There’s a Dragonfly on Me!
On the Bog (with Kat, Bear, & Wogs)

Dragonfly! On the Bog (with Kat, Bear, & Wogs). Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

There’s a Dragonfly on Me!!!

Bear sat absolutely still, only daring to slant his eyes to the crook of his tail to see the beautiful dragonfly resting there.

This was a first for Bear!  And he was SUPER excited, but SO very, very still.  And quiiii-et, shhhh.

Wondering if he should hold his breath, Bear watched as the dragonfly gently raised and lowered its nearly invisible, translucent wings, as if the dragonfly was ready to dart at a moment’s notice, but for now was liking its perch.

There was a gentle, cool, Fall breeze with the sun shining bright and only a smattering of fluffy, puffy white clouds in the sky.  Kat, Bear, and Wogs were taking in the delights of the day knowing soon it would be cold and much of nature would grow quiet under the upcoming blanket of winter.

Kat (whispering in giddy excitement): Ohmigosh Bear, look at you!  You’ve got a dragonfly on you!

Wogs (gasping with a big smile and whispering): How cool are you, Bear?!  What a fun thing to happen to you!

Bear (mrowing with uncontainable excitement, but only on the inside, he was exclaiming, “There’s a dragonfly on me!  There’s a dragonfly on me!” … and thinking, This “being present in the moment in nature” thing is cool … hashtag, MakeThisALifeGoal!): <3

Dragonfly! On the Bog (with Kat, Bear, & Wogs). Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

It really is the small things!

Hello Beautiful Blossom!

How are you today?  Is there something you need?  Something that will help you feel whole, well, and loved?  Can you give yourself this thing?

I am thinking of you with love in my heart and hugs coming to you from my open and welcoming arms!

What little thing can you do for yourself today?

  • Can you take a moment to breathe intentionally?
  • Can you stop for a moment to soak up the nature around you?
  • Is there someone you can connect with to just say HI and let them know they are thought of, and for you to be thought of?
  • Maybe, you just need a good book, warm blanket, cozy couch, cuppa something warm and tasty and a moment to yourself.

Today, I wish you the small things.  The little things that go a long way in bringing you joy, peace, calm. love, laughter, and wellness!

Today, my love for you travels to you from the happy wake of a dragonfly’s wings!


Tower Garden by Juice Plus+. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

A Curious Visit!
On the Bog (with Kat, Bear, & Wogs)

On the Bog. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

A Curious Visit!

New visitors to the Bog stirred the creatures far and wide – along with Kat, Bear, and Wogs – with joyful curiosity, and BIG HOPES!

It was a delightfully warm and sunny spring day!  The rains had greened everything up, and bright, yellow dandelions dotted the soft, plush, green grass.

A happy chorus of cheerful chirps, squeaks, quacks, and buzzy flights filled the air.

With their picnic camp all set up, Kat, Bear, and Wogs settled in for an afternoon of fun and merry onlooking!

Mr. and Mrs. Mallard swam, and munched, and explored all throughout the little pond they’d found, poking their beaks into the cattails, looking for private places to nestle.

To the gleeful anticipation of their onlookers, the ducks were deciding if this might be The Right Pond for them.

Kat (raising the binocs to get a better peek):  I hope they move in!  We might get to see baby ducks!!!

Wogs (reaching for the camera to catch some snaps):  This is a great pond!  We could get lucky!

Bear (loving their exciting picnic day together and thinking baby ducks would definitely be super cute): Mrow!

Bee Kind. Mary Kate Kopec. Love and Big Hugs!

Beeeeee Kind to yourself today!  Give yourself some love!  Take a moment to pause.  Breathe.  Let go.  Just be.

Be in this moment.  Beeee LOVE!

Give gratitude for this beautiful day … our happy time together.  Give gratitude for your beautiful body … mind … and soul!  Give gratitude for the Big Love in your heart and all the delights you share!

I’m hugging you SO BIG!  Thank you for sharing this bright moment with me, and taking this deep, rejuvenating breath with me!  I am so happy you are here!

ps: I also want to share a gentle reminder to beeee kind to the bees as well.  We desperately need them.  They love dandelions and other pollen producing flowers.  Help them out … leave some water out nearby … don’t use pesticides and herbicides on your flowers (including dandelions).  Together we can save the bees, and the bees can help save us!

Love and Big Hugs Mary Kate