Happy Chatting with Friends!
Recent winter days had been gray, blustery, and teeth-chatteringly cold On the Bog. So, when the sun popped through the clouds, bringing brightness and cheer, our adventuring trio, Kat, Bear, and Wogs, set out for an afternoon trek through the windblown, ice-crusty snow, looking for some fun and friends!
The sound of Bear’s sled carving a path through the snow was its own kind of hypnotic, relaxing delight. Kat and Wogs soon found themselves humming in time with their rhythmic footfalls crunching deeply into the snow; Bear happily purred along in accompaniment.
Squeech and Tookie joined in, chirping with mirth while flitting and zipping from the trees to the bogtails, playing and munching in delight!
They were quite the happy little harmony! It was simply wonderful being outside with nature!
Through the distance, the echo of their sunny enjoyment floated back to them, getting louder and louder until Kat, Bear, and Wogs realized they were being approached.
Friends emerged from a tree-lined path on the other side of the Bog. It was Sandy and Sweet Samson out for their own adventurous sled-riding trek!
Pausing On the Bog, Kat, Bear, Wogs, Sandy, and Sweet Samson all waved hello and stopped for some exciting chitty chat!
What heartwarming happiness it is seeing and being seen. Hearing and being heard.
Chit chatting. Connecting. Being Friends. Sharing kindness and love.
They all laughed about their perfect timing and hoped to see each other again soon!
Kat (giddy for seeing friendly faces): Ohmigosh Sandy, Sweet Samson, how lovely to see you!
Wogs (smiling big): How are you both? Having a fantastic adventure today?
Sandy (overjoyed for bumping into friends): We’re good! How wonderful to find you out here!
Bear (jovially flicker-swishing his tail and thinking cool sled of Sweet Samson’s ride): Mrow!
Sweet Samson (waving his curly tail and thinking cool sled of Bear’s ride): Mrow!

Friendships, Relationships, & Connection
Hello Precious-Hearts!
I hope you are happy, healthy, safe, and well today! May the bright and healing light of the stars, the universe, and the heavens above speedily bring you any of these you are lacking!
Let’s have a quick share about connection and connecting today!
Our relationships with ourselves, our friends, our families, … all the people in our lives near and far, … these relationships … these connections … are what we make of them and allow them to be in our lives.
They can love us, support us, hold us, empower us. They can help us move mountains uphill. They can be the light in the darkness, and the strength when we are weak.
They influence who we are and who we are becoming!
I invite you to connect with yourself today. Be your own best friend (There’s no one in this world you will spend more time with than you, so loving and being kind to you is wonderful and powerful!).
I also invite you to connect with a friend or loved one today! Someone you can share goodness with. Someone you will feel brightened by, and someone you can help feel brightened by you!
Connection through friendship with yourself and with those you love … it’s a beautiful, life-brightening goodness!
Thank you for being here with me today! Thank you for connecting with me! Thank you for sharing this precious time together!
I love you BIG! Hugging you even BIGGER!