Welcome to Moaning Zombie With Love from Mary Kate!

This lil nugget of goodness is dedicated to women living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, perimenopausal and menopausal health challenges, fibromyalgia, and/or fatigue inducing autoimmune disorders. Moaning Zombie is here for women who are tired of being tired … tired of feeling lousy … tired of life interrupted and lost to being a moaning zombie.

Moaning Zombie is Hope and Help for women who want to grow their happiness, healthiness, and wellness … women who crave to see the light of day again … women who choose to vibrantly cope even though their bodies have taken their energy away from them … women who want more than to be dragged through their days and nights … women who want a better life to live!

Hi, I’m Mary Kate, and I’ve been living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Perimenopausal Disorder for 14 years. I have suffered. I have lost life. I still suffer. And I still lose life … but in 14 years, I have learned a lot and found better ways (and I use my background and education in health and education to bolster my efforts). I can help you grow ease and joy and wellness into your days and nights … I can help you find light in the darkness!

COMING SOON: Website and YouTube Channel

Love and Big Hugs,
Mary Kate