Love Notes and Doodles Vol 1
Mary Kate’s Love Notes & Doodles. 22 bright, happy, encouraging, loving authentic Love Notes and Doodles from Mary Kate’s personal wellness and art journal. All artwork is original.
Mary Kate’s Love Notes & Doodles Vol 1
Chock-filled with:
- 22 bright, cheerful pages of love notes and doodles from Mary Kate’s personal wellness and happiness journal
- brighten your day
- smile
- feel better
- feel supported
- grow your Can Do, Will Do mental mindset
- feel hugged
- All doodles are original works of art created by Mary Kate
- All love notes are authentic words of support and encouragement Mary Kate has written to herself and found tremendously helpful and supportive
- Words of Encouragement are happy, kind, supportive, guiding, & loving
- Downloadable & Printable (High Quality Print)
- 25 pages including cover and ending content
- Approximately a 28 MB file