Living an Inspired Life!
Living an inspired life fulfills your heart, mind, body, and soul! You starburst with your own brightness! Your goodness gushes out of you with the mirth of authenticity! You feel real! You glow with happiness! Your unique beauty and gifts light up the world, making us a better place to be!

Living an inspired life is knowing yourself in this moment, recognizing and valuing your ideas, self-worth, hopes, and potential!
Living an inspired life is seeing that you are a Beautiful Blossom and wanting to flourish!

It’s your 90 year ticket (plus/minus a few years). You can live the life YOU want to live. Not the life other people are telling you to live. Not the life media shows you and compels you to live ( … let’s be honest, that life – the life media wants you live – it’s the life that lines the pockets of the already rich and few … but that’s a story for another day.).
So this life of yours?
What does it look like?
What does your life look like when you are being true to you? When you think about what you like, and dislike, how you feel, what your internal strengths are, what inspires you, what motivates you, what challenges you, . . . when you look at you and are honest with yourself, what do you see?
I think some people are content to live the regular life. The life that has already been lived. The life of others. The life that doesn’t require thought. The life that simply bumbles along and lets others have the control.
If that’s for you, and it makes you happy, hugging you big and loving you, too! That’s ok. For some, taking a look around and following suit – staying inside the box – is what keeps them doing just fine.

In this new blog mini-series of mine, I’m going to help you, just like I help all of my coach-ees.
It’s a step-forward process and requires thought. It requires you to look inside yourself, do some reflection, and it requires you to be brave enough to know that no matter where you are today – in case that scares you – in case you aren’t sure you like who you are right now – or if you don’t feel “perfect” … just know, that’s ok. It’s a baseline. Your baseline is just that, a baseline. The foundation. The ground from which you will grow!
And this, my sweet beautiful blossom and bright star with so much love in your heart, this is just the beginning!
So … if you’re game … get out some blank paper, colored pens, pencils, markers, crayons (whatever makes you giggle) and title up some starter pages:
- My likes
- My dislike
- My values
- My strengths
- My challenges (some might call them weaknesses)
- What inspires me?
- What motivates me?
- What knocks me flat?
- My vision (when you close your eyes and look at you and your life, what do you see?)
Now, using your blank pages and your colorful pens, draw, write, doodle, depict, list, … see yourself for who you are and who you want to be!

Until our next Living an Inspired Life! post, give yourself some love. Take some time for yourself. Know you are important! Know you are loved!
Hugging you so big! Loving you ginormous!
Thank you for sharing this wonderful time with me! You, beautiful blossom and bright star with big love in your heart, are an absolute delight!