Hello Gorgeous Loves,
I haven’t always been strong. For a very long time, I wasn’t very strong at all. And there are still times when I don’t feel strong.
But there’s this thought in my head, this guiding principle I use to grow:
What you give power, has power.
This guiding thought is an offshoot of a quote:
“It all begins in your mind. What you give power to, has power over you.”
Leon Brown
Thank you Mr. Brown! I find his original quote helpful to me when thinking about facing my anxieties, and I am grateful for his words. To me, they tell me my anxiety is in my mind, and I can control it … which I try very hard to work on. This quote is a part of my Happy, Healing Place Toolbox of Goodness!
But today, I want to talk about my offshoot thought … What you give power, has power! To me, this version isn’t about something having control over you. This version is about growing. Taking something important to you and investing in it, so that it will grow and grow and grow.
What you give power, has power.
And I’m talking about you!
Me. You. All of us!
- If you grow your love, your love will be powerful!
- If you grow your self-confidence, your self-confidence will strengthen and become powerful!
- If you grow your ability to self-care, your self-care will be powerful!
- If you grow your self-worth, your self-worth will be powerful!
When you invest in you, you invest in your values and what you can do for yourself. You make yourself stronger, more self-reliant, more capable. Better prepared to handle life and its obstacles and challenges. You will be more open to the gifts of life. The goodness for you!
It doesn’t mean you won’t stumble or even fall, ever again. But that’s okay. You keep investing, learning, and growing. What you give power, has power.
When you give yourself power, you will have power!
It doesn’t mean you will always have to stand on your own if you don’t want to. You can surround yourself with people who will love you, care for you, grow with you, support you, and who will bring you up and walk forward with you. That way when life throws the hard curve balls, you don’t have do it all on your own. That’s just you being strong and knowing what you need, when you need it, and doing your best to be prepared for when life happens.

We aren’t born knowing how to be strong, but as we face life and learn the lessons it is teaching us, we can grow our strength. We learn who we are and what we are capable of. We learn what we need and want to grow – what we want to be better at or stronger at. This is all good!
In the process, we’ll fail, make mistakes, and need time to heal and grow. That’s okay. It’s how it works. What’s important is not letting our failures or mistakes bring us down (at least not for too long). Look at them for what they are, life’s learning and growing moments. Learn and grow, and become stronger. Also, it’s vital that we give ourselves the time we need to heal and grow. (No one else gets to determine what that amount of time is. It’s up to each of us. It’s individual. And it happens when it happens.)
The bottom line:
What you give power, has power.
So … will you give YOU power, so YOU have power? The power to love, laugh, be happy, be kind, find joy, feel gratitude, be healthy, be strong, be confident, be whatever you value … be your best you. It’s up to you, but for sure, what you give power, has power!
Ready to take my Arting It Up for Happiness and Healthiness: Color Me Happier 7 Day Challenge?

Each day support your healthiness with feeling less stress, less anxiety, more happiness and more positivity!
Easy, fun, happy, silly, adorable, and totally supporting you!
7 days of Love and Big Hugs!
Delightfully cheerful & colorful art will lift & brighten your smile!
11 loving, big hugging, and supporting pages include proven happier and healthier promoting strategies:
- Smile-making, positivity-promoting, happy coloring blocks
- Gratitude Acknowledgements
- Self-acknowledgement Reaffirmations
- Includes “how to get the most out of this challenge” intro page & a summary reflection page
You can also check out my new ETSY shop!!!
Get Your POSitude On!
Feel happier! Supported! Loved! Hugged!
Bring brightness and goodness into your day, and into your life!
Get inspired every day with a deck of my new POSitude cards! Available in my Etsy shop. Check them out and learn more, now!
Thank you for being here – my heart is bright with joy for you! May your day be powerful with you and filled with love and happiness!!!
Love and Big Hugs,