Prayerful Intentioning!
WOW!!!! The goodness I feel from growing prayerful intentioning into my life is fundamentally shifting and AMAZING! I love it! And I owe it all to Yoga with Adriene.
Adriene Mishler of YWA is, for me, a positive angel on earth filled with peaceful, healing goodness that emanates in powerful waves of light from the very core of her delightful being! I’ve been doing yoga with Adriene daily (with very rare exception of feeling too unwell) for a year now (since my health went super blinky and freaked me out). She had helped me grow meaningful, healthy movement into my body I never thought possible before.
So when she offered a 30 days series, Breath, I was all in and ready for whatever new goodness she would be sharing with us. If you haven’t done the series and you love yoga, check it out!
Well, so, in one of our sessions, Adriene says to raise our prayer hands to our third eye, and think “insert meaningful intention”; now touch your lips, and say “insert meaningful intention”, and now touch your heart, and feel “insert meaningful intention.”
My light and energy blinky zinged instantly … I felt so alive with awareness and the simple, powerful beauty of this prayerful intentioning!
Now mind you, I have no idea what Adriene would call it. Or what it might actually be called … but for me it’s a moment to be mindful with a praying intention to guide my yoga practice, my moment, my day, and … my life.
I find myself doing this multiple times a day. I’ve been sharing this practice with friends for greetings and see-ya-next-times. We love it!
I use lots of intentions:
- love
- gratitude
- kindness
- peace
- safety
- calm
- focus
- and so many more, whatever I need in the moment
But my big go to is of course, LOVE! But also KINDNESS.
I love to set my daily intention using this prayerful intention. Today, I started with kindness and peacefulness. (I know … how rogue … doing 2 at a the same time!, but that’s me for you! lol)
But so, I prayerful intention with, Think kindness and peace, Speak kindness and peace, and Feel kindness and peace. And it’s amazing how simply powerful this mindful intentioning is … I find it guiding my moment and my whole day.
It’s helping me channel positivity in my living and be the PINK person I want to be! I love it!!! I love how it’s making me feel, and how I’m acting/behaving/being positively, even more, which is a good thing, because I want goodness to be the very essence of my existence!
(I’ll have moments of weakness where I think about a trouble I’m dealing with … like figuring out how to navigate a friendship that has grown toxic … and I’ll feel the sadness or frustration or hurt from a previous interaction, and I’ll feel low. But now I’m guiding myself to remember/focus on the good stuff, grow away from further connection, and simply think, speak, and feel love toward that person … from afar … and also for myself, to let go of the negativity and grow forward with gained wisdom and strength.)
And so, I’m sharing prayerful intentioning with you … hoping the goodness fills you up, lights you from within, and helps you glow with positivity and brightness!
So for this first part of my sharing with you today, I hope you will try Prayerful Intentioning and see how it makes you feel!
Just a teensy big below, I’ve created and shared a delightful, happy, peaceful video (it’s about a minute long) … just even watching it should help you smile, feel loved, and big hugged!
I also continue to give gracious, heartfelt gratitude for the expansive, growing-me light Yoga with Adriene has brought into my life! (Check her out if you haven’t and are looking to grow movement and body wellness into your life!)

Where there is Adriene of Yoga with Adriene shining so brightly, in my digi-doodling and digi-painting efforts, I went in search of ideas for a background to join my prayerful intentioning stick-peep, and I found a new brightly lit soul of vibrant goodness, and I just have to share her with you!
I saw a “POSitude” of hers with a tree and a vibrant background that is perfectly delightful, and I felt it would be a great inspiration for my video art for you. (see below)
So first, her name is Jennifer Wagner, and her inspiration webspot is Inspirivity, and she’s on various “art adoption sites” like RedBubble and Zazzle. You’ve truly got to check out her work! She is amazing!!! I’m link-heavening you here to lots of her amazing creations!
One of the things I love about digi-arting is growing myself with the tech to do creativity in a way new to me. And I can tell you this, Jennifer Wagner has an amazing eye and talent, and her heart is filled with delight and light! I hope her creations brighten your days!!!
In making the video for you here, I was inspired be Jennifer Wagner’s piece:

Isn’t this piece of Jennifer Wagner’s Inspirivity art so happy, AMAZINGLY VIBRANT, and delightful?!!!!! And I don’t even begin to know how she created the bubbly glass effect in her tree!!!! But I love it, and someday hope to grow that digi-arting skill into my capabilities.
But for now, with the love and happiness her tree inspired in me, I wanted to create and share a gentle scene for prayerful intentioning. I needed peaceful and calming, and for my digi-doodling, something that would be theme consistent to my stick-peep. And so, I give you my loving, inspired, and gratitude-giving version of Jennifer’s glorious heart in my new Prayerful Intentioning video!
I have been inspired by Adriene and Jennifer as I continue growing myself forward into the happy, healthy wellness I seek through positive living, and I give so much heartfelt gratitude for their light in this world!
It’s ladies like these that brighten our days, and we are fortunate to have them with us!
If each and every one of us shows up with our own bright lights and shine as brightly as we can, we will make a difference! We will make our world a brighter place! We will make our lives and time shared so much more amazing and delightful!
So shine brightly my peeps! Love Big and Hug the Biggest!
Be loving. Be kind. Live in gratitude. And feel the goodness in your heart and let it shine!
I very much hope this writing has helped you feel happy, well, inspired, and … open to giving Prayerful Intentioning a try!
Like Adriene and Jennifer, Prayerful Intentioning and Inspiration are SO BRIGHT!!!

Loving you SO BIG and Hugging you the biggest!!!