighter, PINKer, filled with so much love and gratitude!  I see the goodness in me and what I can do.

It took time.  Lil bits.  Wanting change and allowing change, then growing it with gentle ease.

Not forcing myself into any one thing.  Not overwhelming myself with too much, too fast … not creating inevitable failure.

By waking up each day and listening to my body, heart, mind, and soul … hearing what I need … and giving myself what I need … I’ve grown miraculously!

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Take today for instance.  I don’t feel well.  It’s one of my hormonally challenging days.  My arms, legs, & knees are weak.  My body is fatigued.  I feel heavy.  I feel challenged.  Even sitting up in my chair at my desk is more effort than usual.

Today, I need a little extra self-love and self-care.  Today, I need to slow down and take it easy.  I need to nourish with nutrient-dense foods.  I need to get gentle movement into my body to “keep the juices flowing and uncrumple it” from feeling like gravity is winning.  I need to nourish myself.  Nurture my wellness.  I need to give my body what it needs.  Surround myself with love and positivity.

So instead of beating myself up for moving slowly and not being able to tackle my list, I’m here visiting with you, sharing goodness from my heart, and creating a blog post I’ve been meaning to write for you.

Instead of expecting myself to dig into an hour of yoga (which I love to do), I’ll get on the mat to nurture my bodyI’ll listen to what it’s telling me it can do today … and that’s what I’ll do.  I’ll go gentle.  I’ll heal and be well.  And I’ll be happy with how much ever that is, and whatever it looks like.  I’ll be happy knowing I cared for my body and for myself with helpful, healing movement.

I’ll hydrate.  I’ll sit by the window and enjoy the sights and sounds of the bog, even though the sun is hiding behind a thick blanket of clouds a sprinkling rain today – the birds are still chirping, the bunnies are still munching, and the plant life gets greener with every drop of hydrating rain that falls.

I’ll connect with my honeybun and get some big hugs.  I’ll share some time Zooming with my Soul Circle of Beautiful Bright Women.

Today is not a day I move mountains uphill.  But that is ok.  Today, like every day, I know that every lil bit I do for myself is better than not doing anything at all.  I’ll do what I can, how I can, when I can … and that is a beautiful thing!

I will be enriched by even the smallest of my efforts!  I will feel better!

Even now, thinking of you, I am smiling!  I am feeling brighter!  Even with just happy thoughts of you and a smile …

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Empower yourself with the simple, healing, loving, self-caring, happiness-creating, growing-you truth:

Imbue this truth with helpful, supportive wisdoms and guidance:

  • “Progress, not perfection.” Jill Stante
  • Focus on what you can do right now to help yourself, mind, body, soul, light, love, energy, and being to cope and heal!


Well, sweet, beautiful blossom, I hope this juiciness is just what you and your heart needed to hear to day!  I hope you feel my love and big hugs surrounding you with so much goodness, you feel yourself brightening being here with me.  And I thank you so much for sharing this time with me.  I give gratitude for this opportunity to help you find and grow – to be happy and well!

Love and Big Hugs Mary Kate

10 Minutes to Change Your Life!

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

10 Minutes to Change Your Life!

Hello Beautiful Blossom!!!

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Many of the changes I made last year (read this awesome post), came in 10 minute blocks.

Putting ideas into your head (lol, but it’s for your own good, lol, but with big loves):

  • mindfulness
  • positude
  • reaffirmations
  • gratitude
  • movement wellness
  • nutrition wellness
  • paced breathing
  • mini mind-cations (putting your tech down and living in and enjoying your moment)
  • dedication to self-care, even if starting with determining what self-care you need
  • connecting with a friend or loved one
  • learning about nutrition or movement wellness
  • laughing until your tummy and cheeks ache
  • journaling
  • self-love
  • btw: this list could go on and on … feel free to add your own ideas

Like maybe you want to grow some kind of movement wellness into your life (for me, yoga, dance/walking, and rebounding).

Well, each of these started off as 10 minute blocks (actually, I’m still growing rebounding into my life, and am currently up to 3 minutes … and happily growing myself!).  I didn’t grow each thing all at the same time.  I grew as I was ready to grow.  Lil steps.

But my lil steps and each 10 minute block has made a huge difference in my life … I’m so much healthier and stronger than I used to be … I am healing!

So the first thing I did was this … I told myself the absolute truth:

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Excellent!  Dance/walking it is!!!  My first wellness change, coming right on up.

So the first thing I did was tell myself … okay, no matter what, today, I’m gonna walk/dance around my house for 10 minutes.


Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

I ended up finding that for me, my dance/walk time was best in the evening.  So … as my night rounds down, I tell Siri to set my timer for 10 minutes, and I put on some happy music I like to move and groove to.

Now you might be thinking, but MK, 10 minutes?  That hardly seems worth doing.

Are you kidding me???????

It’s 10 minutes you weren’t giving to yourself before now.  And quite honestly … you seriously are worth your 10 minutes.  And even more so, studies show that if you can walk 20 minutes a day, you will be making a HUGE difference in your life … and you don’t have to do the whole 20 minutes at once.  Two 10 minute blocks of move and groove time will do the trick.  So start small … get used to getting in your 10 minutes … and grow from there.

  • You are worth 10 minutes of your time!
  • Every little bit you do for yourself is better than not doing anything at all!
Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!


And so … that my delightful blossom is it.

  • Love yourself enough to commit to 10 minutes.
  • Start small. (See, the secret trick is … everybody has 10 minutes … 10 minutes is easy … it’s the bigger amounts of time that get harder to carve out … and next thing you know, you stopped giving yourself your time.  So screw the big blocks!  Little blocks.  10 minute blocks.  You’ve got 10 minutes.  You are worth 10 minutes of time!!!!)
  • Grow as you are ready.
  • On days, when time is tight … even if you’ve grown up to more minutes … but today is all like … you don’t have time … 10 minutes. Find that 10 minutes and make it your own.  Even if it isn’t your new bigger block of time you love, 10 minutes is better than no minutes.
  • When you feel you are loving your new thing enough to grow in more time, it won’t be hard … you’ll be all like … Ohmigod, this thing I’m doing for me feels so freaking awesome I need more! … and you’ll give yourself more!
  • If the thing you are trying to grow isn’t resonating with you … you ain’t loving it???? … then it is not serving you … trade in and trade up … find a new thing!

Before you know it, you’ll be able to grow in lots of little things as you need and want them … cuz, seriously, everybody’s got 10 minutes! … Yep, even you.  You just have to love yourself enough to give yourself your 10 minutes.

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

What beautiful, awesome, happiness, healthiness, wellness, goodness will you pick to start with????

I’m so excited for you!!!!

ps: If you are game for a gentle challenge … I challenge you to start today … just 10 little, itty bitty minutes for you.  And if you can’t do, 10, then 5, and if not 5, then 3, … even on this short notice … seriously, you’ve got 3 minutes for yourself.

Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs! Love and Big Hugs Mary Kate

Frogs On the Bog!
On the Bog (with Kat, Bear, & Wogs)

On the Bog! Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Frogs On the Bog!

Spring rains had come and gone throughout the night.  With the new day, the nearly clear, blue sky was brightened by the happy, warm sun and dotted by only the occasional fluffy white cloud.

The air smelled fresh and renewed, and the gentle breeze invited exploration and adventure!  Everything on the Bog was beginning to look and sound more vibrant and alive!

Kat, Bear, and Wogs had woken up to their favorite delightful Bog sounds: birds chirping, singing, and trilling, … and frogs!  Chatterbox frogs carrying on the most animated and chipper conversations!

Excited to spy a glance of froggy delight, Bear hopped in his wagon to go for a Bog stroll.  Kat and Wogs, gleefully agreed and out they went to find some exuberant, chitter chattering frogs!  Even Belle followed along behind, swooshing and swooping through the air in springy delight.

As they blissfully sauntered along, listening to the frog talk getting louder and louder, and keeping their eyes peeled for the amphibious fun, they came upon a small Bog pond … and there they were … the frogs!

Kat (giddily bouncing and pointing):  Look!  There they are!!!!

Wogs (happily halting the pull on Bear’s wagon, he turned to see):  I see them!  And look, there’s Squeech, too!

Bear (having been keeping his ears pert and alert, he turned his head and happily flicker-waved his tail, feeling adventurous success!):  Mrow!

“Spatial Awareness” … lol … fancy talk for finding your happy place!

Find a place you love.  A place that makes your heart sing.  Where you feel at peace, with calm and happiness.  Live there, go there, walk there, spend time there … whatever … be there.

Learn this goodness info about you … learn what makes you feel bliss-filled peace and calm.  And when you feel the pressures of life, the world, your relationships, work, health, … whatever is being a challenge … spend time in your happy place.

Breathe.  And just be.  Let go.  Give yourself a break.  Time to rest and rejuve.  Heal.  And be squee again.

For me, hands down, this place is in the nature of my backyard.  Pauli and I specifically chose our little, tiny corner of the world to be on a bog with a river and woods nearby … and delightful woodland creatures!  It brings our hearts so much delight!

We open the windows and just listen to the sounds of the birds and the frogs and the buzz and hum of bog life.

We firepit under the stars and listen to the frogs go wild in nightly delight (and the crickets, too!)  And owls … sometimes we hear the owls.

I could spend hours just being in this space, and it does my body good.

When we built our house, I was still very much in the depths of chronic fatigue and spent many, many, many long hours too weak to move out of bed.  So we made sure I would have a happy view and delightful sounds to encourage me, even from bed.  Living on the bog is healing balm for my soul.  We wanted to empower delight in me to help me heal, or at least enjoy what I could of life being stuck in bed.

If I’ve learned anything, having your spot … the space that makes your heart sing … it makes a truly positive difference!  It will help you feel light and airy.  It will put a smile on your face and pink in your heart!  It’s easy self-care!

So wherever your spot is … whether you live there or visit, or even imagine it … May it bring you healing, loving light and grow the smile on your face, ever so BIG!!!

Love and Big Hugs Mary Kate

Birthday On the Bog!
On the Bog (with Kat, Bear, and Wogs)

On the Bog (with Kat, Bear, & Wogs). Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Birthday On the Bog!

Gifted with a beautifully bright, unusually warm, and cheerfully chirpy and buzzy sprwinter day, the Bog was alight with birthday glee and delight!

It was standing room only as everyone gathered ’round to wish Bear a very Happy Birthday … and to see his sleek, totally cool, new ride … the most squeetacular, pink, polka-dotted red wagon ever!

Kat (loving Bear so BIG):  Happy Birthday, Bear!  Hope you love your new wagon!

Wogs (loving Bear so BIG):  Happy Birthday, Bear!  Wanna go for a ride?

Bear (flicker flitting his tail, hopped inside his new wagon, and purring happily, beamed with love): Mrow!

Kat and Wogs tied their balloons to the wagon handle for added birthday bling.  Then Wogs pulled Bear along in wide circles for everyone to see.  They hopped and bounced, and whooped with the happiest of celebrating Bog creature sounds!

To share in the fun, Bear insisted everyone get to try a ride in his new wagon.  And Wogs enthusiastically played along.  Kat clapped merrily, growing the fun!

With elated fluttery wings, Squeech and Belle chirped and trilled bubbly songs the whole way around.

Flop and Fluff each rode separately, bobbing with the thrill and shimmying their puffball tails, happy for the fun!

It was a silly, perfect, special, fun sharing day!

Bear’s Happy Birthday party and super cool new wagon were the talk of the Bog for days and days.  It was a love-filled day worth remembering!

Spring brings such excitement!  All the green, all the budding and blossoming flowers, all the sunny warmth!  It makes my heart extra super spectacularly SQUEEtastic, love-filled, and Huggy PINK … which is saying something, cuz I’m bringing this happy goodness all the time!

Here in Michigan, it will still be a couple of months before we get “reliable” sun and warmth, and to get there, the rains will come.  But the rain brings all the life and green, so you won’t find me complaining.  I just hunker down and in and enjoy each day and each moment for wherever I am.

This summer, Pauli and I will have our landscape installed (we recently moved into a new construction home with dirt for a yard) … therefore an outdoor space to play in, and we are excited for all of the upcoming firepits, stargazing, and hammock time listening to the sounds of the bog and nature!

In this moment, I really just want to HUG you so big and give gratitude for you being here and celebrating the joys of spring with me!

May your day be filled with light, love, big hugs, and blossoming with gratitude!

Love and Big Hugs Mary Kate

My Body Is an Alien:
25 Awesome Goodness Changes I’ve Made in My Life This Past Year!

My Body Is an Alien. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

25 Awesome Goodness Changes I’ve Made in My Life This Past Year!

Change can be hard.  I’ve found it takes the right motivation.  Willingness.  Choice.  And I’ve found that positive change for the good brightens your life through wellness, … be it mental, physical, emotional, or all of the above.

Today I share with you some of my story that led me to the MANY positive changes I have made in my life over the past year.

All have been worth my effort.

All have changed my life.

For the better.  Good.  Positive!

I can honestly say that in many ways I’m not the same person today I was a year ago.  Not that I was a bad person, or even a super unhappy person.  I just wasn’t where I needed and wanted to be.

And now I’m growing these AWESOME POSITIVE CHANGES in my life, every day.  And I feel better.  I AM better.  Way better than before, and growing better, more and more.

I have many positive reaffirmations in my life these days, and one of them goes like this:

And really, that’s what I’ve come to realize is the big challenge in life … healing.  Healing from the mental, emotional, and physical damage we encounter on a daily basis.

Be it the relationships in our life, or even lack thereof.  The shiz coming outta the TV or in the news.  Our addiction to our phones and toxic social media.  In the food we eat; the air we breathe; the chemical toxins that surround us everywhere … our bright, beautiful bodies need help.

Our bright, beautiful bodies need our love and our attention.  Our care and kindness.  Our beautiful bodies need the nurturing, nourishing, replenishing opportunity to heal.  And it’s up to us to give it to our bodies … to ourselves.  With love!

Story Time. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Story Time

Last year was … well, you know.  It came with a big suck. The pandemic.  But right before all that stressy chaos hit, my health tanked.  Something big changed in my body, and it scared me … like Super Bad scared me.  Super Huge.

My birthday is in the summer, and back in February/March 2020, I wasn’t sure I was going to make it to my birthday.

At that time, I’d been suffering from worsening chronic fatigue for about 7 years.  I went from a few bad days a month, to only getting maybe a few good days a month, … maybe.  I spent most of my time in bed, with times of being so weak and achy, Pauli would have to assist me outta bed just to go to the bathroom.  It was monumentally unfun, and a substantial loss of lifetime.

And maybe in another post sometime, I’ll talk about chronic fatigue in more detail to help encourage others who suffer (there’s an increased rate of suicide amongst CF sufferers … as modern medicine doesn’t understand it yet, and as a result, very little help or encouragement is offered.)

But for now, this post is about the 25 AWESOME GOODNESS changes I made in my life and what happened last February/March to motivate me to make those changes.

So … let’s start with motivation!

When the pandemic hit, I was terrified … having chronic fatigue … how would I ever be able to fight off this horrible virus if I didn’t even have the strength and energy to get out of bed?

  • It’s almost nearly impossible for vegetarians to get enough iron in their diets.  I learned this on my own by my keeping a food journal to calculate my daily intake.  I definitely was not getting enough.  This self-discovery, about vegetarians unable to get sufficient iron (along with vegans), is now being taught for diagnostic purposes in naturopathic medical school … iron deficiency causes CF in women.
  • Iodine deficiency can occur in peeps drinking organic milk.  BTW, milk is our big source of iodine.  With conventional milk, cows are fed diets with iodine, and the equipment used to get the milk is cleaned with iodine solutions … so iodine is sourced into conventional milk, and peeps drinking it, get their iodine.  (But they also get all the ugh that comes with non-organic milk.)  However, organic milk is iodine deficient.  The cows are fed organic diets not supplemented with iodine, and the milk gathering equipment is cleaned differently, so … iodine deficiency.  I again food journaled and calculated I wasn’t getting enough.

These 2 nutrients became my huge focus as deficiencies in my diet.  Low iron = low energy.  Low iodine = understimulated/supported thyroid = low energy.

My doc ran some blood tests confirming I was iron deficient and my inflammation marker (c-reactive protein) was elevated.  We just did the math for the iodine deficiency … it was a straight up “not getting enough in my diet” kind of thing.  But for iron, I’d been tested over and over and over again throughout my adult years with me always coming back normal.

I began researching supplements for iron … and I also started looking into quality, pharmaceutical grade supplements.  With my inflammation marker elevated, I wanted to make sure I wasn’t unintentionally adding toxins into my system.

I hadn’t felt this much energy in YEARS!  And to jump to currently … I’ve essentially knocked chronic fatigue to the curb.  I’ve had a few spells of low energy, but I’ve been able to pinpoint these events to when I’ve forgotten to take my iron … so guess what I take religiously now?!!!!!

So … great, MK, right?!!! CF kicked to the curb, so what’s all this health trouble you’re talking about?  What motivated you?

Well, I’m very perimenopausal … like I’ve got symptoms from hell … and actually CF is part of it, as originally, when it first happened, my doc at the time suggested my flagging progesterone levels, and I started using bioidentical progesterone cream, which helped, but did not fix the problem.

My Body Is an Alien. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!
  • I suddenly lost a shiz ton of weight … a dangerous amount, and I wasn’t trying to lose weight.
  • My lungs became painfully inflamed and asthmatic.
  • I developed horrendous, cracking, blistering, angry, angry, angry red eczema.
  • I was a withering, coughing, lung spasming, rashing, in-debilitating-pain human.  It suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked.
  • My inflammation markers were elevated without explanation.
  • I’m a bit of a germaphobe, so on top of this, when Covid hit, while my lungs are being all weird, I kinda freaked … ok … I really freaked out!
  • My anxiety went off the damn charts.

This was not an easy time for me.  It took ice, lots of bandages, pain meds, Benadryl at night (to knock me out so I could sleep while in so much pain), … and more … but you get the picture.  I cried a lot.  And then, my rash … the eczema … it got really, really bad.  It started spreading.  My doc thought I had a systemic bacterial infection (that can kill you without immediate treatment, and even with).

So here we are in the high freak out panic at the beginning of the pandemic.  No visitors allowed in hospitals, etc.  And I had to go to the ER with this horrible sensation I might die.  Pauli and I were scared.  We cried in the car outside the ER.  I sobbed walking away from him, afraid it might be the last time I saw him.

So … there it is … motivation.  After 7 years of CF, a near death potential ER visit, new lung issues, new skin challenges, new weight challenges, new anxiety challenges, continuing perimenopausal health challenges … I knew I couldn’t live like this anymore.

Hearts. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!


I love them all.  I feel so much better.  I still have health struggles … I’m still perimenopausing like a hormone deficient monster … but I’m truly better.  I’m in such a better place mentally, emotionally, and even physically!

OK … so let’s see this list of goodness!  To be honest, it mostly comes down to living through anti-inflammation efforts as much as possible.

The overview is to eat well, hydrate, sleep restfully, get movement in to my body, and calm the hell down (in every way … my body was on a physical, emotional, and mental stress meltdown).  Rest, rejuvenate, … heal.

So here we go:

  • Seemingly solving my chronic fatigue problem through nutritional deficiencies (iron and iodine) … if you are a chick with CF, check your nutrition through food journaling!  For years, the docs tested my iron and always said it was fine.  But turns out it wasn’t, and it took me adding it up and doing the math.  (Plus, the honesty of it is, the research for CF and women’s health is woefully underrepresented.)
  • Yoga with Adriene!  EVERY DAY!  OMG, this angel on earth is a life saver!!!  I started with her beginner’s videos and have grown and grown and am still growing.  She is the calming soundtrack in my life.  And if I had time, I would do yoga for hours and hours and hours a day.  (Side note: when I first got started, I had bandages all over my hands and wrists from the blistered and broken eczema … I was a sight.  But I did it anyway.  Starting slow and easy and growing.
  • Journaling for wellbeing, Positive Thinking, Reaffirmations … Goodness!!!
  • Prayerful Intentioning: thinking, speaking, feeling healthy, supportive, happy goodness (this one is actually a newer change, and I LOOOOOOOOOOVE it … it’s a mindset thing, and it’s so juicy and positive … DO IT!!!!
  • Started a saving my gums oral hygiene plan … I lost a few months of flossing due to bandaged hands and not being able to wash them more than once a day … and my teeth and gums took a bit of a hit … I’m in the process of trying to undo that damage, or at least minimize it and heal as much as possible.
  • I cut out all sugar for almost the whole year, but have since allowed minute amounts of coconut sugar or molasses back in for certain “sweet foods.”  And when I say minute, I mean MI-NUTE!  On average, I get zero to maybe half a gram of coconut sugar/molasses a day.  By comparison, most Americans are eating about 80+ grams of added sugar a day.  (Just to be clear, I still eat fruit … fruit is healthy and nutritious!)
  • I eliminated gluten.  I’d already begun this journey in my previous efforts to solve my chronic fatigue.  In the past year, I just made sure to be exacting about it.  BTW, if you have thyroid challenges, gluten really needs to go!
  • Daily movement: yoga + walking/dancing (fancy walking, lol) + I got a rebounder!!!  My goal is to do at least 25 minutes of yoga, 10-20 minutes of walk/dance, and currently up to 2.5 minutes of rebounding.  (Rebounding 5 minutes a day can reduce your inflammation by up to 19%!!!!)
  • I now practice paced breathing daily.  I focus mostly on a 10 second inhale, 10 second hold, exhale slow and easy for as long as it takes … I’ve grown into this … it took starting with a 4, 6, 4 pattern.
  • I meditate with my legs up wall, almost daily.  I try for 20 minutes a day with my paced breathing.
  • I have been in therapy this whole year … weekly … to help me cope with my health and my anxiety/OCD (living in the time of a pandemic for my germaphobic self … uh, not easy).
  • Learned about and now consume lots and lots and lots of healthy fats (seriously, ladies … our hormones need our help!)
  • Again, with thanks to Yoga With Adriene, I now take a more nurturing and nourishing approach to my body, mind, and soul … my wellness!  I now give gratitude for my beautiful body and this journey we are on together!
  • I incorporated melatonin and learned to sleep in the dark and red night lights (to eliminate melatonin interfering blue light) … I’ve been kinda afraid of the dark since I was a kid … so … kinda tackled a fear.
  • I’m creating a more regular sleep schedule.
  • I drink bone broth almost daily.
  • I joined a beautiful and supportive women’s circle!
  • I am growing my knowledge and learning to live more eco-friendly sustainably.
  • I went paperless in my biz and in my life as much as possible!
  • I changed my focus to: Focus on what is working + Every little bit I do is better than not doing anything at all!
  • I create, digi doodle, and digi paint almost daily for awesomeness and the added benefit of stress relief.
  • Changed the way I eat … I now eat for nutrition and anti inflammation … I want nutrient dense foods
  • I started taking organic CBD oil for my anxiety and OCD.
  • I switched as many supplements to pharmaceutical grade as possible, and changed my routine to targeted supplements with the help and care of a functional medicine doctor.
  • I began eliminating or limiting toxic relationships in my life, and instead starting growing and building supportive, loving relationships in my life.
My Body Is an Alien. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs! My bottom line … Be Kind to Me.  Live to be healthy.  Live to be kind.  Live with gratitude.  Live with POSitude.  Live with love!

My life is a lot different now than it was year ago.  For the first time in my life, I get movement daily.  I eat so much better.  I create the most happy art and goodness for me and my peeps.  I feel joy!  I feel peace and calm.  I prioritize my self-care, and I feel the difference … it’s delightful and wonderful and … the absolute bestest … ever!

I focus on what I can do, and do my best to let go of the rest.

I’m healthier, happier, and feeling the most love and squee in my heart I ever have!

Well, sweet peas!  You are beautiful!  Thank you for being here with me, as I share part of my story and journey towards making positive change with you!  I hope it helps you.  I hope it inspires you and grows you!  I hope it loves you and gives you a giant PINK-Hearted hug from me!

Until our next bloggin chat, may you be surrounded by the brightest, most positive, most healing loving light from me!!!

And if you have any questions about this post, or if you would like me to dive into more detail about any of the things I mentioned here, feel free to contact me via my contact page.  Just leave a happy message, and I’ll get to writing back to you!

Love and Big Hugs Mary Kate

A New Happy Place!
On the Bog (with Kat, Bear, & Wogs)

On the Bog. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

A New Happy Place!

With the snows gone, sounds of spring abounded On the Bog!

The day was bright and inviting, with only a bit of a chill remaining in the air.

Out for a refreshing walk, Kat, Bear, & Wogs ventured deeper into the woods beyond the Bog and found a new happy place!

Kat (pointing with overflowing glee):  Look!  A river.  And there are fishies!  And do you see the bluebird?!!!  Ohmigosh, is that a weeping willow tree?

Wogs (nodding and delighting in their find):  That is a weeping willow!  What a happy place!

Kat (grinning huge at Wogs and Bear): When the leaves come back, we can come here to picnic and play!

Wogs (nodding enthusiastically):  It’ll be our new happy place!

Bear (flickering his tail with excitement and keeping his eyes on a splashing fish he spied): Mrow.

With spring a’comin’ and bringing delight, this could be a wondrous moment of self-exploration and finding new happinesses about yourself.

Consider taking a moment to imagine new possibilities for yourself.  What do you see?  What goodness, what new thing might you like to try?  A new place?  A new healthy food?  A new way to breathe (paced, for instance) to grow peace and calm into your days?  A new friendship?  A new interest to explore?  A new happy, nurturing, and nourishing habit to grow?

With spring comes rebirth and reinvigoration of mind, body, and spirit!  What positivity, reaffirmation, and goodness will you invite into you and your life?  What hug and love will you give yourself today?

And speaking of hugs … try this one on for a big smiling silliness in your day today!

Love and Big Hugs Mary Kate

How Joining a Women’s Circle Has Changed My Life!

women's circle. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs! My reflection art from one of our recent circles!

How Joining a Women’s Circle Has Changed My Life!

 Why I even joined …

I needed positivity.  Reaffirmation.  Self-care.  Connection.  Happiness.  And I got it!

What we did …

She, along with a one of her inspirations and guiding lights, Deb Namara, were offering a 4 week Zoom-mediated Soul Circle.  We’d meet once a week for 4 weeks, and during the 90 minutes of wellness and positivity, Leonie and Deb talked about coping and healing – finding a way to do more than just survive the pandemic, but to come out the other side, better, more improved.  With self-care and positivity and light and love!

In a time, when everyone was talking about “can’t wait for things to go back to the way they were,” Leonie and Deb introduced the notion that perhaps things weren’t so great before.  Maybe instead of trying so hard to get back, maybe we could use this time to create and grow a better place, a better future. … And I bit onto that bit of inspiration with all my might … I definitely wanted to create a better, brighter, more hope-filled future!

Each week, we’d come together to listen to the beautiful, uplifting, positive, reaffirming, encouraging words of Leonie and Deb. Then Deb would guide us through an amazing meditation – another thing that until this experience, I’d never done – and then we’d be given the opportunity to creatively reflect on our medication through art or journaling (On my goodness, I can’t even tell you how much I loved this, but ever since, I’ve been using art and journaling to grow my wellness!).  Before closing, we would be given thought provoking questions to help guide us toward our brighter lights.

Every moment was bright.  Light.  Positive.  Caring.  Empowering.  I felt refreshed and renewed! I felt hope!

So, when the month came to an end, and Deb offered the opportunity to continue our Soul Circle meetings, I was in!  Hooked.  Enthusiastic.  Jubilant!  Waiting with giddiness and wanting for more goodness in my life!  Happy to be a part of something so gorgeous and healthy feeling!

Where we’re at … (the true beauty, beyond anything I could have imagined!)

So it’s been a year!  For those of us who have continued our time with Deb, we’ve taken life changing to a whole new level!

There’s about 20 of us now.  We’re smaller.  We still use Zoom.  We come from the US, Canada, UK, and Australia, … I think we might even have a New Zealander in there.  And every month, we are so excited to see each other and be in each other’s light!

Every month is different.  We always have Share and Support time.  Sometimes we have a guided meditation.  Sometimes we art/journal.  We have our opening and closing prayer.

Every month we listen with open hearts and live and grow in each others’ goodness and individual gifts and uniqueness!

It’s amazing!

It’s a no judgement, share zone.  We feel love and acceptance.  We hear and grow.  We connect.  We come together to feel each other’s brightness and to share and support each other!

It’s amazing!  I know I just said that … but seriously.  We are the embodiment of those little memes that tell us to be the woman who supports other women.

We ARE beautiful, bright souls supporting other beautiful, bright souls!  Sharing times with these incredible women is growing me, helping me, loving me, and for the first time in my life, truly accepting me for who I am with love and respect.  And it feels AMAZING!

So amazing in fact, that I feel compelled to write to you about it.  To encourage to join or start your own women’s circle.  To invite goodness into your life!  To brighten your days with love and support!  To feel the positive, reaffirming wellness of organic, juicy, healthy relationships!!!

And for this reason, I am including this post as a link back to “My Body Is an Alien” (a women’s hormone health blog series) … because on the list of things you can do to grow wellness into your life and your body is to join a women’s circle!

It’s what you make of it!

Think of the possibilities!  You can talk about your painful periods.  The challenges you are facing in your life and relationships.  Loss.   Work challenges.  Trying to combat toxic, negative thoughts.  Being peri-menopausal/menopausal and the challenges and health difficulties you are coping with.  The truly delightful nature walk you went on, and how you feel inspired.  The stars.  Crystals.  Art.  You can talk about whatever you and your beautiful group of women are called to talk about!

No judgment.  Only kind support.  Shared ideas.  Shared lessons learned.  Shared light and love.  Acceptance.  Connection.  Gentleness.  No longer feeling alone … like you are the only one in the world with this crazy shiz happening to you.

Hell, in our most recent Soul Circle, one of our gorgeous blossoms talked about how she gets so angry at the TV – all the shiz coming out of it – that she finds herself yelling at her TV.  Another beautiful soul is suffering the loss of a dear family member and trying to find ways to cope and move forward.  Another bright light talked about how her hormonal body is such a debilitating challenge it makes her feel abnormal, like a freak of nature, and it impacts her self-confidence.  I suspect we all feel these ways, at least sometimes.  It’s amazing be there for each other, and knowing we are not alone!

Each of share what we are called to share.  Each of compassionately listen and support.  Each of feel the love of our circle of bright lights shining!

And you, too, can have this.  You can join or start your own group.  Give it time.  Nourish and nurture each other.  Your relationships will grow in goodness!  You will feel better.  More light and wellness in your life!

I am compelled with a full and bright heart to share this goodness with you!

Also … I want to say … as part of my contribution to our group … I started giving a big, virtual hug (you know me and my hugging!), and now … before we end our monthly meetings, there are always big, loving hugs!

I wish this goodness for you!  And I hope you can grow, nourish, and nurture this positivity, reaffirming happiness, self-caring wellness into your life in a way that is absolutely positive and life changing for you!

Loving and Big Hugging you SO BIG!!!

Love and Big Hugs Mary Kate

Change your moment, your day, … your life with meaningful prayerful intentioning!

Prayerful Intentioning. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

Prayerful Intentioning!

WOW!!!! The goodness I feel from growing prayerful intentioning into my life is fundamentally shifting and AMAZING! I love it! And I owe it all to Yoga with Adriene.

Adriene Mishler of YWA is, for me, a positive angel on earth filled with peaceful, healing goodness that emanates in powerful waves of light from the very core of her delightful being! I’ve been doing yoga with Adriene daily (with very rare exception of feeling too unwell) for a year now (since my health went super blinky and freaked me out). She had helped me grow meaningful, healthy movement into my body I never thought possible before.

So when she offered a 30 days series, Breath, I was all in and ready for whatever new goodness she would be sharing with us. If you haven’t done the series and you love yoga, check it out!

Well, so, in one of our sessions, Adriene says to raise our prayer hands to our third eye, and think “insert meaningful intention”; now touch your lips, and say “insert meaningful intention”, and now touch your heart, and feel “insert meaningful intention.”

My light and energy blinky zinged instantly … I felt so alive with awareness and the simple, powerful beauty of this prayerful intentioning!

Now mind you, I have no idea what Adriene would call it. Or what it might actually be called … but for me it’s a moment to be mindful with a praying intention to guide my yoga practice, my moment, my day, and … my life.

I find myself doing this multiple times a day. I’ve been sharing this practice with friends for greetings and see-ya-next-times. We love it!

I use lots of intentions:

  • love
  • gratitude
  • kindness
  • peace
  • safety
  • calm
  • focus
  • and so many more, whatever I need in the moment

But my big go to is of course, LOVE! But also KINDNESS.

I love to set my daily intention using this prayerful intention. Today, I started with kindness and peacefulness. (I know … how rogue … doing 2 at a the same time!, but that’s me for you! lol)

But so, I prayerful intention with, Think kindness and peace, Speak kindness and peace, and Feel kindness and peace. And it’s amazing how simply powerful this mindful intentioning is … I find it guiding my moment and my whole day.

It’s helping me channel positivity in my living and be the PINK person I want to be! I love it!!! I love how it’s making me feel, and how I’m acting/behaving/being positively, even more, which is a good thing, because I want goodness to be the very essence of my existence!

(I’ll have moments of weakness where I think about a trouble I’m dealing with … like figuring out how to navigate a friendship that has grown toxic … and I’ll feel the sadness or frustration or hurt from a previous interaction, and I’ll feel low. But now I’m guiding myself to remember/focus on the good stuff, grow away from further connection, and simply think, speak, and feel love toward that person … from afar … and also for myself, to let go of the negativity and grow forward with gained wisdom and strength.)

And so, I’m sharing prayerful intentioning with you … hoping the goodness fills you up, lights you from within, and helps you glow with positivity and brightness!

So for this first part of my sharing with you today, I hope you will try Prayerful Intentioning and see how it makes you feel!

Just a teensy big below, I’ve created and shared a delightful, happy, peaceful video (it’s about a minute long) … just even watching it should help you smile, feel loved, and big hugged!

I also continue to give gracious, heartfelt gratitude for the expansive, growing-me light Yoga with Adriene has brought into my life! (Check her out if you haven’t and are looking to grow movement and body wellness into your life!)

Adriene Mishler and Benji of Yoga with Adriene (image credited to PeacefulDumpling.com). Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs! Adriene Mishler and Benji of Yoga with Adriene (image credited to PeacefulDumpling.com).

Where there is Adriene of Yoga with Adriene shining so brightly, in my digi-doodling and digi-painting efforts, I went in search of ideas for a background to join my prayerful intentioning stick-peep, and I found a new brightly lit soul of vibrant goodness, and I just have to share her with you!

I saw a “POSitude” of hers with a tree and a vibrant background that is perfectly delightful, and I felt it would be a great inspiration for my video art for you. (see below)

So first, her name is Jennifer Wagner, and her inspiration webspot is Inspirivity, and she’s on various “art adoption sites” like RedBubble and Zazzle. You’ve truly got to check out her work! She is amazing!!! I’m link-heavening you here to lots of her amazing creations!

One of the things I love about digi-arting is growing myself with the tech to do creativity in a way new to me. And I can tell you this, Jennifer Wagner has an amazing eye and talent, and her heart is filled with delight and light! I hope her creations brighten your days!!!

In making the video for you here, I was inspired be Jennifer Wagner’s piece:

Jennifer Wagner. Inspirivity This vibrant light of love is created by Jennifer Wagner and her Inspirivity!

Isn’t this piece of Jennifer Wagner’s Inspirivity art so happy, AMAZINGLY VIBRANT, and delightful?!!!!! And I don’t even begin to know how she created the bubbly glass effect in her tree!!!! But I love it, and someday hope to grow that digi-arting skill into my capabilities.

But for now, with the love and happiness her tree inspired in me, I wanted to create and share a gentle scene for prayerful intentioning. I needed peaceful and calming, and for my digi-doodling, something that would be theme consistent to my stick-peep. And so, I give you my loving, inspired, and gratitude-giving version of Jennifer’s glorious heart in my new Prayerful Intentioning video!

I have been inspired by Adriene and Jennifer as I continue growing myself forward into the happy, healthy wellness I seek through positive living, and I give so much heartfelt gratitude for their light in this world!

It’s ladies like these that brighten our days, and we are fortunate to have them with us!

If each and every one of us shows up with our own bright lights and shine as brightly as we can, we will make a difference! We will make our world a brighter place! We will make our lives and time shared so much more amazing and delightful!

So shine brightly my peeps! Love Big and Hug the Biggest!

Be loving. Be kind. Live in gratitude. And feel the goodness in your heart and let it shine!

I very much hope this writing has helped you feel happy, well, inspired, and … open to giving Prayerful Intentioning a try!

Like Adriene and Jennifer, Prayerful Intentioning and Inspiration are SO BRIGHT!!!

Prayerful Intentioning. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

Loving you SO BIG and Hugging you the biggest!!!

Love and Big Hugs Mary Kate

MK’s Life’s Lessons to Pass On

MK's Life's Lessons to Pass On. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs.

As my recent round of students are finding their way from my coaching into their new academic and life futures, I created a list of life nuggets I’ve gained to hopefully help guide them as they navigate life.

They loved what I shared so much and suggested I pass it on, just in case it helps more than just them.  So by request, here are some of my meaningful nuggets.  I hope they find you with the love, peace, calm, wellness, happiness, and goodness in my heart and with the positivity of intent I hope for.  Hugging you so big, and loving you even bigger!!!

Always make sure your car has good hiking boots!  Good treads saves lives, people!!!

Protect your Love: do a project with your proposed human.  Learn how you think and process information differently. Learn how you communicate. Learn what your strengths and weaknesses are while working together to achieve a shared goal. This knowledge and insight will help you direct your growth together, and it will help you understand each other as you take on the shared goal of living a life together [one of the biggest projects out there!].

Choose to grow your wellness by focusing on anti-inflammatory foods and activities. (Vegan and vegetarian diets have been linked to harder peri-menopause and menopause experiences.  Which doesn’t mean go hog wild eating meats all the time.  Eat high quality, nutritious foods, hydrate, rest, get movement into your body, and make time to rest and recuperate.)

Calorie and iron load the week before your monster. Your body is about to perform surgery on itself without your permission and without caring about all the stuff on your list of things to do.  NOURISH big time.  Prepare.  Help your body cope and heal.  Give yourself what you need to navigate the biological upheaval known as your “period.”

Be kind to yourself – self-care.  The lists, the to-do’s, … we’re industrious, productive, multi-tasking, trying-to-get-the-most-outta-life women.  Everything we have to do will be there, always, for as long as you keep adding to the list.  But remember, you’ll only get as far as your body will take you, and although it may feel like you can keep pushing yourself without a break, your body is keeping score towards your depletion, and your body will drop your ass without asking and without apology.  The thing is, when this happens, you then have to heal and recuperate, and who knows how long that will take.  But it will take long enough to mess up your plans, lists, and to-do’s.  So learn to be kind to you.  To self-care.  To value you.  To care about you and what your body, mind, and soul needs to keep being your awesome self.  To live your life in a more loving, caring, nurturing way. And build this into your life.  Because you are important.  Because you are worthy.

Make friends with loving, supportive, caring people and invest in these relationships.  Your life will be the richest it possibly can be when it is filled with the love and goodness of good people being there for you, sharing time with you, witnessing you!

  • Consider “unity” seating instead of a bride and groom side.  After all, your guests have come to support you as a couple, not to take sides.
  • Consider only inviting people you know in your heart will be in your life 10 years from now.  After all, your wedding is a day/moment to celebrate the joining of 2 people and 2 lives into 1 couple sharing a life together. If a potential guest won’t be in your lives 10 years from now, why is it important for them to be there to witness and celebrate your union?
  • Consider your wedding day for what it is, a celebration of you and your love muffin joining together, committing to each other, and choosing to undertake the big ol’ project of living life together, no matter what happens, no matter how hard it gets, sharing in the absolute joys of good times, and holding each other especially tight in the challenging times.  Your wedding day is not a party for other people. It’s not a reason to drink to excess.  It’s a celebration of your love and your commitments to each other.  It is the very definition of joy, happiness, love, and goodness.  It’s VERY personal. You should only be surrounded by love, light, support, and happiness!
  • Consider ensuring your shared day reflects each of you equally.  Imagine what that looks like and plan for that. Have conversations.  Be together.  Start off in equality, and live in it for life!

Reflection with attention to your lessons learned, values, self-knowledge, and the “why’s” of reason beyond simple answers is the key to your forward growth and happy, healthy future.  If you allow your past to be an unchecked compass for your future, you’ll very likely find yourself unfulfilled, unhappy, … waiting.

Choose you and be your own best friend, for there is no one you will ever spend more time with in your life!

Know that wellness, peace, calm, happiness, kindness, gratitude, love, and light are yours for the creatingif you are willing to value you, love you, be kind to you, and have patience with yourself!

Live a meaningful life … meaning … let it mean something to you.  Envision you in your future and look back … what have you accomplished, grown, achieved, become that makes you feel good and worthy?  Whatever that is, it’s your meaningful life, and it’s waiting for you.  (psst … also, um, quick note … as you live and grow and learn, this idea, this notion, this “what it takes to live a meaningful life” can and will likely change.  It’s okay.  You’ll adapt and adjust and keep on growing, learning, and living.  You’ve got this!  In short:

  • Find you. Live life. Gain experiences. Grow. Learn. Find you. Rinse and repeat. You will not be the same person you are today, not even a week from now. Not tomorrow. Not years from now.  Life grows you and changes you … true … but the cool part is … if you navigate your life with reflection (see earlier point), you’ll grow yourself right on into the person you love … into being your own best friend!
  • However, it’s also not the norm. Bat shit crazy terrible awful doesn’t happen all of the time.
  • Notice how uncertainty got immediately lumped into bat shit crazy terrible awful? We’re funny like that. Probably cuz we don’t mind the happy uncertainty.  If someone showed up at your door telling you you’ve won the thing you want to the most, you’d be all like, SQUEE, this is awesome!  Not scared of it.  Uncertainty is lumped with negativity, cuz it’s only the unexpected bad stuff that traumatizes us.  Scares us.  Teaches us to be afraid of uncertainty.
  • If living without being afraid of life is important to you, find a way to live in peace with the uncertainty, knowing that pretty much on a regular basis, you got this. In all of the other times, lean back, lean on, share the burden and the weight with your loved ones, your support group, your peeps … the ones who mean the world to you, and you mean the world to them.
  • And one final note … I am finding that if each day you live the goodness in your heart, be you, do you … then no matter what happens … you will live the life you should be living, your most meaningful life!

Honestly … the short of it is …

Seek an anti-inflammatory way of life … this means wellness for you physically, mentally, and emotionally (ditch the peeps who bring shiz into your life) … Live with gratitude, love, laughter, kindness, light, hugs, … goodness. Choose you.

And know I will be here for you forever!

Love and Big Hugs,

Mary Kate :0)