Superfoods, Healthy Fats, & Yummy Tasting, … Oh My!
- 1-2 tbsp pumpkin seeds
- 1 tbsp hazelnuts
- 1 tbsp pecans
- 1 – 2 tbsp sunflower seeds
- 1 tbsp walnuts
Now you can put all of this in a chopper/processor to get a finer munch … I do, sometimes … it helps me not have to chew for a hundred years, lol, plus, it provides for a unified taste, which I love! Or you can keep the seeds and nuts whole, which I also do, sometimes. Your happy choice!
From here, I add:
- 3 tbsp of cacoa nibs
- 3 tbsp of coconuts chips
- a heapful of freeze-dried strawberries and/or blueberries
- sometimes I add freeze dried banana chips
- sometimes I add dried apples rings
- the possibilities are endless.
It’s worth noting I mix up the ingredients of choice all of the time, swapping in any variety of nuts and seeds I like: walnuts, sesame seeds, etc. Sometimes, I make efforts to cycle my seeds for improving hormone balance, but sometimes, I’m just happy to gobble.
Just in case you’re wondering, seed cycling means eating pumpkin seeds and ground flax seeds in the first half of your cycle to support estrogen production, and eating sunflower and ground sesame seeds in the second half for progesterone production. Feel free to web search this topic … it’s quite interesting … and I’m all about giving my body nutrients it needs to do all the hard work it is doing for me!!!
Also, my love muffin, Pauli, thinks this is “dry,” and he hates “dry” foods … so if you want to wet it up, consider yogurt, froyo, a lightly sweetened vanilla pudding, etc. I make my own vanilla pudding and have combined them … so good. So options for you!!! Although, having mentioned Pauli isn’t about “dry” foods, he has come to love his daily nut munch, and eagerly asks me to make some for him, too (admittedly, tho, he requests mini chocolate chips and raisins in his, instead of the berries) … but my honeybun is eating healthy goodness, and that’s WON-DER-FUL!!!
And of course, because gluten-free is essential for me, this is a gluten-free dish!
Oh, and just a quick side note for those of you who might be freeeeeeeeaking out about the “fat” in this dish … worried it’s gonna “fatten you up.” I can tell you this. I eat a big bowl of this practically everyday, along with my anti-inflammatory minded daily foods (and lots of them, cuz when you’re eat’n healthy, for nourishment and wellness, you get A LOT of room to eat LOTS of goodness, all while reaping the exciting benefits of achieving healthy weight. … Meaning, I eat this big ol’ bowl of “fat” along with a ton of other foods (Pauli marvels at how much I eat and calls me a bottomless pit), and my weight averages about 119 lbs for a 5’5″ person. (And I’m not over here doing hours of cardio to burn it all off, either. I do my daily yoga, meditation, 2 minutes of gentle rebounding, and about 15 minutes of gentle walking or dancing [spiced up walking] … remember, I suffer from fatigue issues, so I can’t be marathoning anything!) So … eat well, and don’t worry about “fattening up” … you’re body will heal and seek healthiness naturally. … I don’t know if this reassurance helps you not be afraid, but I can assure you this is a really nutrient dense bowl of goodness to eat. Love you so big!
Well, I sure hope you will give this a try, because, it is truly delicious and ridickerously good for you!
Sending you my biggest love and most gigantic hugs!