Hello Happy Hearts!
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about how kindness saved my life. In my story of me, I talked about having a safe place to go and be while life was beating me down. In our happy chit chat today, I want to grow this idea into a bursting toolbox of goodness that will help you tackle the tough times!
Firstly, lemme explain what I mean by a safe place. To me, safe can be physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually … it can refer to any plane you are existing on. So to me, a safe place is a place you feel happy, relaxed, calm, at peace, … to me, it is a place for you to heal your heart, mind, body, soul … whatever needs healing.
So let’s call it our happy, healing place!
Depending on whatever trauma and drama your life is dealing down on you, this place can vary, as well as how you use it.
Let’s grow your Happy, Healing Place Toolbox of Goodness. You can fill it with anything that makes you happy and helps you heal. Things like:
- happy memories
- happy imagined places
- photos of happy times
- happy meditations
- songs or music that make you feel happy
- happy books you can read
- a journal for creating, drawing, arting it up, and writing out thoughts that lead you back to happiness
- favorite places you love that make you feel calm, peaceful, and happy
- spending happy time with a friend
- … and anywhere or anything else you can think of
To give you an idea of something you can put into your toolbox of goodness, here is a drawing of my favorite imagined place and the words I use to meditate it into my mind. For me, this place is perfect. It’s nature and delight. It’s comfortable. Peaceful. Relaxing. And it makes me smile. The sun is always warm and bright. The tree is always strong and protective. The birds are always delightful. Even the bugs are filled with mirth (and they never sting or bite!). My blanket is soft and great for sitting, laying, and napping. The breeze is always soothing. Sometimes, I add bunnies, squirrels, and/or chipmunks. And since Baby Bear (our beloved cookie cat) has gone on to live in the stars on Betelgeuse, sometimes even he visits me here … he always did love a good sun warming. And if Pauli is away and can’t be with me right then, he comes and sits with me, too.

Your place can be anywhere, with anything and anybody that makes you feel good, happy, peaceful … anything and everything that helps you relax and heal. That gives you and your body, mind, soul, and spirit a rest.
In last week’s post, I talked about how all the forms of stress (mental, physical, emotional …) wear your body down and impact your health. I talked about when you don’t feel well, you likely don’t feel very happy. So whatever trauma or drama is causing you stress (be it at work, home, in a relationship, anxiety, whatever, wherever, whoever), it’s hurting you, your health, and your happiness. Your Happy, Healing Place Toolbox of Goodness helps you get needed rest to rejuvenate and cope by spending time in your safe, happy, healing place.
Your toolbox is a tremendous asset to your wellness!
So a very good reason for you to grow your toolbox and to have it pre-made/thought of, written out, collected (however you want to assemble it for readiness) is that it becomes an easy go-to and reminder of all the tricks you have up your sleeves for when times get tough and your stress levels go up.
Because, honestly, once you are already feeling down, bad, low, stressed, and anxious, it can hard to remember the goodness in your life. It can be hard to remember the happinesses in your life. It can be hard to remember what to do and how to help you feel better. This toolbox is for you!
To help you get started, I’m giving you 2 coloring pages – all you have to do is click below. One is for you to be able to create a visual of a happy place you love. The other one is for you to list out, write out, explain, draw, … whatever works for you … your list of happy, healing places to spend healing time in. Perhaps even a reminder checklist of your options. Whatever works for you. Keep in mind, some of your happy, healing places might work better for certain kinds of trauma and drama than others, and etc. So be creative. Think happy! Grow your Happy, Healing Place Toolbox of Goodness, and get to healing and feeling happier! This is self-care that loves and big hugs you tight!
Ready to take my Arting It Up for Happiness and Healthiness: Color Me Happier 7 Day Challenge?

Each day support your healthiness with feeling less stress, less anxiety, more happiness and more positivity!
Easy, fun, happy, silly, adorable, and totally supporting you!
7 days of Love and Big Hugs!
Delightfully cheerful & colorful art will lift & brighten your smile!
11 loving, big hugging, and supporting pages include proven happier and healthier promoting strategies:
- Smile-making, positivity-promoting, happy coloring blocks
- Gratitude Acknowledgements
- Self-acknowledgement Reaffirmations
- Includes “how to get the most out of this challenge” intro page & a summary reflection page
You can also check out my new ETSY shop!!!
Get Your POSitude On!
Feel happier! Supported! Loved! Hugged!
Bring brightness and goodness into your day, and into your life!
Get inspired every day with a deck of my new POSitude cards! Available in my Etsy shop. Check them out and learn more, now!
I’m so happy you are here! You make my day brighter, and I thank you for your love and totally PINK hearts and smiles!!! Wishing you a delightful day filled with kindness and hope!!!
Love and Big Hugs,