Winter Wander!
The crisp, chilly air invigorated the senses, and the glowing rays of the sun brightened spirits on the Bog.
The evening’s breeze had blown the evergreens free of snow, and their branches beamed with open invitation for Squeech to come play and nestle. But he just smiled, liking his settled perch in the Bog.
In no hurry at all, Kat and Wogs took in the sights around them, meandering about, giving Bear a long, happy, fun sleigh ride.
The thick blanket of snow muffled the Bog sounds, creating a relaxing, hushed quiet punctuated only by the rhythmic crunching of their footsteps and glide of the sleigh.
Kat (feeling peace and calm in her heart): It’s so beautiful here.
Wogs (happy to be outside in the fresh air): Yep.
Bear (thinking moosh moosh, humans): Mrow.
I have a lil funny to share with you. It’ll take a short background for context, but then … funny. :0)
Somewhere along the way I’ve noticed peeps in my wellness circles using the words “serve you” in reference to self-care. Keep only that which serves you, and let the rest go is the common underlying theme. I definitely resonate with this and have grown this thinking into my daily care … which is lovely and wonderful … but now for the funny:
While I was digi-doodling this episode with Bear on the sled being pulled along by Wogs, I just keep thinking from Bear’s perspective: Keep only that which serves you … as in keep having Wogs pull him around on the sled … LOL … and keep Wogs serving him … thus, the “moosh moosh, humans.” If you’ve ever been a cookie cat parent, then I’m guessing you feel the funny. LOL. :0)
Love and Big Hugs!