Introducing “My body is an alien!” (women’s hormone health blog series)
Hello my beautiful bright souls! Thank you so much for being here! I’m so happy to be sharing this time with you!
What is all this “My body is an alien!” stuff about?
Lemme explain why I’m doing this blog series. It’s actually a long story of life and experiences, which I feel like we’ll uncover more of as we go, but let’s just hit the big picture:
I’ve been perimenopausing for a decade-ish now, with symptoms ranging from mild to severe, and it’s been my own kind of hellish challenge, robbing me of life, days, weeks, months. I’ve been to doctor after doctor. I’ve been reading like a champion. Always searching for what I can do to feel better and live healthier and happier again.
In all of this, I’ve learned A LOT! And I’ve done all of this learning within the context of my health science, research, healthcare-careers-coaching, and educational background.
And something I’ve learned is how appallingly deficient the informational and healthcare resources are out there for women.
So … me being a woman, perimenopausal, with many health challenges, educator, and being someone who is choosing to be a bright positive light to change the world around us into a happier, healthier place to be … I decided I needed to share what I’ve learned to:
- help you feel better faster
- to get positive, healing information to help and guide you and your choices toward improved wellness
- to assure you, you are not alone
- to remind you, our bodies changing is normal, but that doesn’t mean we understand or that it doesn’t scare us at time … so support is key
- and, honestly, to help you see a reality about ourselves that can get lost (or until now, hasn’t been found). This reality is that although our bodies may feel alien to us at times (or all of the time), our bodies are nonetheless in this journey with us. As such, we need to become friends with our bodies and nurture our relationship and health together with respect for the codependent team we are. Me + My Body = Happiness and Healthiness!
So with all of that … What are we going to talk about?
We’re gonna talk about our bodies. Our health. Our happiness. Our lives and living more positively in wellness.
We’re gonna talk hormones. Those little beasties that rule our lives from a place deep inside that we can’t see without lots and lots of testing and blood work, … but … WE FEEL IT!
We’re gonna talk about how beautiful we are. How beautiful our bodies are. We’re gonna talk about finding and growing a peaceful, health-filled relationship with our bodies.
We’re gonna hit topics like (but not limited to, cuz there is so much I have to share, and I’ll keep posting goodness to help you as much as I can!):
- All the stuff your mom didn’t tell you, cuz she didn’t know either (emerging women’s health knowledge)
- Our bodies and what it takes to make them function well nutrition, hormone balance
- Hormones (What are they how; How they affect you; Why you should care, … How come I feel so crappy, & what can I do about it?)
- Hormone balance, imbalance and the cause/effect of each
- When hormones go wonky … symptoms … and what you can do to help you feel better and well again.
- Body image
- Nutritional health … food as the best tasting medicine ever!
- Wellness
- Movement, as in get yo’ body moving, … movement as medicine!
- The media is out to get us, lol, but for realz!
- So much juicy wellness goodness informational and helpful stuff to help you … it’s gonna be crazy awesome!
Essentially, my goal is to share my own experiences as a 50 yr old, perimenopausal chick, and as my health aware self with all of my education and experiential background for additional highly informed insight!
- MS in Human Genetics + additional considerate graduate studies in Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology … (but all this science boiled down into usable human speak)
- 20+ years pre-health career coaching, mentoring, and educating along with close relationships with medical and dental professionals
- Scientist working in the pharmaceutical industry working on inflammation-based diseases (cardiovascular disease and diabetes, with distinguishing factors [hormones] for women)
- Personally, I am a significant sufferer of hormone and health things gone wrong … for instance, how easy it is to think you are doing a good thing, but end up slowly depleting yourself (for lack of vital information, misinformation, misguidance, etc., especially from under-informed medical professionals)
Because you are important, and you make the world a brighter, better place!
I’m gonna bring my happiness, love, silliness, PINK, and fun into our chat … because, let’s be real, this stuff can be boring … or worse, scary at times. And my goal straight up is to help save your life and help you live happier, healthier, with ease and comfort and joy!
I’m gonna make you laugh. I’m gonna make you smile. I’m gonna make you feel loved. I’m gonna let you know you are NOT alone. You are not going crazy. Your body is an alien. And I’m gonna tell you how and why. And I’m gonna tell you what you can do about it. I’m gonna help you feel better and make the changes (nurturing and nourishing) you need to improve how you feel.
We’re going to grow you with positivity and AWESOMEness!!!
And that, my sweet pea is our introduction to My Body Is an Alien! Next chat, we’ll begin our wellness dive into some healthy, happy goodness with your body’s health and your mental and emotional wellness as our focus!