Clog On the Bog!
The rains came and went, leaving bright sunny skies, happy greenery, and brilliant blossoms On the Bog!
To celebrate, Kat, Bear, and Wogs hosted a delightful Bog Daze summer fun day! But with all the fun, games, and yummy nummies at the munching stations … there was a clog On the Bog as everyone waited their chance to use the Starry Cottage’s outhouse.
Even still, smiles were bright, spirits glistened with glee, and the merriment continued into the night with the big campfire!
Kat (doing a little jig): I’m glad I’m next … I drank too much lemonade!!!
Wogs (smiling and shaking his head at Kat): You always drink too much lemonade!
Bear (flicker-waving his tail is using his waiting time to say HI and hug you big!): Mrow!

This special On the Bog is by request and is in response to the loving hugs and ribbing my sweet blossoms from afar (UK and Australia) are giving me about the title of my story-sharing time with you!
For fun and happiness, Honeymuppin and I do truly live in our lil Starry Cottage On the Bog, and we love it!!!! As we were getting settled in, I started telling stories about the creatures and bog life … Honeymuppin said I should share, cuz the stories are cute! I was looking for a medium to short-story-share and digi-doodle … so On the Bog was born … without me knowing that “on the bog” also means to poo for some … like my gorgeous lights of love abroad. So when I told them, they, uh, … laughed … really hard!
So. On the Bog is our running happy joke! In a recent women’s circle chat, we all got a good laugh about them all coming to visit Starry Cottage and creating a Clog On the Bog … and so … here we are!
I hope this little inside share has brought a smile to your face and lifted your spirits today!
I’m hugging you so big, with brightest PINK in my heart!!! And with so much loving gratitude in my being for you sharing time with me, I wish you light, love, big smiles, and abundant wellness … always!